Biden campaign begins promoting candidate's religious faith

I believe everyone should be invested at least somewhat.

Exactly, but it would be political suicide so they won't do it. I support a consumption tax on all goods. The rich pay it, the poor pay it, and anybody in between pays it.
But what are people able to do today personally in case of a crisis to help themselve? They need first of all money - otherwise they will die homeless on hunger or have to become criminals, if they like to survive. Since some years exists for example the idea of a so called "unconditioned basic income". That's a very interesting idea in this context. I don't say it's a good thing - but it is a good thing to think about such possible solutions of very complex man made problems. So if you have good ideas for solutions say them loud to everyone - but let it be to say Jesus said nothing about new ideas from today, so no one should think about new ideas. Specially: Money is not god and god is not money!

Point is that people think government confiscation of money is something Jesus promoted. He did not. He wanted anybody who followed him to help the poor. He didn't want authority taking their money, he wanted his followers to give from the heart.

I don't think you understand much about our country. Our so-called poor are not really poor at all. In most cases they made themselves poor. They didn't graduate high school, they have no work ethic and many can't quit smoking pot which prevents them from getting good jobs because better paying jobs randomly drug test employees.

When all this happens, they apply to government for taxpayer support, and have children they could never afford in the first place to boot. If you are poor and start having kids, you will remain poor the rest of your life in most cases.

Because you really don't understand what's going on in our country, I'll provide some reports for you to read. They are a bit dated, but not much has changed since they were written.

... Oh, and Biden STILL isn't a real Catholic.

Only to make something clear: Mr. Biden is a Catholic, Protestant. And pathetically let me say now: "And even the worst Catholic is better than any Protestant." ... And? ... What will you answer now? ... Really? ... Is this Christian? ...

Catholics are by the way in the real reality people, who would be very astonished to find Adolf Hitler in heaven and Tensin Gyatso, the XIV Dalai Lama, in hell after their death.

Was planning to answer the same thing I always answer when someone presumes to pass judgement on those who didn't ask and don't care: Stop flattering yourself.

"Catholic" is a word with a very clear definition. Mr. Biden doesn't meet that definition. Your feelings on the subject are irrelevant. And trying to insult someone by calling them "Protestant"? Could you be more pathetic?

Point is that people think government confiscation of money is something Jesus promoted.

Who thinks so?

He did not.

He will be soon back, then I will ask him.

He wanted anybody who followed him to help the poor. He didn't want authority taking their money, he wanted his followers to give from the heart.

More simple: I guess it is good for his followers - and for all other human beings too - to do what's the best for themselve, for their friends and for the whole world and creation. It is even good to do what's the best for one's own enemies. But this see the most human beings not in the same way.

I don't think you understand much about our country.

I don't need to understand "your country". And I guess no one is doing so. The better someone understands a country the more he finds out that he knows nothing about a country. In general I guess you are the same idiots as everywhere else in the world.

Our so-called poor are not really poor at all. In most cases they made themselves poor. They didn't graduate high school, they have no work ethic and many can't quit smoking pot which prevents them from getting good jobs because better paying jobs randomly drug test employees.

How many miles did you walk in the moccassin of some of the people, which you disqualify here?

When all this happens, they apply to government for taxpayer support, and have children they could never afford in the first place to boot. If you are poor and start having kids, you will remain poor the rest of your life in most cases.

It's one of the most worst results of the capitalistic world that children make their parents poor.

Because you really don't understand what's going on in our country, I'll provide some reports for you to read. They are a bit dated, but not much has changed since they were written.

Hmm ... I'm not able to read this articles, because they asks me first to agree with something - what I don't like to do. That's because of a change of the laws within the European Union. But I saw you see in "breitbart" a serios source. Breitbart often wrote a total bullshit about the situation in Germany in context refugees, which had absolutelly nothing to do do with truth and/or reality. I see in them a racist organisation.

And how many US-Americans have 15 kids? All problems in such a context are in all nations all around the world special problems, which need special solutions.
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"Catholic" is a word with a very clear definition. Mr. Biden doesn't meet that definition.

