Biden Campaign In Full Blown Panic !!

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Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Biden Campaign In Full Blown Panic !!

This is My Opinion!

Watching five different networks this am and every single one is trying to dispel Bidens Campaign lies.

**His tax policy and who would get their taxes raised...

**The COVID response and the actions of Biden and other democrats Vs what Trump actually did...

**They are now targeting Latino's and calling black "not black" for supporting Trump.

**Scripted questions and reading a teleprompter is now proven..

States that are sending out ballots to everyone are now under federal court jursidiciton as this is a federal election and they could all be stopped from this massive fraud attempt.

IT appears that EVERY DEMOGRAPHIC they count on is now in play and they are in a full blown panic mode.. Black support is upwards of 45% in 7 major polls today. Latino support is upwards of 55% in those same polls... States that were not supposed to be in play are now in Trumps column...

The Biden Campaign is in full damage control mode and it is clearly evident on every network..
Biden Campaign In Full Blown Panic !!

This is My Opinion!

Watching five different networks this am and every single one is trying to dispel Bidens Campaign lies.

**His tax policy and who would get their taxes raised...

**The COVID response and the actions of Biden and other democrats Vs what Trump actually did...

**They are now targeting Latino's and calling black "not black" for supporting Trump.

**Scripted questions and reading a teleprompter is now proven..

States that are sending out ballots to everyone are now under federal court jursidiciton as this is a federal election and they could all be stopped from this massive fraud attempt.

IT appears that EVERY DEMOGRAPHIC they count on is now in play and they are in a full blown panic mode.. Black support is upwards of 45% in 7 major polls today. Latino support is upwards of 55% in those same polls... States that were not supposed to be in play are now in Trumps column...

The Biden Campaign is in full damage control mode and it is clearly evident on every network..

Any of them happen to mention;
  • An Historic peace arrangement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel
  • An Historic peace agreement between Bahrain and Israel
  • An Historic peace agreement between Kosovo and Israel
  • A peace agreement between Serbia and Kosovo - remember Bill Clinton funded and had America fight FOR Al Qaeda against Serbia
These are just in the last week
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