Biden calls Fox reporter a “stupid SOB” after he asks question

Nothing you say is factual. Tell us more about Trump ending the wars. LOL
What's the point? You would never admit that Trump ever did anything that was good for the country so why attempt to have an adult conversation with you? You're looking for the equivalent of "my Dad can beat up your Dad" playground bullshit and Im not interested.
What's the point? You would never admit that Trump ever did anything that was good for the country so why attempt to have an adult conversation with you? You're looking for the equivalent of "my Dad can beat up your Dad" playground bullshit and Im not interested.

You don't get to just make things up and credit him for things he never did. When Trump said he was going to bring the troops home I said I fully supported that and if he actually did I might even vote for him. I also said I didn't expect him to actually do it and he didn't.
You don't get to just make things up and credit him for things he never did. When Trump said he was going to bring the troops home I said I fully supported that and if he actually did I might even vote for him. I also said I didn't expect him to actually do it and he didn't.
Actually he did,.......and you criticized him because he brought troops home but left too many or not enough....whatever was in the memo the press released for you folks to react to.
The fact is, Trump could have cured COVID and you would have found something wrong with it.
I am in the top 2% percentile of US citizens based on net worth.
That does not make me a great person. I am a good person because of who I am not what I have.
No I am actually a great person.
Oh goodie, another rich guy on the message board, a two percenter in fact! Wonderful, it seems that 95% of the posters on this site are in the 1%ers.
Make up your mind........which position did I take?
Whatever position is critical of Trump.
You said he didn't pull out troops when we both know he did.
You probably felt he should have pulled them all out, but then that would lead to what Biden did, turn his back on the Afghan government causing it's collapse.
Whatever position is critical of Trump.
You said he didn't pull out troops when we both know he did.
You probably felt he should have pulled them all out, but then that would lead to what Biden did, turn his back on the Afghan government causing it's collapse.

Yes, I felt he should have as that is what he said he would do and what I supported.
Most journalists? Really?
You've done a survey? Tell everyone about it.

How can you expect to be taken seriously when you load up your posts with such garbage?

Inflation is a serious issue. What is stupid about asking Quid Pro Joe about it?
Jake Tapper, no friend of Fox News, defended Doocy, to his credit. CNN's Tapper defends Doocy after outburst from Biden

I'm sure the people that control what Joe Biden does insisted on it knowing how bad it makes
the cranky old president look.

Yes really dumbass. Not only sometimes individually, but as entire networks and media broadly.

These interactions by Biden don't come within a hundred miles of Trump's insane rhetoric against the journalists and the media.

And you seem to be severely confused - issue being serious does not prevent stupid questions being asked about it. Asking a president if negative economic delopments is bad for his politics is in fact a stupid, pointless question, with an obvious answer.
Yes really dumbass. Not only sometimes individually, but as entire networks and media broadly.

These interactions by Biden don't come within a hundred miles of Trump's insane rhetoric against the journalists and the media.
Well that's your hyperbolic opinion. And why would I not believe you?
Because of said hyperbolic opinions obviously.
And you seem to be severely confused - nothing about an issue being serious prevents stupid questions being asked about it. Asking a president if negative economic delopments is bad for his politics is in fact a stupid, pointless question, with an obvious answer.
Quid Pro Joe was asked a question about inflation and his cranky unguarded anger over that question
really answers everything, doesn't it!
Thanks for your candid rage, Joe.
Quid Pro Joe was asked a question about inflation and his cranky unguarded anger over that question
really answers everything, doesn't it!
Thanks for your candid rage, Joe.
You are not refuting anything.

The question was stupid, Biden replied sarcasticaly, insulted the guy for asking it and later appologized.

Not a big deal.
You are not refuting anything.

The question was stupid, Biden replied sarcasticaly, insulted the guy for asking it and later appologized.

Not a big deal.
Sarcastically and with no small amount of pent up rage, he answered.
That Quid Pro Joe apologized just demonstrates he went way too far.
And the people that manage him realize it whether Scranton Joe does or not.

Of course you claim no big deal but I have never before in my life seen a president of the USA
cursing out a reporter for asking a question about his job performance in office.
This is the equivalent of George Patton slapping a soldier with traumatic stress disorder.
It's that big a blunder.
Doocy did his job. Biden ripped him for it.

Old Joe is hyper sensitive, thin skinned and realizes obviously the mess he has made of his time in the spotlight, whether that time is warranted or not. And of course this just reinforces Joe is incapable
of accepting responsibility for the mess he has made.

He isn't temperamentally fit to manage a road side Taco Bell. Let alone the United States
of America.

Only the democrat kleptocrats would be smart and organized enough to steal a
presidential election and yet stupid enough to put Scranton Joe Biden in the White House!
Suck on that!
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Too soon for a link, but Peter Doocey asked Biden a question about inflation, and Biden - in his typical, out-of-control anger - called him a “stupid son of a bitch.”

No wonder they don’t let Biden talk. Anger and senility do not a good president make.
Before making fun of Biden's senility, you should probably spell Doocy correctly.

And Doocy is a stupid son of a bitch. He asked a really stupid question.

Speaking of out of control anger:

It’s just sad how the usual suspects here have to continually try to deflect to Trump because their “man” is such a disaster they can’t realistically defend him.
Trumpism is a threat to our democracy. It cannot be ignored no matter who is President. Trumpism needs to be neutralized like all other threats to our democracy and it will.
You don't get to just make things up and credit him for things he never did. When Trump said he was going to bring the troops home I said I fully supported that and if he actually did I might even vote for him. I also said I didn't expect him to actually do it and he didn't.
Cool. Bye.
Reagan was a capitalist, and surrounded himself with a cabinet made up of capitalists. Biden's cabinet on the other hand, is packed full of Marxists and socialists.

Remember what they say? "Communism has never worked because we haven't tried it in this country."

That's why Biden will fail. His entire presidential policy is based on redistribution of wealth, which is why he is failing, and will continue to fail.
You have very little wealth to redistribute. What do you have to worry about. Just like all of the Trump nut cases.
Biden needs to stop playing the 'tough guy' schtik by pointing his finger and screaming like a madman everytime someone calls him out for failure after failure. He's a joke.

He can scream at someone from NPR, but he runs away from the Taliban, abandoning Americans he promised he would not leave.

He can rebuke Trump for how he u professionally treated the media only to turning into a raving lunatics start calling report we s 'SOB'...

He's cowered from the Taliban

He's conceded violence against Ukraine to Putin

He's protected his billion-dollar CCP benefactors who unleashed the virus killing millions all over the world, killing Americans

He has kissed Iran's behind

But He's a world-class American / US reporter ass-kicking machine...
Biden carried through with TRUMP's negotiated withdrawal. What in the hell are you talking about.
You have very little wealth to redistribute. What do you have to worry about. Just like all of the Trump nut cases.

You know jack shit about what wealth I have, Mr. Apartment Dweller.

You want some of what I own? Come take it, bitch.

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