Biden Chief of Staff Promises Mandatory Buy Back of ALL "Assault weapons" - Suppose they do........

Will you comply?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 30 100.0%
  • Not only will I comply, i will help them find my neighbors who do not, and try to hide them

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Assault is an act not an object if you are going to try and confiscate so called assault weapons that could be anything from a gun to a brick anything you assault someone with could be called an assault weapon.

This is my favorite assault weapn.

View attachment 418502

Best thing about it, you carry it in your car, and no one says a thing.

Just don't make the mistake of bringing that to a gun fight my friend.
Good luck with that left loon wet dream

No, I believe they will try.

The Right has NEVER show the cajones to put up a resistance and they fully expect it to be easy peazy.

You underestimate true conservatives and Constituonlists.

Right makes up some weak kneeled RINOs

There are neither true conservatives nor Constitutionalists in the Trump Cult, or the Republican Party.

I wouldn't expect a "day trader", an economic parasite which lives off the actual work of others, to have any understanding of either. You certainly haven't demonstrated understanding of either.
I dont have an assault rifle.....

Neither do I

You don't need to prove that to anyone on this forum.
But if you have EVER, even once posted about it, talked about it on a cell phone or bought a gun from a FFL, they know otherwise.
Doesn't matter if you claim to have lost or sold them.
They're more than prepared for fact, they are expecting it.

People they know do (or should) will be treated more harshly than those who just comply.

Hopefully, VERY FEW will comply with such unconstitutional tyranny.
Their success (or failure) utterly and completely depends on how many weak people crack easily and comply early.

The entire Key to defeating these tyrants and unlawful, unconstitutional edicts is NON COMPLIANCE.

And yes, they will go on a shock tour, arresting people and showing them being violently taken into custody, then painted as the bad guys and given unreasonable jail sentences in order frighten people into compliance. This is how tyrants work.....and This is where fortitude comes into play.
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Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons
Jen O’Malley Dillon previously served as Biden’s campaign manager – but before that, she’d worked for Beto O’Rourke

Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons

A few weeks later, O’Malley Dillon appeared in a video, posted on O’Rourke’s YouTube channel, touting the campaign's plan for "mandatory" buybacks of certain firearms, in addition to a new ban on assault-style weapons.

"We are actually the only campaign with a plan…that supports mandatory buybacks of weapons of war,” she says in the video. "An assault weapon ban is very, very important, and we need to have it. But that only takes weapons of war off the streets in the future. It does nothing for weapons of war that are currently out there."

She estimated the mandatory buyback would affect "15 or 16 million" guns.

The question is........what will you do?
Will the Supreme Court intervene?

According to the Constitution, a 'Well Regulated Militia" consists of individuals within the constituency.
There can be no 'Well Regulated Militia" with only muskets, handguns and shotguns.

It's a fairly safe bet at this point that the Radical left will indeed go for this. They've dreamed of this moment of a century.
A mandatory buyback, gun registration, gun taxes and a plethora of other infringements will surely come to be if Biden is sworn in.

View attachment 418471
The wackos are getting ahead of themselves.
Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons
Jen O’Malley Dillon previously served as Biden’s campaign manager – but before that, she’d worked for Beto O’Rourke

Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons

A few weeks later, O’Malley Dillon appeared in a video, posted on O’Rourke’s YouTube channel, touting the campaign's plan for "mandatory" buybacks of certain firearms, in addition to a new ban on assault-style weapons.

"We are actually the only campaign with a plan…that supports mandatory buybacks of weapons of war,” she says in the video. "An assault weapon ban is very, very important, and we need to have it. But that only takes weapons of war off the streets in the future. It does nothing for weapons of war that are currently out there."

She estimated the mandatory buyback would affect "15 or 16 million" guns.

The question is........what will you do?
Will the Supreme Court intervene?

According to the Constitution, a 'Well Regulated Militia" consists of individuals within the constituency.
There can be no 'Well Regulated Militia" with only muskets, handguns and shotguns.

It's a fairly safe bet at this point that the Radical left will indeed go for this. They've dreamed of this moment of a century.
A mandatory buyback, gun registration, gun taxes and a plethora of other infringements will surely come to be if Biden is sworn in.

View attachment 418471
The wackos are getting ahead of themselves.

Or your info is terribly outdated.
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Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons
Jen O’Malley Dillon previously served as Biden’s campaign manager – but before that, she’d worked for Beto O’Rourke

Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons

A few weeks later, O’Malley Dillon appeared in a video, posted on O’Rourke’s YouTube channel, touting the campaign's plan for "mandatory" buybacks of certain firearms, in addition to a new ban on assault-style weapons.

