Biden campaign begins promoting candidate's religious faith

Makes good sense. He clearly won the first debate and as Trump and his backers get more profane and violent, appealing to the calm and thoughtful religious voters is a good move.

Joe has some fight left in him...
Not a surprise at all.

Biden and Pope Francis both seek to Make China Great Again

Sigh - again: Why are all US-Americans idiots? Or whatelse do you expect, what someone thinks, when he reads such a nonsense?

The CCP supports religious freedom and is pro Christian?

I am not "USA" - I am "ROW" (=rest of the world). And as far as I can see the USA started a war against us - but not so China. And not any Christian in the world including the USA likes to see a war between the USA and China - except he is an extremist idiot, who has hot a big idea about the Christian faith, "crusader".


The USA started a war against Christians? Against the ROW? Unlike the Kenyan Messiah, Trump has not started a single war.
Too funny. I was raised Catholic, but dispensed with it over 50 years ago. Even so, he is even less Catholic than I am. ...

That you are proud to be a traitor of the Catholic faith makes no one else to a traitor of the catholic faith.

One cannot be a traitor when one was involuntarily inducted.

What's wrong - because the really important things are written in everyones heart. And somehow you are now here a "traitor" too, because you know on your own in your own heart very well what it means what I said here - far from your own wrong - and boring idiotic - indoctrination. I said a little pathetic (US-Americans love pathos) what I would say in German with short words: "Schließe nicht von Dir selbst auf andere." I don't know, how to translate this now. ... "Draw not conclusions from your own person to others". The special problem here - no ... think first ... did you think? ... Then you found the big problem. It's the 8th commandement.
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The USA started a war against Christians?

Yes. The bible in the hands of Donald Trump while he called for a civil war in the USA is for example an attack in the war against Christians of the USA.

Against the ROW?

Yes. Only the opinions of the USA count for you any longer. You are in war with the rest of the world. That's why you build a wall for example.

the Kenyan Messiah, Trump

There is only one Messiah: The Galilean Jesus.

has not started a single war.

Trump started lots of wars.
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Too funny. I was raised Catholic, but dispensed with it over 50 years ago. Even so, he is even less Catholic than I am. ...

That you are proud to be a traitor of the Catholic faith makes no one else to a traitor of the catholic faith.

Great way to recruit people to come back, call them traitors.

I don't recruit people "to come back" - whatever this could mean. Why should I do so?

I bet that wants him to head to church this morning ...

Eh? What do you bet? To whom do you speak now? To a not existing audience?
Of course, there is Drumph pretending to be a Christian, and a religious one at that. One that has read the Bible. As if.

View attachment 396792

If Drumph can pretend to be a religious person and a Christian, then Biden can interpret his religion any way he wants.
And as you bipolar lunatics celebrate Biden's religious freedoms you will be attacking Amy Barrett's.

She is a member of a charismatic parachurch organisation with analogies to pentecostal Christians. So there may exist a problem in context of a closed and secretive nature of this organisation. Shorter: Perhaps she is a Catholic - perhaps not. Catholics do not accept "esoteric" ways, where only some people know the right way and others not. We believe in a common way for all children of god.
This is ludicrous, what is the organization? People of Praise? That's the "secret Illuminatti" group you are fretting over?

I know nothing about the "people of praise". I have nothing against catholic charismatic movements. And I love ecumenical movements. Mrs. Amy Barret seems to be a baptized Catholic. But this all means nothing in my eyes for Catholics. What she is thinking and doing are her decisions and not the decisions of anyone else.
The point is that you don’t get to tell people how to practice their religion.

It’s called religious tolerance.

I'm not telling anybody anything. I don't care what people do. My opinion however is they are not real Christians if they don't follow the Christian creed. That's why Biden is a phony.

Which "Christian creed". The declaration of independence? The constitution of the USA? The wall between Mexico and the USA? The economical war of the USA aginst the EU, Russia, China and others? ...
... All Christian religions hold the big Top Ten as a must to truly be a part of their religion. Thou shalt not kill is one of them.

So you are against abortions (except on serious medical reasons) and you are against death penalty? For a better training of policemen in deascalating methods? A better control of weapon trades? Better pandemic foresight? Health insurance and/or health care for everyone? ...
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... It's theirs to change. They've changed it numerous times. When I grew up you went to hell for eating meat on Friday during Lent. Now they don't do that anymore, although I'm sure some old timers still keep up the practice.

Today most Catholics eat every day with restrained demand. Instead of food often other acts dominate fasting. The expression "fasting" comes not from the English world "fast" (to be quick) it comes from the German word "fest" what means "to be firm" and "Fest" the same word as a substantive means "celebration". If we say "das frohe Fest" then we think in most cases about Christmas. What many people forgot: Advent is a fastening time. And although the people eat lots of good things during this time they are also very "firm" and "tough" in the concentration to celebrate a peaceful and happy time on Earth - and to think on others and to prepare presents and so on and so on ...

The USA started a war against Christians?

Yes. The bible in the hands of Donald Trump while he called for a civil war in the USA is for example an attack in the war against Christians of the USA.

Against the ROW?

