Biden: Clear 'Mandate' to Raise Taxes

Here is the biggest problem with the Obama\Biden tax hikes.

The increase in spending will be 3-5 times greater than the any increase in revenues generated by such tax hikes. I'm okay with raising tax rates, but not if you are going to increase spending much more than you do tax revenues.


What's your basis for that estimate?

Recent history. Liberal spending habits.

Biden: Clear 'Mandate' to Raise Taxes


No constitutional authority to impose GRADUATED taxes

No Constitutional authority to impose discriminatory taxes - I am sure that Obama would oppose a tax for being black; why impose one for being rich

True Obama was elected and considers that a mandate to impose socialism

But the elected officials in the House of Representatives were also elected to office - they see those elections as a mandate to oppose increasing taxes

Now Obama can follow Ape Lincoln's steps and

(a) refuse to let those who oppose his socialistic tendencies enter the capitol or

(b) he can declare martial law allow the congressmen to enter the capitol and then use soldiers to force the Congressmen to vote Obama's way

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The problem with all taxes is that it is based on taking by force from "free" people.

Take a look at the clothes on your back or the appliances in your home (or anything you buy from a department store). The majority of it was made overseas with very cheap labor and a low regulatory burden (so as to maximize the return on investment). Problem is, investors need to feel secure about investing in dangerous parts of the developing or "Third World". So the public pays trillions (through taxes) to ensure that the Pentagon stabilizes global markets.

The private sector does not merely depend on massive taxation to protect its markets. They get a whole lot more from the nanny state. They depend on a very expensive Patent system which awards technical monopolies to anyone who has enough of a legal budget to get Washington to put a fence around their products. This is why the USA has the highest drug costs of any advanced nation, because the Patent system is rigged to crush competition. You should study how much of our tax burden goes to protecting large special interests from having to compete on the free market. It would fucking blow your mind. Turn off Rush Limbaugh and go to Washington DC so you can see up close how Lobbying works.

It doesn't stop there. The 80's consumer electronics boom was fed by the technological advances that came out of the Cold War Pentagon/NASA. You should try and study history outside of popular media. The Private Sector depends heavily on government for R&D and subsidies and infrastructure. Many large industries would not exist but for the massive help they received and still receive. (This is why John Gault lobbies Washington so much - because he wants to the subsidies and regulatory advantages). Think about Commercial Aviation, which was coddled and subsidized HEAVILY by big government. Turn off Sean Hannity and study the history of Boeing and how massive tax dollars were used to develop and sustain commercial aviation.

While you're at it, study the multiplier effect of say the Hoover Dam or the Interstate System, specifically how much business benefits from our advanced industrial infrastructure - all paid for by tax dollars.

Or what abut what happens when a city is destroyed by a natural disaster? The fact that investors know that the Federal Government will safeguard their investment by providing emergency support creates exactly the kind of predictability that makes investment possible. That's why there is no investment in many parts of Africa, because buildings burn down randomly form electrical fires because there are no fire codes. The reason capitalism works so well in the USA is because MASSIVE, MASSIVE, MASSIVE amounts of taxpayer dollars go into making sure the system is safe and predictable. If businesses couldn't depend on reliable communication and transportation systems, investments would dry up. The trillions of dollars of commercial activity that takes place in NYC simply would not happen if investors thought the tax supported Subway system would be abandoned because of a flood. If this happened they city would be paralyzed because the space simply does not exist for other means of transportation.

And let's not even talk about the legal system, specifically how expensive it is and what it does for commerce. Do you know what the legal costs are for maintaining just one futures market? - so that investors have the needed certainty to part with billions of dollars? Have you ever studied it? Any system of private property requires a powerful law enforcement apparatus to give investors enforceable contracts. The tax dollars required to support the legal infrastructure of the entire capitalist system would fucking blow your mind. Be careful with the kind of naive Libertarianism that is preached from Talk Radio. You're selling a great movement short. There are ways to effectively reduce government and unleash the power of markets without sounding absurd.
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TAXES ON THE BLOATED RICH, Pub dupes....duh. It's like arguing with absolute morons...They've added 270% to their wealth under Voodoo, and have added 93% of the added wealth in the Booosh Depression, and see sig pp1...

You are brainwashed fools.
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Idiot liberal assholes voted to raise sales tax and income tax here. This is what I fucking deal with here, I getting out I swear.
Your attempt to paint free exchanges in the market as the equivalent of forced expropriation by taxation utterly failed.

The problem with all taxes is that it is based on taking by force from "free" people.

Take a look at the clothes on your back or the appliances in your home (or anything you buy from a department store). The majority of it was made overseas with very cheap labor and a low regulatory burden (so as to maximize the return on investment). Problem is, investors need to feel secure about investing in dangerous parts of the developing or "Third World". So the public pays trillions (through taxes) to ensure that the Pentagon stabilizes global markets.

