Biden: Clear 'Mandate' to Raise Taxes

s0n, I am for raising taxes on everybody. Let the Bush tax cuts expire and go back to the Clinton years. Reform social entitlements. Seriously cut Defense. That will make the economy rocky for everybody for two to three years. So? We are responsible for letting the GOP from 1994 to 2006, with their compliant Dem allies, get as crazy economically as did their soc con allies. We all pay the price, we all will come out ahead in the future, particularly our children and grandchildren.
There was no mandate for anything. There was a clear message that very close to half the country intends to do everything they can to continue to stop obama's policies. That is, everything they can legally do. Heaven help us if that half should give up on the legally part.

That's only partly true. There are some shiny new faces in the House and Senate as well - and that has to be considered as part of the mandate too. You might as well face it - we're going to see the taxes on people making more than $250k going up a tad. Don't worry too much about them though, most of them ought to be able to find a way to dodge most of it. They already do.

Now if congress was smart, they'd drop corporate taxes completely and kill the loopholes that allow a person to be a walking corporation, require declaration of offshore funds, and then tax everyone fairly across the board. But it's the protect the plutocracy thing that always sticks in their throats.

So what you're basically admitting is that the whole "tax the rich" mantra that progressives have been giving us for the past four years as the solution to our deficit problem is nothing more than an illusion? So why are we even wasting our time with this nonsense?
s0n, I am for raising taxes on everybody. Let the Bush tax cuts expire and go back to the Clinton years. Reform social entitlements. Seriously cut Defense. That will make the economy rocky for everybody for two to three years. So? We are responsible for letting the GOP from 1994 to 2006, with their compliant Dem allies, get as crazy economically as did their soc con allies. We all pay the price, we all will come out ahead in the future, particularly our children and grandchildren.

We have a "progressive tax" system, Jake which essentially means that half the people pay no taxes at all...yet they can vote to raise taxes on those that do. Gee, I wonder how THAT scenario works out!!!
47% pay no federal income tax, but do pay taxes on everything else the same the more fortunate pay.

How does it work out? Remember the post World War II to the 1970s era.?
s0n, I am for raising taxes on everybody. Let the Bush tax cuts expire and go back to the Clinton years. Reform social entitlements. Seriously cut Defense. That will make the economy rocky for everybody for two to three years. So? We are responsible for letting the GOP from 1994 to 2006, with their compliant Dem allies, get as crazy economically as did their soc con allies. We all pay the price, we all will come out ahead in the future, particularly our children and grandchildren.

We have a "progressive tax" system, Jake which essentially means that half the people pay no taxes at all...yet they can vote to raise taxes on those that do. Gee, I wonder how THAT scenario works out!!!
s0n, I am for raising taxes on everybody. Let the Bush tax cuts expire and go back to the Clinton years. Reform social entitlements. Seriously cut Defense. That will make the economy rocky for everybody for two to three years. So? We are responsible for letting the GOP from 1994 to 2006, with their compliant Dem allies, get as crazy economically as did their soc con allies. We all pay the price, we all will come out ahead in the future, particularly our children and grandchildren.

Then why all the whining about "the rich"?

If you want the Bush tax cuts to expire for everyone that's fine with me as long as everyone pays more and not just some.
47% pay no federal income tax, but do pay taxes on everything else the same the more fortunate pay.

How does it work out? Remember the post World War II to the 1970s era.?
s0n, I am for raising taxes on everybody. Let the Bush tax cuts expire and go back to the Clinton years. Reform social entitlements. Seriously cut Defense. That will make the economy rocky for everybody for two to three years. So? We are responsible for letting the GOP from 1994 to 2006, with their compliant Dem allies, get as crazy economically as did their soc con allies. We all pay the price, we all will come out ahead in the future, particularly our children and grandchildren.

We have a "progressive tax" system, Jake which essentially means that half the people pay no taxes at all...yet they can vote to raise taxes on those that do. Gee, I wonder how THAT scenario works out!!!

So what?

If one has an income one should not be exempt from the income tax.

No one is exempt from the gas tax when they fill up are they?
Yes Biden, enough idiots like you want to tax "rich" people making $250,000 and go at it and don't bitch when they fire people from their jobs.
Exit polls showed that voters opposed raising taxes to resolve the deficit by 60% to 40%.

Biden is a taxaholic. He's also a moron.

whoohoo, tax tax tax..TAX AWAY


8:41 PM, Nov 7, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER

Vice President Joe Biden told reporters on Air Force Two today that last night's election represented a clear "mandate" to raise taxes.

