Biden Cannot Escape Impeachment for This Criminal Giveaway to his Generous Pals in China.

Globalism has been around since one guy wanted to buy and sell what another guy makes in other words thousands of years of international trade will not end because you think it is evil. By the vie, I don't sell anything to anybody so your deposition is yet another fraudulent outburst.
There is one thing about it being around as a Philosophy but they are actually trying to subjugate the National Sovereignty of Democratic Nations. They are acting upon it and The Biden Administration is all on board with this type of treason. In fact, their entire Campaign Platform could be read by The Plagiarizer in Chief ver batem out of the UN's Sustainable Development (666 New World Order) Agenda 2030 program.

BTW is was originally titled Agenda 2020 but Trump gave them the Middle Finger and became the single most potent Globalist Cock Blocker in history outside of JFK. Now you know why The Deep State tried to Frame Trump with False Accusations in Operation Russian Collusion - Cross Fire Hurricane. So Bravo to Trump for buying us 10 more years before Satan incarnate is given a throne to rule the world from.

Those who engaged in The Russian Collusion Scam, people including Obama, Biden and Clinton should face a WWII Treason Trial and suffer their fates if found guilty.

So don't give me the horse shit about Globalism has been around since Nimrod built The Tower of Babel. Nimrod tried to Implement it and this is why you speak Gibberish to this date, and why God Confounded the Languages to put the brakes on Satanic Globalism.

He'll do it again, one last time, only you won't like what He has coming for The Globalist Pigs trying to usher in The New World 666 Order, will you?
That's sn excuse that a poor to completely incompetent president would use. To be mediocre to good, a president would at least try. A good president would use executive orders, DOE regulations and allies in Congress to make sure American oil benefits Americans.


We have gasoline price that vary state to state, county to county and even corner to corner. American oil refined in American refineries will bring down prices and increase availability in America.

You enable Biden's Everyone but America First Policy by making excuses like that.

One more time....How do you propose to differentiate between the oil bought from the SPR and the rest of the oil the oil companies already had?
I never did get around to voting for impeachment since I am not a member of Congress, so your delusions of grandeur are just delusions of grandeur. Joe does sell oil the capitalist do.
If you voted for Biden or Clinton or any DemNazi scum, you voted for impeachment and for The Overthrow of our Democracy and Subjugation of America to The New World Order.
So they will impeach Biden to make Harris President?

Then impeach Harris to make Pelosi president?

None of those are winning scenarios.
Pelosi won't be Speaker. It will be a Republican. Yes, they would do that if they had the votes.
Biden is robbing the American taxpayer for the benefit of China, who will no doubt kick back to him. He should be charged under the RICO statute.
The oil is going to Asia and Europe to offset the loss of oil from Russia.

Got that? Not just China, dipshit.

The fourth-largest U.S. oil refiner, Phillips 66 (PSX.N), shipped about 470,000 barrels of sour crude from the Big Hill SPR storage site in Texas to Trieste, Italy, according to U.S. Customs data. Trieste is home to a pipeline that sends oil to refineries in central Europe.

Oh my goodness! It wasn't Biden that did it. It was Phillips.

I guess you won't be able to impeach Biden, after all.

But I will bet you dollars to donuts your propagandists will still add this to their List O'Reasons to Impeach, won't they.
I never did get around to voting for impeachment since I am not a member of Congress, so your delusions of grandeur are just delusions of grandeur. Joe does sell oil the capitalist do.
Reading is fundamental. No wonder you guys (Liberals) can't interoperate the constitution.
Reading is fundamental. No wonder you guys (Liberals) can't interoperate the constitution.
I have no need to interoperate the govt.or the Constitution since I am not working in govt., sueing the govt., or in an oversight position
Congress didn't release the reserves, that was all Biden. Try again.

Yes, he did, and I followed the rules set forth for doing so. The oil is sold at auction to the highest bidder.
One more time....How do you propose to differentiate between the oil bought from the SPR and the rest of the oil the oil companies already had?
Does it really seem so impossible?

Why is it that Dims find regulating industry very easy until they don't want to?

Joe could ask Hunter. Hunter knows so much about energy that he earned a million dollars a year as a consultant for an energy company.


Since it's such a brain teaser here's ONE answer:

Set a moritorium on exporting oil or petroleum products at the same time as we release reserves. The moritorium to be lifted when gasoline prices go below $3 per gallon. That puts the onus on oil companies to increase availability and decrease prices.
Does it really seem so impossible?

Why is it that Dims find regulating industry very easy until they dont want to? Joe could ask Hunter. Hunter knows so much about energy that He earned a million dollars a year as a consultant for an energy company.


Since its such a brain teaser here's ONE answer:

Set a moritorium on exporting oil or petroleum products at the same time as we release reserves. The moritorium to be lifted when gasoline prices go below $3 per gallon. That puts the onus on oil companies to increase availability and decrease prices.
Hunter was a corporate lawyer I doubt he knows what a deck hand does on a rig. There was a law that stopped the exportation of oil and gas yet that law was done away with during Trump.
While Americans are unable to pay the high prices of gasoline, food, utilities, and higher local taxes, Biden instead of using resources to lower gas prices, he is giving more gas to China in our Naval Reserve Gas used for wartime emergencies only, not middle class Americans who are suffering from his inflation caused by high transportation costs. Schumer said his enemies wouldn't know what hit them. Sorry, Chuckie, Joe, Kamala, Adam, Nancy and a few other dirty tricksters

He will avoid it because Republican law makers are fucking cowards with "flexible" principles
Yes, he did, and I followed the rules set forth for doing so. The oil is sold at auction to the highest bidder.
Wait, YOU followed the rules? Is that you Joe? It would explain a lot.

Biden released strategic reserves with no plan to replenish them, which he must do by law. This is all on him.
Does it really seem so impossible?

yes, it does. It would be like someone giving you 10 grand and you putting it in your back account with all your other money. Once it is there, there is no telling it apart.

Set a moritorium on exporting oil or petroleum products at the same time as we release reserves. The moritorium to be lifted when gasoline prices go below $3 per gallon. That puts the onus on oil companies to increase availability and decrease prices.

Then they just would not buy it via auction and it would not get sold.
Set a moritorium on exporting oil or petroleum products at the same time as we release reserves. The moritorium to be lifted when gasoline prices go below $3 per gallon. That puts the onus on oil companies to increase availability and decrease prices.

Are you good with the Fed Govt doing this with other industries?

Can they tell our farmers they are not allowed to export any goods until the price of food comes down?
He will avoid it because Republican law makers are fucking cowards with "flexible" principles
It takes time to get to the bottom of all the lies the nation has been inundated with. You'll understand the errors some day. Right now, you are seeing through a glass, darkly. Mark my words. Edit: and get back to me in 10 years by which time the truth will be well known on this crop of criminal Democrat leaders. The French guillotined Marie Antoinette for far lesser misdeeds. I have no idea the fate of the criminal Dems who are currently attempting the complete destruction of the Constitution, and innocent conservatives. Republicans are currently in a process called fact-finding and deciding how to resolve all the lies Hillary, Nancy, Maxine, Joe, Kamala, Jerold, Adam, Chuck, Diane, et al. I don't know what it's going to be like when these creeps are found guilty as charged. It won't be the guillotine, however. It will be final, though. All of the above betrayed the voters of the United States of America.
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