Biden campaign begins promoting candidate's religious faith

Too funny. I was raised Catholic, but dispensed with it over 50 years ago. Even so, he is even less Catholic than I am. ...

That you are proud to be a traitor of the Catholic faith makes no one else to a traitor of the catholic faith.

Great way to recruit people to come back, call them traitors.

I don't recruit people "to come back" - whatever this could mean. Why should I do so?

I bet that wants him to head to church this morning ...

Eh? What do you bet? To whom do you speak now? To a not existing audience?

This is just moronic shit. You insulted him calling him a traitor to the Catholic faith.

The words I used were "you are proud to be a traitor of the Catholic faith"

I just pointed out that insulting him back to Catholicism is a terrible strategy to get him back.


If it matters to you, and you said it does, convincing him there is value in going back is a lot more effective. The rest is some sort of useless crap you made up


OK, so let's see if you can process this.

If he was a Catholic, now he's not,

That's impossible. Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.


Who says?


Then you lack knowledge as well as authority.

I lack fortunatelly authority, that's why I'm able say everything I like to say. But I don't lack knowledge in this point of view. Principle: „Semel catholicus semper catholicus“ = Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.

Here a more detailed information in the English language from the year 2006: Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica
7. It remains clear, in any event, that the sacramental bond of belonging to the Body of Christ that is the Church, conferred by the baptismal character, is an ontological and permanent bond which is not lost by reason of any act or fact of defection.

That works only if you buy it.

Everything works only if you "buy" it - if it fits to the ways of human existance and to the will of god. A catholic chicken crossing the road is always at home: on this side of the road - on the road again - and on the other side of the road.


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