Biden Chief of Staff Promises Mandatory Buy Back of ALL "Assault weapons" - Suppose they do........

Will you comply?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 30 100.0%
  • Not only will I comply, i will help them find my neighbors who do not, and try to hide them

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Given that these dumbfuck's definition of assault weapons are mean-looking rifles, I will wish them luck getting that anywhere past their wet dream internal discussions.
Good luck with that left loon wet dream

No, I believe they will try.

The Right has NEVER show the cajones to put up a resistance and they fully expect it to be easy peazy.

You underestimate true conservatives and Constituonlists.

Right makes up some weak kneeled RINOs

There are neither true conservatives nor Constitutionalists in the Trump Cult, or the Republican Party.

I wouldn't expect a "day trader", an economic parasite which lives off the actual work of others, to have any understanding of either. You certainly haven't demonstrated understanding of either.

Typical leftist, thinks anyone on this forum GAF what some hag from Canada thinks. Quit lying to yourself,like all leftists do, and pretending you matter. You dont.

Dragon loon....harumph....well I never!!!
I dont have an assault rifle.....

I wished the would stop using the term assault rifle. According to the courts, it has no civil meaning. You have to be specific. The law, as written won't pass the first court it comes to. Now, if they rewrite it to what the courts will accept, I will support it. But I won't be turning my neighbor in. But the law would also have to include the correct wording AND the addition to the 1934 Firearms Act.
Did you know that weapons are banned in Austria and Australia?
They don't have a constitution that specifically protects the right to own firearms.
This is a running joke that i have with Dimwit Daryl who doesnt know the difference between Austria and Australia. He doesnt find it funny though, because prog slaves dont have a sense of humor....
They speak English in Australia, they speak Austrian in Austria.

Another product of home schooling. They speak German in Austria.

Nostra. Always a day late and a dollar short.
To be fair, I hear they speak english in the UK, but I still can't understand what the hell they're saying.

My ex-husband had a Cockney bass player. The guy would call and leave messages and I had no idea what he was saying. I would just say to my ex "Terry called and left a message". When he asked what the message was, I said "I have no idea.".
I wont give them any good guns----but I might find some cheap broken ones to resale them at a considerable mark up---assuming that pedo lying bribe taking biden gets in.

Every single time you have a phone conversation, every word is recorded and analyzed. They do this in Utah.
if you have EVER mentioned your guns to anyone, they know. Chances are they know anyway.

This thread assumes they do get in and they go all out to take your guns.
They will start with what they call assault weapons, but if they succeed there, rest assured they will next go after semi auto everything....then revolvers etc etc
By the time they're done, you'll get life if you're caught with a BB gun.
Good luck with that left loon wet dream

No, I believe they will try.

The Right has NEVER show the cajones to put up a resistance and they fully expect it to be easy peazy.

You underestimate true conservatives and Constituonlists.

Right makes up some weak kneeled RINOs

I hear ya.
So in 2010 they passed Obamacare and it was unconstitutional. Where where they then?
in 20011, Maxine Waters said to attack Conservatives in public where ever they go.....where were those brave conservatives then?
in 2008 King samir Shabazz publicly directed black Panthers and black people on C-Span LIVE about White people...."KILL They Babies, Burn They Churches". it was never deemed hate speech. Conservatives said nothing....did nothing.
Congress passed a law that makes burning the LGBTQ flag a hate crime and felony, yet burning the American problem. Where are the defenders?

You may have faith, but the proof says otherwise. here's what BrokeLoser wisely can ANYONE argue with this wisdom?
Perhaps you are projecting? Hopefully the Right grows a pair and stops being victims of the bullying left.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
There are neither true conservatives nor Constitutionalists in the Trump Cult, or the Republican Party.

I wouldn't expect a "day trader", an economic parasite which lives off the actual work of others, to have any understanding of either. You certainly haven't demonstrated understanding of either.

Typical leftist, thinks anyone on this forum GAF what some hag from Canada thinks. Quit lying to yourself,like all leftists do, and pretending you matter. You dont.

That's true.

Mod Edit: Excessive flame in Zone2 removed.. Pete7469

In any case I see little chance any serious anti-gun laws get passed or enforced before another voter revolt purges the democrook party from every possible office. I'm still not convinced Trump is through either. Where I live the feds would have to kill the sheriff before I have to worry about anything. The old man is a honey badger.