"We are actually the only campaign with a plan…that supports mandatory buybacks of weapons of war,” she says in the video. "An assault weapon ban is very, very important, and we need to have it. But that only takes weapons of war off the streets in the future. It does nothing for weapons of war that are currently out there."

She estimated the mandatory buyback would affect "15 or 16 million" guns.

The question is........what will you do?
Will the Supreme Court intervene?

According to the Constitution, a 'Well Regulated Militia" consists of individuals within the constituency.
There can be no 'Well Regulated Militia" with only muskets, handguns and shotguns.

It's a fairly safe bet at this point that the Radical left will indeed go for this. They've dreamed of this moment of a century.
A mandatory buyback, gun registration, gun taxes and a plethora of other infringements will surely come to be if Biden is sworn in.

View attachment 418471
The wackos are getting ahead of themselves.

Or your info is terribly outdated
Really? Well I will wait and see how well this goes for Sleepy if he is awake long enough to implement it.
Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons
Jen O’Malley Dillon previously served as Biden’s campaign manager – but before that, she’d worked for Beto O’Rourke

Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons

A few weeks later, O’Malley Dillon appeared in a video, posted on O’Rourke’s YouTube channel, touting the campaign's plan for "mandatory" buybacks of certain firearms, in addition to a new ban on assault-style weapons.

"We are actually the only campaign with a plan…that supports mandatory buybacks of weapons of war,” she says in the video. "An assault weapon ban is very, very important, and we need to have it. But that only takes weapons of war off the streets in the future. It does nothing for weapons of war that are currently out there."

She estimated the mandatory buyback would affect "15 or 16 million" guns.

The question is........what will you do?
Will the Supreme Court intervene?

According to the Constitution, a 'Well Regulated Militia" consists of individuals within the constituency.
There can be no 'Well Regulated Militia" with only muskets, handguns and shotguns.

It's a fairly safe bet at this point that the Radical left will indeed go for this. They've dreamed of this moment of a century.
A mandatory buyback, gun registration, gun taxes and a plethora of other infringements will surely come to be if Biden is sworn in.

View attachment 418471
The wackos are getting ahead of themselves.

Or your info is terribly outdated
Really? Well I will wait and see how well this goes for Sleepy if he is awake long enough to implement it.

My bad....I thought you were saying they would not try it.
Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons
Jen O’Malley Dillon previously served as Biden’s campaign manager – but before that, she’d worked for Beto O’Rourke

Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons

A few weeks later, O’Malley Dillon appeared in a video, posted on O’Rourke’s YouTube channel, touting the campaign's plan for "mandatory" buybacks of certain firearms, in addition to a new ban on assault-style weapons.

"We are actually the only campaign with a plan…that supports mandatory buybacks of weapons of war,” she says in the video. "An assault weapon ban is very, very important, and we need to have it. But that only takes weapons of war off the streets in the future. It does nothing for weapons of war that are currently out there."

She estimated the mandatory buyback would affect "15 or 16 million" guns.

The question is........what will you do?
Will the Supreme Court intervene?

According to the Constitution, a 'Well Regulated Militia" consists of individuals within the constituency.
There can be no 'Well Regulated Militia" with only muskets, handguns and shotguns.

It's a fairly safe bet at this point that the Radical left will indeed go for this. They've dreamed of this moment of a century.
A mandatory buyback, gun registration, gun taxes and a plethora of other infringements will surely come to be if Biden is sworn in.

View attachment 418471

Nowhere has Joe Biden made this proposal. Get back to us when he does.
It is fun making a prog slave look like the fool, of course it is really easy...

How many registered your guns so the gov. knows what you have? Do you buy ammo with a credit or debit card?

Your children don't come home from school one day, and you are told they were removed from school and placed in protective care because there are weapons in their habitat, and you and your wife are to be arraigned in court the next morning on charges of child abuse.
You plead not guilty. You are to have no contact with your children, but the court will allow you one phone call from the judge's chamber. Your children are on the line. You are met with sobbing and, "Mommy, Daddy I'm scared. Where are you? I'm so scared. Come get us, please...".
Your lawyer tells you your next court date is in 3 months. The longer you fight, the more of your property he will own. He is in no hurry.
The court does give you the opportunity to take your guns to the police dept. and show proof of that at your next court date. The court may reconsider your ability to raise your children in a safe home environment, and at that time decide if you are still a threat or not. Keep in mind that they don't like you...

^ Finish that scenario. What do you do? Protect your right, or your children?

Side note, just for fun. How proficient are you with a cross bow? They are not illegal, so far. They will also be infringed upon, but for now there is no need for a license in most states. There is even an automatic load bow. Don't skimp on price.
Practice makes perfect.
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Good luck with that left loon wet dream

No, I believe they will try.

