Biden Cannot Escape Impeachment for This Criminal Giveaway to his Generous Pals in China.

It takes time to get to the bottom of all the lies the nation has been inundated with. You'll understand the errors some day. Right now, you are seeing through a glass, darkly. Mark my words.

This from the person that thinks the President can control what oil companies do with the oil they bought
It takes time to get to the bottom of all the lies the nation has been inundated with. You'll understand the errors some day. Right now, you are seeing through a glass, darkly. Mark my words.
What crime did Biden commit in releasing oil reserves?
Are you good with the Fed Govt doing this with other industries?

Can they tell our farmers they are not allowed to export any goods until the price of food comes down?
Oh the old "I thought You wanted less government" dodge?

My proposal was at your whining demand for a way to release petroleum reserves and have that benefit the US instead of China. That being needed given Biden's ideology driven attacks on the American energy sector.

I'm not "good" with the whole corrupt mess. The real solution is not draining our defensive supply for a temporary political benefit for the party of over-regulation. The solution is to stop hindering American oil production so we can get back to pre-Biden supplies and prices.
My you are unstable and off the deep end.
So Quid Pro Hoe, and Camel Toe Hoe can issue Civil Rights Violating Executive Orders, completely destroy our economy, wipe out Trillions of Dollars of wealth in this country, Force people to wear Muzzles, restrict their breathing, and force them to be Needle Raped or lose their jobs (so much for my body my choice) LOCK PEOPLE in their Homes, Restrict their movements, psychologically damage children and retard their development, cause business and home foreclosures, yet China Joe can't do a damn thing about supply chain issues he and his Globalist DemNazi Whack Tards caused, or prevent American Strategic Petroleum Reserves from ending up in China and Russia?

You want to run that lying DemNazi Ruskie CCP Bullshit past me again?

You sir are a lying CCP Ruskie, Biden Puppet Shill.

So Quid Pro Hoe, and Camel Toe Hoe can issue Civil Rights Violating Executive Orders, completely destroy our economy, wipe out Trillions of Dollars of wealth in this country, Force people to wear Muzzles, restrict their breathing, and force them to be Needle Raped or lose their jobs (so much for my body my choice) LOCK PEOPLE in their Homes, Restrict their movements, psychologically damage children and retard their development, cause business and home foreclosures, yet China Joe can't do a damn thing about supply chain issues he and his Globalist DemNazi Whack Tards caused, or prevent American Strategic Petroleum Reserves from ending up in China and Russia?

You want to run that lying DemNazi Ruskie CCP Bullshit past me again?

You sir are a lying CCP Ruskie, Biden Puppet Shill.

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Why not Trump did it also.
Why would he be disbarred like Powell and Guiliani?
These days we unleash Bio Weapons on entire Nations to fix elections and steal them, and Disbar and Silence and Censor people who we poltically disagree with all because of a DemNazi Agenda.

No Surprise here that The Deep State DemNazis went after Powell and Guilliani like they went after Trump, Manafort, and Roger Stone, while holding their nose and looking the other way from real crimes committed by Obama, Clinton and Biden.

You got something planned like "Russian Collusion - Crossfire Hurricane for 2022 & 2024?

Can't wait to see what treasonous lies you turds come up with next.
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I'm not "good" with the whole corrupt mess. The real solution is not draining our defensive supply for a temporary political benefit for the party of over-regulation. The solution is to stop hindering American oil production so we can get back to pre-Biden supplies and prices.

I agree with all of this

But that is not the topic of the thread, the topic of the thread is the mistaken idea that the POTUS is a god and can dictate where private companies sell something
I have no need to interoperate the govt.or the Constitution since I am not working in govt., sueing the govt., or in an oversight position
Then how can you argue your political points? You can't speak on abortion, free speech, drugs, gay marriage, equal rights, 2nd amendment, etc. without it being nothing but an opinion instead of anything based on facts.
Why not Trump did it also.
LIAR. Trump never needle raped anyone or tell them they would have to be needle raped or fired from their job you Fascist Globalist DemNazi Apologist.

666 or Bust!



