Biden claims zero percent inflation.

What Biden policy caused inflation?
It's a good question with obvious answers.

1. Gasoline prices have had a significant impact on inflation, and Biden's war on fossil fuels has helped drive prices dramatically northward.

As the price of energy goes, so does just about everything.

2. Supply and demand - open borders increases demand and prices. Increased prices are the direct driver of inflation.

Aside: The open borders also contribute to shortages in goods such as baby formula.

And now he's trying to spend his way out of inflation by signing a $0.74 Trillion spending bill that's supposed to lower our "0%" inflation. It's continual lunacy.
Joe Biden just claimed that there was "zero percent inflation" in July. I guess that 8.5% inflation rate is a figment of our imagination

One Chart That Shows Inflation Really Was 0% in July​

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) was unchanged in July on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 1.3 percent in June, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 8.5 percent before seasonal adjustment.

It's a good question with obvious answers.

1. Gasoline prices have had a significant impact on inflation, and Biden's war on fossil fuels has helped drive prices dramatically northward.
Oil production in Biden's first year increased by 31 percent. In Trump's first year, oil production increased by only 21 percent. Both presidents started at the same amount of production.

Try again.

Aside: The open borders also contribute to shortages in goods such as baby formula.
Complete and total horseshit. The baby formula shortage was because during the Trump Administration, he cut the amount of baby formula allowed to be imported from Canada.

Then when a US factory was shut down due to contaminated baby formula, voila. Baby formula shortage.

Why have none of you ever been able to answer the question?

See Post #85.

Joey"s war on fossil fuels beget higher consumer gas/diesel costs; beget higher electricity and natural gas costs; beget higher transportation costs; beget higher manufacturing costs; beget higher farming and food costs....had enough yet major stupido??
See Post #85.

Joey"s war on fossil fuels beget higher consumer gas/diesel costs; beget higher electricity and natural gas costs; beget higher transportation costs; beget higher manufacturing costs; beget higher farming and food costs....had enough yet major stupido??
See post 89.
The simple reason inflation exists is because production of a wide swath of goods, especially oil, was greatly decreased during the pandemic. Oil prices actually went negative for a while.

After the pandemic, consumer demand hit records levels.

Supply and demand. Econ 101.

As a result in the spike of spending and consumerism, the number of shipping containers and the number of container ships at our California ports surged tremendously to record highs. This overwhelmed the system.

As you can see below, consumer expenditures rose to an all time high after the pandemic. The pseudocon propagandists would have been praising Trump for this if he were in office, because this is tremendously good news for our economy.

The US is such a fucking joke these days. On just about every front.

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