Aha - that's interesting for me as a Catholic now. "What the fuck" (that's a concession to the world greatest culture) "do you speak about"? Or in my own words: Which definition? Once a Catholic - always a Catholic.

Anywhere is

I walk the maze of moments
But everywhere I turn to
Begins a new beginning
But never finds a finish
I walk to the horizon
And there I find another
It all seems so surprising
And then I find that I know

You go there you're gone forever
I go there I'll lose my way
If we stay here we're not together
Anywhere is

The moon upon the ocean
Is swept around in motion
But without ever knowing
The reason for its flowing
In motion on the ocean
The moon still keeps on moving
The waves still keep on waving
And I still keep on going

You go there you're gone forever
I go there I'll lose my way
If we stay here we're not together
Anywhere is

I wonder if the stars sign
The life that is to be mine
And would they let their light shine
Enough for me to follow
I look up to the heavens
But night has clouded over
No spark of constellation
No Vela no Orion

The shells upon the warm sands
Have taken from their own lands
The echo of their story
But all I hear are low sounds
As pillow words are weaving
And willow waves are leaving
But should I be believing
That I am only dreaming

You go there you're gone forever
I go there I'll lose my way
If we stay here we're not together
Anywhere is

To leave the thread of all time
And let it make a dark line
In hopes that I can still find
The way back to the moment
I took the turn and turned to
Begin a new beginning
Still looking for the answer
I cannot find the finish
It's either this or that way
It's one way or the other
It should be one direction
It could be on reflection
The turn I had just taken
The turn that I was making
I might be just beginning
I might be near the end

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I believe everyone should be invested at least somewhat.

Exactly, but it would be political suicide so they won't do it. I support a consumption tax on all goods. The rich pay it, the poor pay it, and anybody in between pays it.

That's the most unfair tax for poor people - specially for children. Why not to make a tax for every squareyard of the own house? The first 50 squareyards per person are free - and then let the tax slowly start with exponential growing.
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That's the most unfair tax for poor people - specially for children. Why not to make a tax for every squareyard of the own house? The first 50 squareyards per person are free - and then let the tax slowly start with exponential growing.

Because it would still leave us with people paying nothing into the system. We have a saying here in the US: When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection.

The problem with our spending is few actually have to pay for it. They rack much of it onto our national debt and the debt keeps getting passed on from one generation to the next, until it hits the point of a national crisis where we have an economic collapse.

In this country we need a balanced budget, and everybody needs to be paying for the debt we are incurring at this very moment.
Who thinks so?

The liberals do every time they bring up Jesus to support their social programs.

He will be soon back, then I will ask him.

You don't have to ask anybody. All you need to do is read the new testament.

I don't need to understand "your country".

You do if you're going to participate in our forums and discuss our country with us.

How many miles did you walk in the moccassin of some of the people, which you disqualify here?

I don't need to walk in moccasins I see right out my living room window.

It's one of the most worst results of the capitalistic world that children make their parents poor.

I didn't say they make them poor, I said they keep them poor. Having children is a choice. I never had any children mostly because of the expense.

Hmm ... I'm not able to read this articles, because they asks me first to agree with something - what I don't like to do. That's because of a change of the laws within the European Union. But I saw you see in "breitbart" a serios source. Breitbart often wrote a total bullshit about the situation in Germany in context refugees, which had absolutelly nothing to do do with truth and/or reality. I see in them a racist organisation.

And how many US-Americans have 15 kids? All problems in such a context are in all nations all around the world special problems, which need special solutions.

Beibart is only one of the sources I posted. The main points of the articles I posted are contained in the first few sentences and title which you can see in the posts. I don't know WTF Europe is doing, but you can use Google to dig up our statistics and welfare in a host of sites your country will allow you to see I'm guessing.
I believe everyone should be invested at least somewhat.

Exactly, but it would be political suicide so they won't do it. I support a consumption tax on all goods. The rich pay it, the poor pay it, and anybody in between pays it.

That's the most unfair tax for poor people - specially for children. Why not to make a tax for every squareyard of the own house? The first 50 squareyards per person are free - and then let the tax slowly start with exponential growing.