But... the private sector does not merely depend on massive taxation to protect its markets. They get a whole lot more from the nanny state. They depend on a very expensive Patent system which awards technical monopolies to anyone who has enough of a legal budget to get Washington to put a fence around their products. This is why the USA has the highest drug costs of any advanced nation, because the Patent system is rigged to crush competition. You should study how much of our tax burden goes to protecting large special interests from having to compete on the free market. It would fucking blow your mind. Turn off Rush Limbaugh and go to Washington DC so you can see up close how Lobbying works.

It doesn't stop there. The 80's consumer electronics boom was fed by the technological advances that came out of the Cold War Pentagon/NASA. You should try and study history outside of popular media. The Private Sector depends heavily on government for R&D and subsidies and infrastructure. Many large industries would not exist but for the massive help they received and still receive. (This is why John Gault lobbies Washington so much - because he wants to the subsidies and regulatory advantages). Think about Commercial Aviation, which was coddled and subsidized HEAVILY by big government. Turn off Sean Hannity and study the history of Boeing and how massive tax dollars were used to develop and sustain commercial aviation. You need to try and study this stuff so you don't post blindly.

While you're add it, go to a university and study the multiplier effect of say the Hoover Dam or the Interstate System, specifically how much business benefits from our advanced industrial infrastructure - all paid for by tax dollars.

Or what abut what happens when a city is destroyed by a natural disaster. The fact that investors know that the Federal Government will safeguard their investment by providing emergency support creates exactly the kind of predictability that makes investment possible. That's why there is no investment in many parts of Africa, because buildings burn down randomly form electrical fires because there are no fire codes.

And let's not even talk about the legal system? Do you know what the legal costs are for maintaining just one futures market? Have you ever studied it? Any system of private property requires a powerful law enforcement apparatus to give investors enforceable contracts. The tax dollars required to support the legal infrastructure of the entire capitalist system would fucking blow your mind. Be careful with the kind of naive Libertarianism that is preached from Talk Radio. You're selling a great movement short. There are ways to effectively reduce government and unleash the power of markets without sounding absurd.
whoohoo, tax tax tax..TAX AWAY


8:41 PM, Nov 7, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER

Vice President Joe Biden told reporters on Air Force Two today that last night's election represented a clear "mandate" to raise taxes.

"Where specifically do you think Republicans will be willing to compromise on issues of debt/deficit?" a pool reported asked Biden.

"Well look, I think -- You guys have probably looked at the internals of the vote more than I have so far," said Biden. "But from what it appears is that, on the issue of the tax issue, there was a clear, a clear sort of mandate about people coming much closer to our view about how to deal with tax policy. I think we can move, I'd like to see us, I think we can do something on corporate taxes sooner than later. That would be positive, be a little confidence-building. And you know I just think it's going to take time for the Republicans to sort of digest what the consequences for them internally. But i just think there's too much, I've been saying to you all along and I know I may be the only guy - well, I think Clinton shares this view, President Clinton, we talked about it. But I think the fever will break. And you know, Barack's re-elected so this sort of cause to keep a second term from happening's done. He's there for four years. So I think there's going to be - I hope there's going to be some real soul-searching about, on Republican Party, about what they're willing to cooperate on."

all of it here
Biden: Clear 'Mandate' to Raise Taxes | The Weekly Standard

That's right. Those who don't pay taxes want the rest of us to pay more so they can get more.

The socialists have multiplied and that is all this means. Those who don't like capitalism and hate America as it is want to destroy it and allow Obama to rebuild it into something it was never meant to be.

We weren't even supposed to pay taxes in the beginning. High taxes is why our founders commited treason by starting this country. Elected officials were supposed to be honored to serve their country and I'm sure feeding and housing them was part of the deal. It wasn't meant to be a career where they'd keep voting themselves more money and cushy benefits for life. The federal reserve shouldn't be privately owned. Politicians veered from our founders' vision and they alone screwed it up. Not the wealthy. It was government that created problems and then created more problems disguised as solutions.

Politcians should be subjected to the same laws as we are. That is the deal. By the people, for the people. Politicians are not royalty and should never be treated as such. Everyone should write their congress critters and demand that they have Obamacare like the rest of us. If it's not good enough for Obama's family, it damn sure isn't good enough for mine.

No politician has a mandate to further tax people's labor. He merely has many supporters who wish to vote themselves more of the public's money, something they've no right to expect..

I have to ask every liberal here, are you okay with Obama and congress excluding themselves from Obamacare? Are you okay with them being above the laws they impose on us?
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Right- taxes are communism...right off the wall Pub dupes....even worse, Pubs will NEVER do that LOL. Just keep ruining the nonrich. If you don't know history, etc...
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whoohoo, tax tax tax..TAX AWAY


8:41 PM, Nov 7, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER

Vice President Joe Biden told reporters on Air Force Two today that last night's election represented a clear "mandate" to raise taxes.

