Biden Campaign Demands TV News Execs Stop Booking Giuliani.

I don't think the News Media, corrupt as it is, will take this, even from a Democrat.

I look for Uncle Joe's handlers to have him getting plenty of distance from this letter by tomorrow.

It's a bit too Totalitarian---don't ya think---Joe Biden goin Joe Stalin.

It was supposedly written by that raving loon who worked for Obama early on, and said her favorite "Philosopher" was Mao.

Scary isn't it. A Maoist in this country, acting for the leading Democrat candidate, telling the news media to shut down free speech.
Pure fascism.
My parents were Democrats and only voted for a Republican twice, both times to President Eisenhower. They'd turn over in their graves if they knew Democrats were lying nonstop, 24-7-365. Their love was for telling the truth, no matter what. Today's Democrats send out memos to their supporters that broke with the truth long ago.
The Democrats are lying about what? I have a feeling your parents would have actually followed the facts, Beautress, and would realize that this Biden "scandal" is nothing but right wing lies to help protect the President from his strong arming Ukraine for oppo dirt on Biden.
It isn't just Democrats saying so. It is the Western world saying Shokin was corrupt and it was right to get rid of him.
no one is really following facts anymore; preferring to make up shit and call them their interpretation of facts.

in my parents time, we reported on what people did after making sure it was true. today we report on what people SAY happened and go ape-shit batty that it must be true because someone said it.

in my parents time, we were not saying civil war is around the corner and trying to impeach a sitting president for accusations. any accusation will do. in our time, we don't like you, make up shit and take 'em down.

in my parents time, the major news networks didn't have the open bias our time has today.

if shokin was corrupt and needed to go, great. you do what we say and get rid of the dude or lose billions in funding. that seems to be ok. yet when trump withholds funding due to potential corruption, he's wrong and making illegal demands.

we certainly don't live in our parents time. we DAMN sure don't apply standards evenly; choosing instead to "micro-slice" reasons our emotions are right and others wrong. i for one, certainly don't like what we're doing in these times as a whole. far too bitter and willing to believe whatever it takes to keep that bitterness alive and well in our hearts.
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The people must be saved from anything outside of our talking points!

Biden Campaign Demands TV News Execs Stop Booking Giuliani.

Fake news. There were no demands.

You are the king of fake news
Biden team demands news networks stop booking Rudy Giuliani

while they didn't say STOP IT, what do you think they were asking for when they said:

"While you often fact check his statements in real time during your discussions, that is no longer enough," they wrote to CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and Fox News. "By giving him your air time, you are allowing him to introduce increasingly unhinged, unfounded and desperate lies into the national conversation."


"Your obligation is to provide the American people with an informed, fact-based and responsible coverage and debate of critical issues," the Biden campaign wrote. "Giving Rudy Giuliani valuable time on your air to push these lies in the first place is a disservice to your audience and a disservice to journalism."

Your reply had the key point in it...what were they ASKING for. No demands...that is not a subtle difference.

What was Trump "asking" for when he said that FoxNews was not loyal enough...did you have an issue with that?

Did you have an issue when Trump said he would have to find a new news outlet since FoxNews was not working hard enough for them?
you're coming awfully close to asking what "is" means.

and trump says too much stupid shit to track. but if we're going to go after a president for how they treat the media, trump is out in the open taking them on. oh yea. but obama did worse behind the scenes and pulled a "no i didn't" when pushed. i don't think either one is good but these are the collective times all sides are building. if we call bullshit, call collective bullshit, not selective.
The people must be saved from anything outside of our talking points!

Biden Campaign Demands TV News Execs Stop Booking Giuliani.
Big mistake. Rudy's rants make Biden look better every day.
Yeah, demanding News not to cover something is a sure sign of ....
Giuliani is not providing "news." He is doing exactly what the Biden campaign accuses him of: spreading unfounded completely false conspiracy theories. They are NOT true, we have shown you that at least a thousand times in the past week and the right, including Giuliani, just keep repeating it like a Chatty Cathy.
Of course, the networks are going to put on whoever gives them the biggest audience, so the letter won't matter, but I agree with them.