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Given that these dumbfuck's definition of assault weapons are mean-looking rifles, I will wish them luck getting that anywhere past their wet dream internal discussions.
I don't think they'll be quite as incompetent as the IMPOTUS's administration. Definitions are neither hard to write nor emend.




I can't sell back what I no longer have.

All my firearms were lost in a tragic boating accident on the Sabine River near Deweyville. I fear they have all been washed into the Gulf of Mexico by now.

Funny.....but will not work.

They have think tanks who have already come up with exactly how to deal with this one.
it won't be pretty.

When you try this, you will likely be arrested on the spot, your home thoroughly searched, then you will be cuffed and taken to a holding facility where you will sit for months until they ask you again. If again you refuse, they will move you to a MUCH worse place indefinitely.
"mandatory buyback" = Confiscation.

Who said anything about "Mandantory". In 1934, they did a buyback of the Thompson Model 1921 that wasn't mandantory either. Instead of listening to the liars, I suggest you actually read the 1934 Federal Firearms Act and read the History for that time.

And I suggest you go to the Biden website so you can see for yourself that he said it.
Imagine that.
Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons
Jen O’Malley Dillon previously served as Biden’s campaign manager – but before that, she’d worked for Beto O’Rourke

Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons

A few weeks later, O’Malley Dillon appeared in a video, posted on O’Rourke’s YouTube channel, touting the campaign's plan for "mandatory" buybacks of certain firearms, in addition to a new ban on assault-style weapons.

"We are actually the only campaign with a plan…that supports mandatory buybacks of weapons of war,” she says in the video. "An assault weapon ban is very, very important, and we need to have it. But that only takes weapons of war off the streets in the future. It does nothing for weapons of war that are currently out there."

She estimated the mandatory buyback would affect "15 or 16 million" guns.

The question is........what will you do?
Will the Supreme Court intervene?

According to the Constitution, a 'Well Regulated Militia" consists of individuals within the constituency.
There can be no 'Well Regulated Militia" with only muskets, handguns and shotguns.

It's a fairly safe bet at this point that the Radical left will indeed go for this. They've dreamed of this moment of a century.
A mandatory buyback, gun registration, gun taxes and a plethora of other infringements will surely come to be if Biden is sworn in.

View attachment 418471
I understand why you deny face mask efficacy

I'm afraid that made no sense.
And I think you do not......even know if I said such a thing. maybe I did.

If so, it was after research.
It's a shame you have been misled into doing the bidding for rich Elites who will never ever allow you into their club, nor give a damn about you.
But what they did know is how to pull your strings so that you are obedient and pliable to their wishes.

This is commonly known as a "sucker"
Semantics, pure liberal semantics, just because it looks like an assault rifle, note the use of the word rife, not hand gun, does not mean it is an automatic assault rifle. The issue is not the gun but the laws that fail to address the commission of a crime with a weapon, in this case a rifle or gun, and locking them up for life. Yep I can see all the bloods lining up to sell their guns to the feds today. I applaud the intent but it’s nothing but lip service.
I dont have an assault rifle.....

I wished the would stop using the term assault rifle. According to the courts, it has no civil meaning. You have to be specific. The law, as written won't pass the first court it comes to. Now, if they rewrite it to what the courts will accept, I will support it. But I won't be turning my neighbor in. But the law would also have to include the correct wording AND the addition to the 1934 Firearms Act.
Did you know that weapons are banned in Austria and Australia?
They don't have a constitution that specifically protects the right to own firearms.
This is a running joke that i have with Dimwit Daryl who doesnt know the difference between Austria and Australia. He doesnt find it funny though, because prog slaves dont have a sense of humor....
They speak English in Australia, they speak Austrian in Austria.
Actually, they speak German in Austria, but we get the point.
Are you calling Barry Hussein a liar. :abgg2q.jpg:

"mandatory buyback" = Confiscation.

Who said anything about "Mandantory". In 1934, they did a buyback of the Thompson Model 1921 that wasn't mandantory either. Instead of listening to the liars, I suggest you actually read the 1934 Federal Firearms Act and read the History for that time.
Quid Pro Joe's Deputy Chief of Staff, Moron.

Do you even know what thread you are posting in, Simpleton?

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