Biden campaign begins promoting candidate's religious faith

Sex education and family planning happens well before pregnancy if available. If it is not available it does not happen.

Give me one thing that has been made illegal that no longer exists in our society?

So you believe that unless people have sex education, they don't know how they get pregnant? I know I'm from a city, but where the hell did you grow up where you didn't know how babies were made until you went to class?

Irresponsible people don't go to sex education classes or planned parenting classes. They know how kids are made and screw around without a care. So your theory is flawed.

Abortions encourage people to carelessly have sex. If she gets pregnant, so what? She can just have an abortion.
Yes, as a liberal I accept all kinds of love even if I do not understand it. I am glad you feel comfortable acknowledging your love for Donald.

I don't love any politician, although I wouldn't mind waking up one Saturday morning next to Tulsi Gabbard. You people on the left are programmed what to say, but never given an explanation on why you should be saying it. They say--you do.

The reason they plant this love thing in your head is because Democrats believe Reverse Psychology works on us. It never has in the past, but it makes them feel better. Love is an attempt to make people feel guilty. "You love Trump" is supposed to make us feel like we're doing something wrong, and again, your puppet masters actually believe such BS will make us not want to support our President because we don't want to look like idiots loving an old man.

It's the same method some use to try and make us feel guilty about carrying guns. You see it often in USMB. "You need to carry a gun to compensate for your small penis!" You see, another failed attempt at reverse psychology. The expected reaction is supposed to be 'OH NO, DON'T SAY THAT! I DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO THINK I HAVE A SMALL PENIS! I'LL NEVER CARRY MY GUN AGAIN. IN FACT, I'M SELLING THEM TOMORROW!"

I know, I know, Democrat politicians and the MSM are dumb as a rock, but they really think this stuff works.
Your love of Trump is cool with me. Trump is the most insecure person in the world. There is no amount of power or money that will make him feel secure. That is why he is going crazy at the thought he may lose an election.
A majority of Trump supporters are very insecure. They fear minorities and women are gaining on them. They are fearful of people with intelligence. They realize the world and economy of the 21st century has passed them by. They are scared shitless.
Let us take the whole plethora of sins that Trump does and supports along against the sins of the other side, it is not even close.
Have you ever heard of the ten commandments. Google and take a look and compare the sins of each side.
The lowest number of abortions since Roe vs Wade happened under the Obama administration. Planned Parenthood prevents more unwanted pregnancies, and ultimately abortions, than any law will do.
If you think every life is precious you should support all lives, Black Lives, Immigrant life, children born to poor families that cannot support them.
Too many anti-abortion advocates focus on a law and then forget about the child once they are born. The goal should be a minimal number of abortions. Just passing a law does not even come close to that.

Actually it really wouldn't work like that.

Rescinding Roe vs Wade does not make abortion illegal. It only gives the ability for law state makers to make such laws. If reversed, Most states would have legal abortion and other states illegal. There is nothing in the Constitution that protects abortion. It was a faulty decision because our founders never even brought up the argument debating the Constitution.

Children are not born into poor families because of the luck of the draw. Poor people irresponsibly have children, and I shouldn't have to pay for them when they do.
He's on his third wife and cheated on each one with the newer one. Not a stretch that he's paid a porn star to hide an affair is it? You trumpers are a dumb bunch.

This little tramp was only out for money like a lot of her ilk. When you have evidence besides the blackmail that he had sex with her, let us know. Maybe call her and ask if she kept the dress.
Ray is in love with Donald Trump. Trump can do no wrong. If Ray was married to Donald he would not care if he cheated with a porn star.

Actually we on the right like to see evidence of claims. You on the left feel accusations are enough to believe anything.
But if Ray had evidence Trump had sex with a porn star he would still love him. Ray has unconditional love for the Donald.

No kidding, perhaps he's more interested in feeding and taking care of his family, and doesn't care what the hell Trump does in his private life. And it seems most of us know how good life would get when Biden raises taxes...dumbass.

We are 27 trillion and counting in debt. Someone is going to have to be the responsible adult and raise taxes sooner or later.

Gee, how about burning down a few more businesses, that ought to help...dumbass.
He's on his third wife and cheated on each one with the newer one. Not a stretch that he's paid a porn star to hide an affair is it? You trumpers are a dumb bunch.

This little tramp was only out for money like a lot of her ilk. When you have evidence besides the blackmail that he had sex with her, let us know. Maybe call her and ask if she kept the dress.
Ray is in love with Donald Trump. Trump can do no wrong. If Ray was married to Donald he would not care if he cheated with a porn star.