I take it you don't own a house, and thus have never encountered the concept of "property tax".
That's the most unfair tax for poor people - specially for children. Why not to make a tax for every squareyard of the own house? The first 50 squareyards per person are free - and then let the tax slowly start with exponential growing.

Because it would still leave us with people paying nothing into the system. We have a saying here in the US: When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection.

The problem with our spending is few actually have to pay for it. They rack much of it onto our national debt and the debt keeps getting passed on from one generation to the next, until it hits the point of a national crisis where we have an economic collapse.

In this country we need a balanced budget, and everybody needs to be paying for the debt we are incurring at this very moment.

I'm not good in economy - except that I always had a Euro more than I needed. For this Euro more meanwhile the world economy - who ever this is - expects a kind of private tax into whose pockets? If you bring money to a bank then you have to pay them meanwhile, because "they" - whoever they are - are so nice to take your money. ... So who really cares? ... Some people are playing games in which not you nor I are anything else than pawn sacrifices, if something goes wrong in their brain. And Donald Trump will for sure not hold your hand and share his last piece of chewing gum with you.

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Who thinks so?

The liberals do every time they bring up Jesus to support their social programs.

Source? Example?

He did not
He will be soon back, then I will ask him.

You don't have to ask anybody.

Are you able to take yourselve serios any longer?

All you need to do is read the new testament.

And some tons of other books in a library - otherwise you don't understand what's able to go on in our world.

I don't need to understand "your country".

You do if you're going to participate in our forums and discuss our country with us.

Aha. Strange wisdom. I speak with you, isn't it?

How many miles did you walk in the moccassin of some of the people, which you disqualify here?

I don't need to walk in moccasins I see right out my living room window.

Hmm ... sometimes moccasins per se are the solution.

It's one of the most worst results of the capitalistic world that children make their parents poor.

I didn't say they make them poor, I said they keep them poor.

Do you know what's the differnce betweene philosophy and sophisticated nonsense?

Having children is a choice. I never had any children mostly because of the expense.

So this not existing child - including the not existing mother - did not keep you to be poor, poor guy.

Hmm ... I'm not able to read this articles, because they asks me first to agree with something - what I don't like to do. That's because of a change of the laws within the European Union. But I saw you see in "breitbart" a serios source. Breitbart often wrote a total bullshit about the situation in Germany in context refugees, which had absolutelly nothing to do do with truth and/or reality. I see in them a racist organisation.

And how many US-Americans have 15 kids? All problems in such a context are in all nations all around the world special problems, which need special solutions.

Beibart is only one of the sources I posted. The main points of the articles I posted are contained in the first few sentences and title which you can see in the posts. I don't know WTF Europe is doing,

We try to fight the Borg-Queen.

but you can use Google

And whatelse?

to dig up our statistics and welfare in a host of sites your country will allow you to see I'm guessing.

I do not agree with the conditions of the internet pages which you gave to me as a source. This is not censorship. That's a little little mini-fight against the data-dragon, for a little bit more privacy.
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I believe everyone should be invested at least somewhat.

Exactly, but it would be political suicide so they won't do it. I support a consumption tax on all goods. The rich pay it, the poor pay it, and anybody in between pays it.

That's the most unfair tax for poor people - specially for children. Why not to make a tax for every squareyard of the own house? The first 50 squareyards per person are free - and then let the tax slowly start with exponential growing.

I take it you don't own a house, and thus have never encountered the concept of "property tax".

Let me calculate: Minimum wage in the USA is $7.25 per hour. 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, 52-6 weeks ... makes about $16,000 a year in best case. 10 times more is $160,000, 100 times more $1,600,000, 1000 times more $16,000,000. That's enough money for the most rich man of the USA. No single person needs more money. So I would say an exponentially organized income tax could grow to 100% tax somewhere in this region so that from every dollar more income 99 cent will be tax.

Do you need more ideas for new taxes?
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Let me calculate: Minimum wage in the USA is $7.25 per hour. 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, 52-6 weeks ... makes about $16,000 a year in best case. 10 times more is $160,000, 100 times more $1,600,000, 1000 times more $16,000,000. That's enough money for the most rich man of the USA. No single person needs more money. So I would say an exponentially organized income tax could grow to 100% tax somewhere in this region so that from every dollar more income 99 cent will be tax.