Yes. Only the opinions of the USA count for you any longer. You are in war with the rest of the world. That's why you build a wall for example.

the Kenyan Messiah, Trump

There is only one Messiah: The Galilean Jesus.

has not started a single war.

Trump started lots of wars.

This is why I tell people like Mascale and FranCoWTF to never ever post after dropping acid
... Yes and Trump isn't Christian.

Excalibur, why do you think this statement is wrong? What do you see in Trump what has to do with the Christian religion?

The USA started a war against Christians?

Yes. The bible in the hands of Donald Trump while he called for a civil war in the USA is for example an attack in the war against Christians of the USA.

Against the ROW?

Yes. Only the opinions of the USA count for you any longer. You are in war with the rest of the world. That's why you build a wall for example.

the Kenyan Messiah, Trump

There is only one Messiah: The Galilean Jesus.

has not started a single war.

Trump started lots of wars.

This is why I tell people like Mascale and FranCoWTF to never ever post after dropping acid

You don't accept that only Pope Francis is your boss on planet Earth - and no one else; also not your president and even not you on your own - as long as you call yourselve "crusader"? Then take your self chosen title "crusader" and throw it into the next waste paper basket.

„Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam!“

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... Yes and Trump isn't Christian.

Excalibur, why do you think this statement is wrong? What do you see in Trump what has to do with the Christian religion?

The USA started a war against Christians?

Yes. The bible in the hands of Donald Trump while he called for a civil war in the USA is for example an attack in the war against Christians of the USA.

Against the ROW?

Yes. Only the opinions of the USA count for you any longer. You are in war with the rest of the world. That's why you build a wall for example.

the Kenyan Messiah, Trump

There is only one Messiah: The Galilean Jesus.

has not started a single war.

Trump started lots of wars.

This is why I tell people like Mascale and FranCoWTF to never ever post after dropping acid

You don't accept that only Pope Francis is your boss on planet Earth - and no one else, even not you on your own - as long as you call yourselve "crusader"? Then take your self chosen title "crusader" and throw it into the next waste paper basket.

„Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam!“

Pope Francis can go fuck himself; he's an absolute fucking disgrace. He needs to lead a worldwide Christian revolt against the CCP, but would be biting the hand that feeds him
Says who?

You cannot be a Christian and deny the Divinity of Christ.

Why? If someone is not convinced Jesus is god - what is he able to do except to study this problem? How is such a intellectual problem able to make someone "unbaptized"? When someone prays a creed together with others then he is just simple able not to speak this words, which she or he is in the current moment of the own life not able to believe in.

The same as being pro-abortion; and that causes automatic excommunication for any Catholic who procures one.

Meanwhile nearly all Catholics are "automatically" excommunicated on different (also self produced) reasons and that's why many Catholics don't visit a Christian church service any longer, what "automatically" excommunicates them and so on and so on . And the most people think to be excommunicated means not to be a member of the church any longer - what's nonsense.

I am on my own for example on many reasons for an abortion in a concrete single context. Nevertheless no one should forget that to abort a fetus is the same as to kill a human being. Abortion violates the god given natural human right to live. That's what the most people are not aware any longer because of the continous stream of brainwashing wrong nonsense.
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... Yes and Trump isn't Christian.

Excalibur, why do you think this statement is wrong? What do you see in Trump what has to do with the Christian religion?

The USA started a war against Christians?

Yes. The bible in the hands of Donald Trump while he called for a civil war in the USA is for example an attack in the war against Christians of the USA.

Against the ROW?

Yes. Only the opinions of the USA count for you any longer. You are in war with the rest of the world. That's why you build a wall for example.

the Kenyan Messiah, Trump

There is only one Messiah: The Galilean Jesus.

has not started a single war.

Trump started lots of wars.

This is why I tell people like Mascale and FranCoWTF to never ever post after dropping acid

You don't accept that only Pope Francis is your boss on planet Earth - and no one else, even not you on your own - as long as you call yourselve "crusader"? Then take your self chosen title "crusader" and throw it into the next waste paper basket.

„Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam!“

Pope Francis can go fuck himself;

ouijouijouijouijouijouijouijoui - hopefully no one had heard this

he's an absolute fucking disgrace.


He needs to lead a worldwide Christian revolt against the CCP, but would be biting the hand that feeds him

Exactly. The Pope bites not the hand which feeds him. He likes not to be alone in a church service. Fortunatelly his three friends, who feed him, are always there - sometimes come also a little more people.

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... All Christian religions hold the big Top Ten as a must to truly be a part of their religion. Thou shalt not kill is one of them.

So you are against abortions (except on serious medical reasons) and you are against death penalty? For a better training of policemen in deascalating methods? A better control of weapon trades? Better pandemic foresight? Health insurance and/or health care for everyone? ...

I'm not very religious but strongly believe in God. I'm not speaking on my behalf but simply stating what the tenets of the region itself are since I did grow up with it and have a very Catholic mother and sister.
Makes good sense. He clearly won the first debate and as Trump and his backers get more profane and violent, appealing to the calm and thoughtful religious voters is a good move.

Joe has some fight left in him...

The only thing Creepy Joe has left in him is confusion.

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