Actually we on the right like to see evidence of claims. You on the left feel accusations are enough to believe anything.
But if Ray had evidence Trump had sex with a porn star he would still love him. Ray has unconditional love for the Donald.

No kidding, perhaps he's more interested in feeding and taking care of his family, and doesn't care what the hell Trump does in his private life. And it seems most of us know how good life would get when Biden raises taxes...dumbass.

We are 27 trillion and counting in debt. Someone is going to have to be the responsible adult and raise taxes sooner or later.
Funny how cutting spending never.............NEVER occurs to a Dimwinger.
He's on his third wife and cheated on each one with the newer one. Not a stretch that he's paid a porn star to hide an affair is it? You trumpers are a dumb bunch.

This little tramp was only out for money like a lot of her ilk. When you have evidence besides the blackmail that he had sex with her, let us know. Maybe call her and ask if she kept the dress.
Ray is in love with Donald Trump. Trump can do no wrong. If Ray was married to Donald he would not care if he cheated with a porn star.

Actually we on the right like to see evidence of claims. You on the left feel accusations are enough to believe anything.
But if Ray had evidence Trump had sex with a porn star he would still love him. Ray has unconditional love for the Donald.

No kidding, perhaps he's more interested in feeding and taking care of his family, and doesn't care what the hell Trump does in his private life. And it seems most of us know how good life would get when Biden raises taxes...dumbass.

We are 27 trillion and counting in debt. Someone is going to have to be the responsible adult and raise taxes sooner or later.

Gee, how about burning down a few more businesses, that ought to help...dumbass.

I might have seen a less relevant post somewhere but I can't think when it was.
He's on his third wife and cheated on each one with the newer one. Not a stretch that he's paid a porn star to hide an affair is it? You trumpers are a dumb bunch.

This little tramp was only out for money like a lot of her ilk. When you have evidence besides the blackmail that he had sex with her, let us know. Maybe call her and ask if she kept the dress.
Ray is in love with Donald Trump. Trump can do no wrong. If Ray was married to Donald he would not care if he cheated with a porn star.

Actually we on the right like to see evidence of claims. You on the left feel accusations are enough to believe anything.
But if Ray had evidence Trump had sex with a porn star he would still love him. Ray has unconditional love for the Donald.

No kidding, perhaps he's more interested in feeding and taking care of his family, and doesn't care what the hell Trump does in his private life. And it seems most of us know how good life would get when Biden raises taxes...dumbass.

We are 27 trillion and counting in debt. Someone is going to have to be the responsible adult and raise taxes sooner or later.
Funny how cutting spending never.............NEVER occurs to a Dimwinger.

We aren't going to address 27 trillion only with cuts.
He's on his third wife and cheated on each one with the newer one. Not a stretch that he's paid a porn star to hide an affair is it? You trumpers are a dumb bunch.

This little tramp was only out for money like a lot of her ilk. When you have evidence besides the blackmail that he had sex with her, let us know. Maybe call her and ask if she kept the dress.
Ray is in love with Donald Trump. Trump can do no wrong. If Ray was married to Donald he would not care if he cheated with a porn star.

Actually we on the right like to see evidence of claims. You on the left feel accusations are enough to believe anything.
But if Ray had evidence Trump had sex with a porn star he would still love him. Ray has unconditional love for the Donald.

No kidding, perhaps he's more interested in feeding and taking care of his family, and doesn't care what the hell Trump does in his private life. And it seems most of us know how good life would get when Biden raises taxes...dumbass.

We are 27 trillion and counting in debt. Someone is going to have to be the responsible adult and raise taxes sooner or later.
Funny how cutting spending never.............NEVER occurs to a Dimwinger.

We aren't going to address 27 trillion only with cuts.
Why not?
He's on his third wife and cheated on each one with the newer one. Not a stretch that he's paid a porn star to hide an affair is it? You trumpers are a dumb bunch.

This little tramp was only out for money like a lot of her ilk. When you have evidence besides the blackmail that he had sex with her, let us know. Maybe call her and ask if she kept the dress.
Ray is in love with Donald Trump. Trump can do no wrong. If Ray was married to Donald he would not care if he cheated with a porn star.

Actually we on the right like to see evidence of claims. You on the left feel accusations are enough to believe anything.
But if Ray had evidence Trump had sex with a porn star he would still love him. Ray has unconditional love for the Donald.

No kidding, perhaps he's more interested in feeding and taking care of his family, and doesn't care what the hell Trump does in his private life. And it seems most of us know how good life would get when Biden raises taxes...dumbass.

We are 27 trillion and counting in debt. Someone is going to have to be the responsible adult and raise taxes sooner or later.