The Right has NEVER show the cajones to put up a resistance and they fully expect it to be easy peazy.

You underestimate true conservatives and Constituonlists.

Right makes up some weak kneeled RINOs

There are neither true conservatives nor Constitutionalists in the Trump Cult, or the Republican Party.

I wouldn't expect a "day trader", an economic parasite which lives off the actual work of others, to have any understanding of either. You certainly haven't demonstrated understanding of either.
You are such a slave of the left. Many of US used to be in the military. Sworn to protect this country from Socialist assholes...
Good luck with that left loon wet dream

No, I believe they will try.

The Right has NEVER show the cajones to put up a resistance and they fully expect it to be easy peazy.

You underestimate true conservatives and Constituonlists.

Right makes up some weak kneeled RINOs

There are neither true conservatives nor Constitutionalists in the Trump Cult, or the Republican Party.

I wouldn't expect a "day trader", an economic parasite which lives off the actual work of others, to have any understanding of either. You certainly haven't demonstrated understanding of either.

I'm not a day trader I'm a swing trader you dumb downed imbecile

Cripes you waltz in trying to make some point and fell on your ass.

Now do some research and learn your error....too easy

By the way take a peek at NIO and Plug....a swing trader dream.
How many registered your guns so the gov. knows what you have? Do you buy ammo with a credit or debit card?

When your children don't come home from school one day, and you are told they were removed from school and placed in protective care because there are weapons in their habitat, and you and your wife are to be arraigned in court the next morning on charges of child abuse.
You plead not guilty. You are to have no contact with your children, but the court will allow you one phone call from the judges chambers. Your children are on the line. You are met with sobbing and, "Mommy, Daddy I'm scared. Where are you? I'm so scared. Come get us, please...".
Your lawyer tells you your next court date is in 3 months. The longer you fight, the more of your property he will own. He is in no hurry.
The court does give you the opportunity to take your guns to the police dept. and show proof of that at your next court date. The court may reconsider your ability to raise your children in a home environment at that time a decide if you are still a threat or not. Keep in mind that they don't like you...

^ Finish that scenario. What do you do? Protect your right, or your children?

Side note, just for fun. How proficient are you with a cross bow? They are not illegal, so far. They will also be infringed upon, but for now there is no need for a license in most states.
Practice makes perfect.
My children are all grown up, all allowed the use of firearms. My daughter is a conceal carry permit and she is a teacher, i told her that if her school goes lockdown, never open the door, unless you know who is behind it, if someone breaks in, empty the magazine. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6....
No one will take my assault rifles, pistols, and other means of defense that I'm (more than) willing to use to protect my family. Unless the Constitution is amended - there's no such thing as a "mandatory buyback."

Additionally, "Blacks" posses far more legally-owned firearms than what some on this message board have been led to believe.

I cherish the 2nd Amendment as much as I do the 1st.

My sentiments exactly. But I have a question for you. When they come to take your guns and you tell them, "NO", how will you stop them from removing your family to a FEMA camp for their protection until you hand your weapons over?

Shoot them
Mine are also grown. When they were little I bought 2 Chipmunk rifles that fit them to a tee. I'd sit between them on the porch and load for them as they shot the shit out of different targets. They loved that, and grew up with various pistols and rifles. So, we are lucky not to have to worry about that scenario.

Unless your children have children that might visit grama and grampa's unsafe home.
These people aren't idiots, and their goal is to disarm. Concealed carry options will be removed. Now you have a child with guns in her house and children that go to school...
No one will take my assault rifles, pistols, and other means of defense that I'm (more than) willing to use to protect my family. Unless the Constitution is amended - there's no such thing as a "mandatory buyback."

Additionally, "Blacks" posses far more legally-owned firearms than what some on this message board have been led to believe.

I cherish the 2nd Amendment as much as I do the 1st.

My sentiments exactly. But I have a question for you. When they come to take your guns and you tell them, "NO", how will you stop them from removing your family to a FEMA camp for their protection until you hand your weapons over?

Shoot them

No one will take my assault rifles, pistols, and other means of defense that I'm (more than) willing to use to protect my family. Unless the Constitution is amended - there's no such thing as a "mandatory buyback."

Additionally, "Blacks" posses far more legally-owned firearms than what some on this message board have been led to believe.

I cherish the 2nd Amendment as much as I do the 1st.

My sentiments exactly. But I have a question for you. When they come to take your guns and you tell them, "NO", how will you stop them from removing your family to a FEMA camp for their protection until you hand your weapons over?

Shoot them


Celt women.....:)

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