Show us PROOF that he's not telling the truth!
you're coming awfully close to asking what "is" means.

I do not agree, there is a large gap between asking and demanding.

and trump says too much stupid shit to track. but if we're going to go after a president for how they treat the media, trump is out in the open taking them on. oh yea. but obama did worse behind the scenes and pulled a "no i didn't" when pushed. i don't think either one is good but these are the collective times all sides are building. if we call bullshit, call collective bullshit, not selective.

Do you think any of the people in here whining about Biden had any issue with Trump's words?
Seems to me that if they had a solid case against the mayor, they would take it to court and either sue for libel or seek judicial restraint.
This is an act of desperation and will only sink Biden's campaign. Not even Dims will tolerate an attack on their beloved media hacks.
The people must be saved from anything outside of our talking points!

Biden Campaign Demands TV News Execs Stop Booking Giuliani.

Fake news. There were no demands.

You are the king of fake news

Are you truly this dumb?
FoxNews SHOWED a copy of the letter they received from the Biden campaign.

Here is what FoxNews said about the letter...

you're coming awfully close to asking what "is" means.

I do not agree, there is a large gap between asking and demanding.

and trump says too much stupid shit to track. but if we're going to go after a president for how they treat the media, trump is out in the open taking them on. oh yea. but obama did worse behind the scenes and pulled a "no i didn't" when pushed. i don't think either one is good but these are the collective times all sides are building. if we call bullshit, call collective bullshit, not selective.

Do you think any of the people in here whining about Biden had any issue with Trump's words?
that's fine. but they have no business doing either as far as i'm concerned.

people have issues with anything they need to these days. but to answer your question, probably not. the extremes are gonna be extreme. just need to stop making a few extreme people the entire representative of a given side.
you're coming awfully close to asking what "is" means.

I do not agree, there is a large gap between asking and demanding.

and trump says too much stupid shit to track. but if we're going to go after a president for how they treat the media, trump is out in the open taking them on. oh yea. but obama did worse behind the scenes and pulled a "no i didn't" when pushed. i don't think either one is good but these are the collective times all sides are building. if we call bullshit, call collective bullshit, not selective.

Do you think any of the people in here whining about Biden had any issue with Trump's words?
that's fine. but they have no business doing either as far as i'm concerned.

people have issues with anything they need to these days. but to answer your question, probably not. the extremes are gonna be extreme. just need to stop making a few extreme people the entire representative of a given side.

Sadly, on this forum the extreme people make up the majority of a given side
The people must be saved from anything outside of our talking points!

Biden Campaign Demands TV News Execs Stop Booking Giuliani.
The headline is misleading.

They did not demand that they stop booking Giuliani.

They did make a strong suggestion that they shouldn't allow Giuliani to promote, as they call it, "His lies".

There was little reason to believe that they would not acquiesce to this suggestion given the working relationship the media has with the DNC and Democrat politicians.
you're coming awfully close to asking what "is" means.

I do not agree, there is a large gap between asking and demanding.

and trump says too much stupid shit to track. but if we're going to go after a president for how they treat the media, trump is out in the open taking them on. oh yea. but obama did worse behind the scenes and pulled a "no i didn't" when pushed. i don't think either one is good but these are the collective times all sides are building. if we call bullshit, call collective bullshit, not selective.

Do you think any of the people in here whining about Biden had any issue with Trump's words?
that's fine. but they have no business doing either as far as i'm concerned.

people have issues with anything they need to these days. but to answer your question, probably not. the extremes are gonna be extreme. just need to stop making a few extreme people the entire representative of a given side.

Sadly, on this forum the extreme people make up the majority of a given side
yea, but this forum is where the extremes hang out. i think we all tend to either *be* extreme or at least caught up in it to have to be here and put up with all the flinging of hate thats done by the second in a place like this.