"Where specifically do you think Republicans will be willing to compromise on issues of debt/deficit?" a pool reported asked Biden.

"Well look, I think -- You guys have probably looked at the internals of the vote more than I have so far," said Biden. "But from what it appears is that, on the issue of the tax issue, there was a clear, a clear sort of mandate about people coming much closer to our view about how to deal with tax policy. I think we can move, I'd like to see us, I think we can do something on corporate taxes sooner than later. That would be positive, be a little confidence-building. And you know I just think it's going to take time for the Republicans to sort of digest what the consequences for them internally. But i just think there's too much, I've been saying to you all along and I know I may be the only guy - well, I think Clinton shares this view, President Clinton, we talked about it. But I think the fever will break. And you know, Barack's re-elected so this sort of cause to keep a second term from happening's done. He's there for four years. So I think there's going to be - I hope there's going to be some real soul-searching about, on Republican Party, about what they're willing to cooperate on."

all of it here
Biden: Clear 'Mandate' to Raise Taxes | The Weekly Standard

That's right. Those who don't pay taxes want the rest of us to pay more so they can get more.

The socialists have multiplied and that is all this means. Those who don't like capitalism and hate America as it is want to destroy it and allow Obama to rebuild it into something it was never meant to be.

We weren't even supposed to pay taxes in the beginning. High taxes is why our founders commited treason by starting this country. Elected officials were supposed to be honored to serve their country and I'm sure feeding and housing them was part of the deal. It wasn't meant to be a career where they'd keep voting themselves more money and cushy benefits for life. The federal reserve shouldn't be privately owned. Politicians veered from our founders' vision and they alone screwed it up. Not the wealthy. It was government that created problems and then created more problems disguised as solutions.

Politcians should be subjected to the same laws as we are. That is the deal. By the people, for the people. Politicians are not royalty and should never be treated as such. Everyone should write their congress critters and demand that they have Obamacare like the rest of us. If it's not good enough for Obama's family, it damn sure isn't good enough for mine.

No politician has a mandate to further tax people's labor. He merely has many supporters who wish to vote themselves more of the public's money, something they've no right to expect..

I have to ask every liberal here, are you okay with Obama and congress excluding themselves from Obamacare? Are you okay with them being above the laws they impose on us?

Taking this bottom up...
I'm OK with Obamacare (for now). You should go back and read the law though - the president and congress are NOT excluded, in fact they are mandated to be participants.

The Constitution has a clause that gives the power of taxation to the congress. After the Revolutionary war, debts had to be repaid and tax they did.

Breaking away from the AFP cliches, your confusing socialism with corporatist plutocracy. Not surprising - the Tea Party has done an awesome job in the indoctrination of nearly half the country. We are now arguing about which is better: giving our money to people in need or giving our money to the very rich. It's clear that those of us clinging to the middle class won't be able to keep it ourselves.
Reagan did, bripat. Look it up.

Reagan cut the maximum marginal rate from 70% to 28%.

Look it up, Fakey.

Oh yeah - that.

The middle class was supposed get a piece of that action. When the deficit began to sprint, he clamped down on that idea real quick. Maybe it was the Alzheimer's, but somehow he "forgot" to rescind the tax cuts to his rich donors too. Funny how it didn't stop the deficit from rising though - even though that's what he told us when we complained about it.
Right- taxes are communism...right off the wall Pub dupes....even worse, Pubs will NEVER do that LOL. Just keep ruining the nonrich. If you don't know history, etc...

The graduated income tax was originally proposed by Karl Marx, moron.
Reagan cut the maximum marginal rate from 70% to 28%.

Look it up, Fakey.

Oh yeah - that.

The middle class was supposed get a piece of that action. When the deficit began to sprint, he clamped down on that idea real quick. Maybe it was the Alzheimer's, but somehow he "forgot" to rescind the tax cuts to his rich donors too. Funny how it didn't stop the deficit from rising though - even though that's what he told us when we complained about it.

Where did you show that Reagan didn't cut the top marginal rate?
Reagan cut the maximum marginal rate from 70% to 28%.

Look it up, Fakey.

Oh yeah - that.

The middle class was supposed get a piece of that action. When the deficit began to sprint, he clamped down on that idea real quick. Maybe it was the Alzheimer's, but somehow he "forgot" to rescind the tax cuts to his rich donors too. Funny how it didn't stop the deficit from rising though - even though that's what he told us when we complained about it.

Where did you show that Reagan didn't cut the top marginal rate?

I didn't. I lived it. I'm sure that someone as bright and resourceful as you should be able to find that information.

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