Gee, how about burning down a few more businesses, that ought to help...dumbass.

I might have seen a less relevant post somewhere but I can't think when it was.

Dang, evidently you don't read your own.
Let us take the whole plethora of sins that Trump does and supports along against the sins of the other side, it is not even close.
Have you ever heard of the ten commandments. Google and take a look and compare the sins of each side.
The lowest number of abortions since Roe vs Wade happened under the Obama administration. Planned Parenthood prevents more unwanted pregnancies, and ultimately abortions, than any law will do.
If you think every life is precious you should support all lives, Black Lives, Immigrant life, children born to poor families that cannot support them.
Too many anti-abortion advocates focus on a law and then forget about the child once they are born. The goal should be a minimal number of abortions. Just passing a law does not even come close to that.

Actually it really wouldn't work like that.

Rescinding Roe vs Wade does not make abortion illegal. It only gives the ability for law state makers to make such laws. If reversed, Most states would have legal abortion and other states illegal. There is nothing in the Constitution that protects abortion. It was a faulty decision because our founders never even brought up the argument debating the Constitution.

Children are not born into poor families because of the luck of the draw. Poor people irresponsibly have children, and I shouldn't have to pay for them when they do.
So you will do everything to make sure the baby is born but if the baby is born into a meth addicted white trash family that is tough for the baby. Luck of the draw. That is very Christian of you. I can tell you really care for the life of all children. That is until they are one day old and then they are on their own.
Why do you have such an issue with me accepting your love of Donald Trump?

Why do you have an issue with not accepting the fact you are a brainwashed victim who repeats what he's told to repeat?
I was making light of your unconditional love of Trump but there is nothing funny of an idiot who has unconditional love for a President but feels no responsibility for children born to irresponsible meth addicted white trash
I was making light of your unconditional love of Trump but there is nothing funny of an idiot who has unconditional love for a President but feels no responsibility for children born to irresponsible meth addicted white trash

Let me demonstrate how stupid your comment is: You have an unconditional love for Biden. See how stupid that is? Just because you support a person does not mean you love him. If I love Trump, then you must love Biden.

Like I said, you have no idea why you think the way you do. That's how brainwashing works. It's like those showmen who hypnotize volunteers on stage, and when they touch their forehead, the volunteer starts clucking like a chicken without understanding why.

That's what you are.
So you will do everything to make sure the baby is born but if the baby is born into a meth addicted white trash family that is tough for the baby. Luck of the draw. That is very Christian of you. I can tell you really care for the life of all children. That is until they are one day old and then they are on their own.

I am not very religious at all. I have a strong belief in God and that's it. What we are talking about is Biden's claim he is a devout Catholic. If you want to have an abortion, I could care less. But Christian religions are strongly against abortion. That's why Biden and others like Piglosi who express their religious beliefs are nothing but liars and hypocrites.

However growing up in a Catholic family, attending Catholic school which required half the day of studying the new testament, and even as an alter boy, I never once heard where Jesus ever said government should confiscate money from people to give to the poor. His message was to give if you follow him, not government forcing it from you. Jesus at the time didn't really see eye to eye with his government.
... Oh, and Biden STILL isn't a real Catholic.

Only to make something clear: Mr. Biden is a Catholic, Protestant. And pathetically let me say now: "And even the worst Catholic is better than any Protestant." ... And? ... What will you answer now? ... Really? ... Is this Christian? ...

Catholics are by the way in the real reality people, who would be very astonished to find Adolf Hitler in heaven and Tensin Gyatso, the XIV Dalai Lama, in hell after their death.

... However growing up in a Catholic family, attending Catholic school which required half the day of studying the new testament, and even as an alter boy, I never once heard where Jesus ever said government should confiscate money from people to give to the poor. His message was to give if you follow him, not government forcing it from you. Jesus at the time didn't really see eye to eye with his government.

You are far from the problems, which were caused during the last few hundred years. In former times someone was able to found a farm if something went wrong and to start to produce everything what he needed for the daily life on him own. That's one reason why many Europeans started to live in America and to found the USA. That's where the "hard work" mythos - also called "the american way of life" - comes from.

But what are people able to do today personally in case of a crisis to help themselve? They need first of all money - otherwise they will die homeless on hunger or have to become criminals, if they like to survive. Since some years exists for example the idea of a so called "unconditioned basic income". That's a very interesting idea in this context. I don't say it's a good thing - but it is a good thing to think about such possible solutions of very complex man made problems. So if you have good ideas for solutions say them loud to everyone - but let it be to say Jesus said nothing about new ideas from today, so no one should think about new ideas. Specially: Money is not god and god is not money!
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