Biden Claims His ‘Quick Action’ Saved Banking Industry, Blames Trump For Banks Collapsing

Bank Failures Under The Traitor Compared To Joe Biden.

The eight banks that failed in 2017 were: the Washington Federal Bank for Savings, Chicago, Illinois; The Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Argonia, Argonia, Kansas; Fayette County Bank, Saint Elmo, Illinois; Guaranty Bank, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; First NBC Bank, New Orleans, Louisiana; Proficio Bank, Cottonwood Heights, Utah; Seaway Bank and Trust Company, Chicago, Illinois; and Harvest Community Bank, Pennsville, New Jersey.

In 2019, the four banks that collapsed were: City National Bank of New Jersey, Newark, New Jersey; Resolute Bank, Maumee, Ohio; Louisa Community Bank, Louisa, Kentucky; and the Enloe State Bank, Cooper, Texas.

The quartet of banks that failed in 2020 were: Almena State Bank, Almena, Kansas; First City Bank of Florida, Fort Walton Beach, Florida; The First State Bank, Barboursville, West Virginia; and Ericson State Bank, Ericson, Nebraska.

How many banks failed under Biden - One (01).

How many banks failed under the Traitor - Fifteen (15).

Is It True That Fifteen Banks Failed Under Trump.

The Traitor rolled back banking regs, which led to failure of SVC and Signature Bank. Shut the fuck up.
How many banks fail, and in which country, I ain't bothered. So what governments should do is make every director and above in those banks bankrupt, take all their assets to offset losses.

Then bail the bank out because the public can't afford to lose money. But governments must make sure they screw every responsible person in those failed banks into the ground.

People can argue forever and a day about regulations, but unless those running are accountable, no level of regulation is fool proof.
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How absolutely hilarious, for two hole years they had the opportunity to do something if this was so bad, and did nothing? Exactly like the train breaking issue!

The democrats are making their move on the banking industry........

In other words, if the FDIC likes your bank, the depositors are insured. If not, the depositors are not insured over $250,000, which means what?

It means that people will withdraw their money from community banks and hand those deposits over to a handful of fascist giant banks that not only own almost all the banking but will refuse to do business with you if you hold certain political opinions they find offensive… Oh, and you can bet those political opinions they find offensive will always-always-always be conservative opinions.

Lankford understands what these corrupt crony capitalists are up to and follows up with this:
I hope everyone understands what’s happening here…

By informing the public that their money is only safe in those big banks the Democrat party favors, everyone will deposit their money in the big banks and effectively bankrupt community banks or force them to give up the ghost to the big banks.

That’s just step one.

Step two is worse.

Once the big banks control all the money, they will also control everything else, including what kind of business you can run, what you can and cannot say on social media, and what opinions you can hold…

How would you like to live in a world where a gun store has no place to bank or run a credit card payment?

How would you like to live in a world where a mall owner cannot rent to a gun store?

How would you like to live in a world where your accounts are closed if you tweet a biological fact like, “Trans women are men?”

You might not want to live in that world, but that is the world the Democrat party seeks, so they are in the process of deliberately undermining faith in community banks.

It is always about control through centralized power.

Never let a crisis go to waste.

Jeez, the IQs here took a sharp plummet since I've been gone.

The Dodd Frank legislation, the one that was eliminated during Trump's presidency with bi-partisan support, would have done nothing at all to save SVB. Nothing they did would have been illegal or restricted under Dodd Frank.

Dodd Frank was a terrible piece of crap legislation that was killing small local banks. The Big Banks were not affected in the least. Thus the bi-partisan support for it's removal.

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