99% of the people i know do *not* participate in forums like this. most i know on facebook avoid politics like the plague. on facebook, i do also now. just not worth the bullshit on a place where i simply don't want to get into it with friends who may or may not agree.

so that why i have to take what either side says with a grain of salt. both sides are pushing how they feel about things and seldom to you actually get honest debate. even fewer do i find practice their "requirements" evenly. it's usually slanted in their chosen direction. when i first got here, you railed on me for that and it certainly was NOT my intent, but i had to stop and ask myself if i was in fact doing that. while i didn't agree 100%, i could see how i carried myself gave that impression. how i said my opinions in here are all people had to know who i was or how i felt.

it was clear i wasn't showing who i honestly felt i was so i changed and worked to be the "objective party" (in as much as any of us can be) and work to hold both sides accountable to the same set of rules.

then i just pissed off many on the right so hey - maybe i did find that happy medium.

it's just amazing to me how one side gets everything wrong and the other, everything right. in reality either scenario is completely impossible; yet here are we.

so when someone "asks" news media to stop doing shit, i find that a party foul. i do when trump whines about it, i did when obama spied on journalists, and the like. our sitting president and candidates vying for that position should simply not be telling the media what they can and can't report. unfortunately, thats our job and we vote with reactions and money usually; in some form or another.

and today we need for some reason sites like drudge or "liberty whatever" that is even worse but slanted soley to the right. while i get a warm feeling inside about being honest about something, many seem to get that warm feeling about validation for their emotions in general.

so - yea. we are extreme in here cause "normal" people i don't think want to talk politics to this degree of detail or hate or mixed ambiguity.
I know it's a tired old response, but can you imagine if @POTUS tried to tell a network, any network, whom they could interview or not interview? You know exactly what they would say - IMPEACH HIM!!!

You mean like when Trump whined about FoxNews having "leftist" guest on?

Or when Trump said "We have to start looking for a new News Outlet" because FoxNews as not being loyal enough to him?

Like that?
Not even close
I know it's a tired old response, but can you imagine if @POTUS tried to tell a network, any network, whom they could interview or not interview? You know exactly what they would say - IMPEACH HIM!!!

You mean like when Trump whined about FoxNews having "leftist" guest on?

Or when Trump said "We have to start looking for a new News Outlet" because FoxNews as not being loyal enough to him?

Like that?
Not even close
no news outlet should be LOYAL to ANY DAMN POLITICIAN.

trump asking for that is idiotic.
The people must be saved from anything outside of our talking points!

Biden Campaign Demands TV News Execs Stop Booking Giuliani.
Big mistake. Rudy's rants make Biden look better every day.
Yeah, demanding News not to cover something is a sure sign of ....
Giuliani is not providing "news." He is doing exactly what the Biden campaign accuses him of: spreading unfounded completely false conspiracy theories. They are NOT true, we have shown you that at least a thousand times in the past week and the right, including Giuliani, just keep repeating it like a Chatty Cathy.
Of course, the networks are going to put on whoever gives them the biggest audience, so the letter won't matter, but I agree with them.
Biden isn't a one-time offender when it comes to extorting money from a weaker nation, madam. Biden is a smooth operator who puts on one face for the public and quite another face where his personal greed shows up. Y'all just keep on hidin' yer heads in the sand, dear.
I know it's a tired old response, but can you imagine if @POTUS tried to tell a network, any network, whom they could interview or not interview? You know exactly what they would say - IMPEACH HIM!!!

You mean like when Trump whined about FoxNews having "leftist" guest on?

Or when Trump said "We have to start looking for a new News Outlet" because FoxNews as not being loyal enough to him?

Like that?
Not even close
no news outlet should be LOYAL to ANY DAMN POLITICIAN.

trump asking for that is idiotic.
When you have 99.9% of all video news media reporting fake news, and the one getting pressure to join the fake news. Damn right he should call them out.
Banning Guiliani from TV is the dumbest thing.

Guiliani is perfectly capable of getting Trump in trouble almost as much as Trump himself is. He should not be stopped from doing so.

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