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I agree with all of this

But that is not the topic of the thread, the topic of the thread is the mistaken idea that the POTUS is a god and can dictate where private companies sell something
But Biden is a god. That's why you voted for him cuz of mean tweets and Build Back Shittier!

You people proclaim politicians are gods every day.

Long Live EmperorShitzHizPantz, the GoldenDiaperedDon of The DemNazi Left!

Heil Shitler!
Then how can you argue your political points? You can't speak on abortion, free speech, drugs, gay marriage, equal rights, 2nd amendment, etc. without it being nothing but an opinion instead of anything based on facts.
Sure I can, in fact I can speak on supporting an issue I don't support if I want to.
LIAR. Trump never needle raped anyone or tell them they would have to be needle raped or fired from their job you Fascist Globalist DemNazi Apologist.

666 or Bust!

Sure he did or did you forget who authorized money for the shots?
This from the person that thinks the President can control what oil companies do with the oil they bought
Why Dominion Voting Machines made sure Maduro got into office so he could do EXACTLY that thing, and now Joe Biden is on his knees tickling Maduro's balls for some Venezuelan Oil.

Why do you think Obama, Biden and Clinton assassinated Qadaffi for? He wouldn't play ball with them with his oil fields and sold as much as he wanted to who he wanted. Now they are under Putin's control. Catching on yet?

Hey now didn't all these lefty run states go out and install Maduro voting machines in all The Battle Ground states cuz they were "Highly Customizable"?
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Sure he did or did you forget who authorized money for the shots?
He authorized money to develop a vaccine for the Bio Weapon Obama and Fauci paid Xi in Wuhan to develop and distribute through THE CCP and unleashed on America, our elections and the rest of the world because it broke containment.

Hardly the same thing now, is it? You took the Trump Vaccine, didn't you. Maybe that explains your TDS.

Why did the Almighty PROFIT Fauci predict The Trump Administration would be attacked by the very Virus Fauci was in charge of creating in Wuhan with laundered money through the Defense Department through EcoHealth immediately after Trump defeated Shrillery McCankles and defeated the DemNazi Fraud machine to become the President of The United States?

Care to answer that Chi Com Ruskie?

Why when you failed to rig 2016 with Putin, did you contract with XI to rig the 2020 Election like your DemNazi party rigged their primaries in 2016 and 2020?

Or are you too busy fondling your statue of Karl Marx in inappropriate places?
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He authorized money to develop a vaccine for the Bio Weapon Obama and Fauci paid Xi in Wuhan to develop and distribute through THE CCP and unleashed on America, our elections and the rest of the world because it broke containment.

Hardly the same thing now, is it?

Why did the Almighty PROFIT Fauci predict The Trump Administration would be attacked by the very Virus Faucci was in charge of creating immediately after Trump defeated Shrillery McCankles and defeated the DemNazi Fraud machine to become the President of The United States?

Care to answer that Chi Com Ruskie?

Or are you too busy fondling your statue of Karl Marx in inappropriate places?
Trump authorized the budget Fauci used to pay for programs.
While Americans are unable to pay the high prices of gasoline, food, utilities, and higher local taxes, Biden instead of using resources to lower gas prices, he is giving more gas to China in our Naval Reserve Gas used for wartime emergencies only, not middle class Americans who are suffering from his inflation caused by high transportation costs. Schumer said his enemies wouldn't know what hit them. Sorry, Chuckie, Joe, Kamala, Adam, Nancy and a few other dirty tricksters

Calm down. no one gave anything away.
Long way to go? Nope. Biden won't admit his mistakes.
While Americans are unable to pay the high prices of gasoline, food, utilities, and higher local taxes, Biden instead of using resources to lower gas prices, he is giving more gas to China in our Naval Reserve Gas used for wartime emergencies only, not middle class Americans who are suffering from his inflation caused by high transportation costs. Schumer said his enemies wouldn't know what hit them. Sorry, Chuckie, Joe, Kamala, Adam, Nancy and a few other dirty tricksters

Wanna bet that he won’t get impeached? Anything you want… you name it
Trump authorized the budget Fauci used to pay for programs.
He thought the hero of healing AIDS was a hero. What he didn't know is that the Deep State controls Fauci, and he's getting $400,000 and more for a salary. Who knew?

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