Biden claims zero percent inflation.

Gas prices are down a dollar in the past month.

Unemployment is at 3.5 percent. A number that Trump and the tard herd could not stop crowing about.

We are moving in the right direction. Which really pisses off the BDS crowd.
1. Gasoline prices have had a significant impact on inflation, and Biden's war on fossil fuels has helped drive prices dramatically northward.
Gasoline price are tied to oil prices. Oil is a world commodities driven by oil producing nations. The USA is an oil dependent nation. How did Biden's policies that were enacted after 2021 cause the drop in world wide oil production beginning in March of 2020?
Gas prices are down a dollar in the past month.

Unemployment is at 3.5 percent. A number that Trump and the tard herd could not stop crowing about.

We are moving in the right direction. Which really pisses off the BDS crowd.

Not in some western states like mine.
Avg. for unleaded in NV. 4.88 GAL.

And the CPI is not reliable as it is still tied to a 1970's configuration.
It figures that a dum-dum like you would use CPI to make your mistaken point!


Fact, Jack......not splutter.
Not in some western states like mine.
Avg. for unleaded in NV. 4.88 GAL.

And the CPI is not reliable as it is still tied to a 1970's configuration.
It figures that a dum-dum like you would use CPI to make your mistaken point!

You know how you all brag bout how low inflation was during Trump and the pandemic?

Same thing. CPI.

Oil production in Biden's first year increased by 31 percent. In Trump's first year, oil production increased by only 21 percent. Both presidents started at the same amount of production.

Try again.
Oh, I think you know that Biden promised to end fossil fuels, even before he was elected.

And 18 months ago, he cancelled the Keystone pipeline.

And the Biden Admin celebrated the price increase of gasoline as part of "a great transition" where everyone could simply run out and buy electric cars.

They didn't take any meaningful actions, and then they blamed others and claimed there is little Biden could do to lower prices. Then when prices moderated a tiny bit, they took credit for it, as if they control the price after all.

I think you know the truth deep down, but you enjoy shilling (not meant in a bad way) for the current Admin's disasters.

Everyone knows:

Complete and total horseshit. The baby formula shortage was because during the Trump Administration, he cut the amount of baby formula allowed to be imported from Canada.

Then when a US factory was shut down due to contaminated baby formula, voila. Baby formula shortage.

It was somewhat speculative of me, but for sure, the babies crossing the border increased demand for baby formula which was in short supply.
Gasoline price are tied to oil prices. Oil is a world commodities driven by oil producing nations. The USA is an oil dependent nation. How did Biden's policies that were enacted after 2021 cause the drop in world wide oil production beginning in March of 2020?
I just posted in the prior post some of things he directly did.

In addition, it what he did not do:

What he should have announced simultaneously is a new Operation Warp Speed to make America a net exporter and world's largest producer of oil again.

He should have announced:
- Restart of the Keystone XL pipeline.
- Providing immediate emergency approval to hundreds if not thousands of drilling permits
- Temporary suspension of the federal gas tax
- Request all friendly oil-producing countries open their taps fully, and implement policy to encourage such

Gasoline price are tied to oil prices. Oil is a world commodities driven by oil producing nations. The USA is an oil dependent nation. How did Biden's policies that were enacted after 2021 cause the drop in world wide oil production beginning in March of 2020?
We can produce as much oil as any of the oil producing nations. There is no reason for the US to be dependent on anyone else for our needs. The US could flood the market ith oil.
- Providing immediate emergency approval to hundreds if not thousands of drilling permits
I'm sorry to hear you have been kept in the dark.

New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

Nearly 2,000 of the drilling permits were approved on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico office, followed by 843 in Wyoming, 285 in Montana and North Dakota, and 191 in Utah. In California, the Biden administration approved 187 permits — more than twice the 71 drilling permits Trump approved in that state in his first year.

As I mentioned earlier, US oil production increased 31 percent in Biden's first year compared to only 21 percent in Trump's first year.

Hope this helps.
I'm sorry to hear you have been kept in the dark.

New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

Nearly 2,000 of the drilling permits were approved on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico office, followed by 843 in Wyoming, 285 in Montana and North Dakota, and 191 in Utah. In California, the Biden administration approved 187 permits — more than twice the 71 drilling permits Trump approved in that state in his first year.

As I mentioned earlier, US oil production increased 31 percent in Biden's first year compared to only 21 percent in Trump's first year.

Hope this helps.
You don't even know what you are posting.

Almost every single one of those permits is simply being renewed for wells which already had a status of "AAPD," which means approved and available to drill.

Those are not new (a word I did not include but should have) permits for great wells in oil-rich American lands.
Falling gas prices offset the increases in other areas of the economy such as food, housing, etc. Nothing to brag about, since the only reason gas prices have dropped is because people simply cannot afford to drive as much.
Falling gas prices offset the increases in other areas of the economy such as food, housing, etc. Nothing to brag about, since the only reason gas prices have dropped is because people simply cannot afford to drive as much.
So, when prices rise on one sector, but rise in several others, the problem is solved?
I just posted in the prior post some of things he directly did.

In addition, it what he did not do:

What he should have announced simultaneously is a new Operation Warp Speed to make America a net exporter and world's largest producer of oil again.

He should have announced:
- Restart of the Keystone XL pipeline.
- Providing immediate emergency approval to hundreds if not thousands of drilling permits
- Temporary suspension of the federal gas tax
- Request all friendly oil-producing countries open their taps fully, and implement policy to encourage such

The US was still a net exporter of petroleum products in 2021.

Importing more Canadian product does not increase our production numbers.

There's a physical limitations on drilling rigs. They can only increase so much over time. Since the low mark of 250 active rigs during the pandemic slow down, the US has more than tripled that number. U.S. Crude Oil and Natural Gas Rotary Rigs in Operation (Number of Elements)

All president go to OPEC+ with those type request. All of them in modern times anyway.
We can produce as much oil as any of the oil producing nations. There is no reason for the US to be dependent on anyone else for our needs. The US could flood the market ith oil.
We have always been one of the top oil producing nations. The problem is our consumption over took production like 6 decades ago. Currently we burn around 19 to 20 mbd and only produce about 12 mbd.
We have always been one of the top oil producing nations. The problem is our consumption over took production like 6 decades ago. Currently we burn around 19 to 20 mbd and only produce about 12 mbd.
Correct. There’s no reason for the US to be dependent upon foreign oil.
Biden also tries to shake hands with invisible people, so he tends to see things that aren't there.
too bad he doesn't see what or who IS there, namely Satan

maybe he did see Satan... the one most of us cannot physically see (the one to whom he extended his hand so often).. We have known he is there also... esp ever since Pence betrayed our entire country by not sending elector ballots back to the states so they could do them properly

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