"Where specifically do you think Republicans will be willing to compromise on issues of debt/deficit?" a pool reported asked Biden.

"Well look, I think -- You guys have probably looked at the internals of the vote more than I have so far," said Biden. "But from what it appears is that, on the issue of the tax issue, there was a clear, a clear sort of mandate about people coming much closer to our view about how to deal with tax policy. I think we can move, I'd like to see us, I think we can do something on corporate taxes sooner than later. That would be positive, be a little confidence-building. And you know I just think it's going to take time for the Republicans to sort of digest what the consequences for them internally. But i just think there's too much, I've been saying to you all along and I know I may be the only guy - well, I think Clinton shares this view, President Clinton, we talked about it. But I think the fever will break. And you know, Barack's re-elected so this sort of cause to keep a second term from happening's done. He's there for four years. So I think there's going to be - I hope there's going to be some real soul-searching about, on Republican Party, about what they're willing to cooperate on."

all of it here
Biden: Clear 'Mandate' to Raise Taxes | The Weekly Standard
Yes Biden, enough idiots like you want to tax "rich" people making $250,000 and go at it and don't bitch when they fire people from their jobs.

When the mass layoffs begin, Biden and the other morons will blame it on "greed."
s0n, I am for raising taxes on everybody. Let the Bush tax cuts expire and go back to the Clinton years. Reform social entitlements. Seriously cut Defense. That will make the economy rocky for everybody for two to three years. So? We are responsible for letting the GOP from 1994 to 2006, with their compliant Dem allies, get as crazy economically as did their soc con allies. We all pay the price, we all will come out ahead in the future, particularly our children and grandchildren.

Then why all the whining about "the rich"?

If you want the Bush tax cuts to expire for everyone that's fine with me as long as everyone pays more and not just some.

Yep, I say the Republicans should not participate in any so-called "compromise." They should just allow the Bush tax cuts to expire as the libturds have been demanding for the last 4 years.
Here is the biggest problem with the Obama\Biden tax hikes.

The increase in spending will be 3-5 times greater than the any increase in revenues generated by such tax hikes. I'm okay with raising tax rates, but not if you are going to increase spending much more than you do tax revenues.

There was no mandate for anything. There was a clear message that very close to half the country intends to do everything they can to continue to stop obama's policies. That is, everything they can legally do. Heaven help us if that half should give up on the legally part.

That's only partly true. There are some shiny new faces in the House and Senate as well - and that has to be considered as part of the mandate too. You might as well face it - we're going to see the taxes on people making more than $250k going up a tad. Don't worry too much about them though, most of them ought to be able to find a way to dodge most of it. They already do.

Now if congress was smart, they'd drop corporate taxes completely and kill the loopholes that allow a person to be a walking corporation, require declaration of offshore funds, and then tax everyone fairly across the board. But it's the protect the plutocracy thing that always sticks in their throats.

So what you're basically admitting is that the whole "tax the rich" mantra that progressives have been giving us for the past four years as the solution to our deficit problem is nothing more than an illusion? So why are we even wasting our time with this nonsense?

That's NOT what I said at all. But, the reality is that our tax code needs some serious attention.

Romney's success was built on loading up on "cheap" debt in order to boost capital by knocking off the tax burden. So, if a business is being taxed 35%, say, if they were to acquire another failing company, the liability could be applied to the profits of the business he wanted to build - effectively reducing the tax rate. When/if the tax burden relaxes, he sells off the assets of the liability company and closes the doors on it.
Here is the biggest problem with the Obama\Biden tax hikes.

The increase in spending will be 3-5 times greater than the any increase in revenues generated by such tax hikes. I'm okay with raising tax rates, but not if you are going to increase spending much more than you do tax revenues.


What's your basis for that estimate?
Did you know like Romney in the 2012 Presidential Loser Election, when America stayed Blue, the Good Ship Wingnut has taken hold of the economic argument that is a loser for them? Yep, they ran out of ammo and have now resorted to plastic mallets and water pistols.

Oh yeah, they have talking points now...taxing the Super Wealthy will not settle the debt (not that anyone actually says it will) and other imbecilic straw man arguments

:lol: five thread
Did you know like Romney in the 2012 Presidential Loser Election, when America stayed Blue, the Good Ship Wingnut has taken hold of the economic argument that is a loser for them? Yep, they ran out of ammo and have now resorted to plastic mallets and water pistols.

Oh yeah, they have talking points now...taxing the Super Wealthy will not settle the debt (not that anyone actually says it will) and other imbecilic straw man arguments

:lol: five thread

So you think raising taxes and increasing spending is a good economic argument?


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