Do you need more ideas for new taxes?

If our federal income tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If our federal income tax rate were 100%, our government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to work and create wealth?
Source? Example?

Here in USMB, however I'm not going to spend the hours to find one or more. You asked and I told you. If you want to believe it, fine. If you don't, I don't care either.

And some tons of other books in a library - otherwise you don't understand what's able to go on in our world.

It has nothing to do with more books or what's going on in our world. We were talking the teachings of Jesus, and that can be found in one book.

Hmm ... sometimes moccasins per se are the solution.

No, the solution is to keep Democrats out of power and convince people to become conservative. The Democrats believe in rewarding failure and penalizing success. We on the right believe just the opposite.

So this not existing child - including the not existing mother - did not keep you to be poor, poor guy.

No it did not. The cost to raise a child from birth until they become an adult in the US is estimated at $233,000. Now think what it costs if you have three or four kids like many welfare people do. So who pays for them if they don't? Us taxpayers.

I believe everyone should be invested at least somewhat.

Exactly, but it would be political suicide so they won't do it. I support a consumption tax on all goods. The rich pay it, the poor pay it, and anybody in between pays it.

That's the most unfair tax for poor people - specially for children. Why not to make a tax for every squareyard of the own house? The first 50 squareyards per person are free - and then let the tax slowly start with exponential growing.

I take it you don't own a house, and thus have never encountered the concept of "property tax".

Let me calculate: Minimum wage in the USA is $7.25 per hour. 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, 52-6 weeks ... makes about $16,000 a year in best case. 10 times more is $160,000, 100 times more $1,600,000, 1000 times more $16,000,000. That's enough money for the most rich man of the USA. No single person needs more money. So I would say an exponentially organized income tax could grow to 100% tax somewhere in this region so that from every dollar more income 99 cent will be tax.

Do you need more ideas for new taxes?

Maybe instead of trying to calculate, you could try to stay on-topic. Did I ASK you, "Where can we charge people even more taxes, based on your all-knowing assessment of what total strangers do and don't need, because you don't have it and you're a greedy fuck?" No, I did not.

YOUR post was: "Why not to make a tax for every squareyard of the own house?"

My response was: We already have one of those, you Mommy's-basement-living twerp. It's called a property tax, and every property owner pays it and every renter pays toward his landlord's.

Either continue with your own asinine premise, or admit that you were blathering from ignorance. But do NOT blithely wander away to something else and try to pretend that's what we were talking about all along, and you were making some "brilliant point" against something I never said.

You lost that debating topic. Strap on a pair and accept it.
Let me calculate: Minimum wage in the USA is $7.25 per hour. 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, 52-6 weeks ... makes about $16,000 a year in best case. 10 times more is $160,000, 100 times more $1,600,000, 1000 times more $16,000,000. That's enough money for the most rich man of the USA. No single person needs more money. So I would say an exponentially organized income tax could grow to 100% tax somewhere in this region so that from every dollar more income 99 cent will be tax.

Do you need more ideas for new taxes?

If our federal income tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If our federal income tax rate were 100%, our government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to work and create wealth?

I guess you don't understand what money is.

"Money" are some nice snail shells which you found. Your mother made a hole in them and threaded the shells to a necklace. You gave it to your girlfriend and she gave you a kiss. You love it to see her lightening eyes. This was money some thousand years ago.

Today you are able to die on hunger because of a lack of money. And you have to ask a Goa'uld to give you some money. And you hate it to see his lightening eyes. This is money today, Robin.

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So this not existing child - including the not existing mother - did not keep you to be poor, poor guy.

No it did not. The cost to raise a child from birth until they become an adult in the US is estimated at $233,000. Now think what it costs if you have three or four kids like many welfare people do. So who pays for them if they don't? Us taxpayers.

Nice that you have no child because us taxpayers it costs money. Very altruistic. If no one would have children then we could have a titanic amount of money.
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