Biden demands ban on ‘assault weapons,’ high-capacity magazines in first speech to Congress

In reality, the opposite occurs. American gun makers are arming the cartels. So you really are just throwing BS out there.

Don't for one minute think US sourced guns only flow to cartels from illicit sources . . . Tens of thousands flow from diversion of guns (and other real military hardware) the government of the USA sells to the Government of Mexico in US State Department approved direct sales.

I'm having deja vu all over again! This was a thing in the news back in Obama's time, right after he got in he was jawboning the same thing as Reich is now . . . That was when Obama's spouted the lie that “[m]ore than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States” . . .

For 2009 the State Department suddenly jacked Mexico's direct sales of AR-15's ten-fold from previous years when the State Department's own audits showed a 26% diversion rate of government sales to the cartels. People noticed that jump and in response the State Department shut down all public reporting in 2010, never to be mentioned again . . .

A distrusting person might think that the idea was to flood Mexico with US sourced guns from direct sales and Fast and Furious (wink, wink) then be shocked and horrified when cartel violence explodes, which could then be used to propagandize support in the US to enact new gun laws . . . Nah, no way, only a crazy person would ever think that!

This "guns to Mexico" topic is probably a huge Pandora's Box of hijack here. It's a fun topic and definitely worthwhile to discuss, given Biden is pushing now, with Reich floating the test balloon, the same policies Obama was then.

Like I said, deja vu!
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It's a political bastardization of the term "Assault Rifle" which got its name from the Strumgewehr 44 (literally "Storm Rifle" means assault rifle).

Assault Rifle parameters include select fire, a mid-sized round, and a detachable magazine.

Select fire means being able to shoot semi-auto and full-auto or burst.

"Assault Weapons" means anything congress decides to ban, including grandpa's single fire shot gun.

As you note, the term "Assault Rifle" has a real definition describing type, function and performance. Here is a US DOD book from 1970, with the definition formally stated:


As you also note, the term "assault weapon" is strictly a political term that only refers to a style of gun, not any particular type or function.

The term's function and usefulness is as a political tool and was described by a founding father of the gun control movement, Josh Sugarman.

The term's function and usefulness relies on the general public's ignorance of guns and willingness to be propagandized:

"Assault weapons—just like armor-piercing bullets, machine guns, and plastic firearms—are a new topic. The weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons."​
Josh Sugarmann, Assault Weapons and Accessories in America (1988)​
Firearms Policy Project of the Violence Policy Center​
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This is just stupid.

EVERY weapon is an assault weapon.

What the hell you gonna pick up a weapon for, if you ain't gonna assault someone with it?

Defensive or not, it's still an assault. You better HOPE it's an assault, if you threaten someone with a weapon and you're not ready to assault them you might not live very long.

Stupid libtards ...

A baseball bat is an assault weapon. A kitchen knife is an assault weapon. Even Covid, could be an assault weapon.
Biden demands ban on ‘assault weapons,’ high-capacity magazines in first speech to Congress
29 Apr 2021 ~~ By Liz George

In his first speech before both chambers of Congress, President Joe Biden focused heavily on his administration’s gun control agenda, calling once again for “reasonable reforms” on firearms, including a ban on “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines.
“We need a ban on assault weapons and high—capacity magazines again. Don’t tell me it can’t be done. We’ve done it before … and it worked,” Biden asserted in his speech. “Talk to most responsible gun owners, most hunters – they’ll tell you there’s no possible justification for having 100 rounds – 100 bullets – in a weapon. They will tell you that there are too many people today who are able to buy a gun, but who shouldn’t be able to.”
In 2004, the Department of Justice National Institute of Justice issued a report stating that the 1994 “assault weapons” ban did not actually reduce crime.

I’m sure that law enforcement all across the nation are busy today ridding themselves "Assault Weapons" and Large capacity magazines that hold more than seven rounds ( a very popular New York solution except for NYPD).
Most states with the U.S. have limits on the number of rounds that can be loaded in a rifle or shotgun.
For rifles hunting big game (Deer, boar, elk or bear) rifles are limited to 4 in the magazine/clip, or tube. For shotguns the normally loads are three in the magazine/tube and one round chambered.
Obviously both the president and his handlers know little about hunting laws or what is manufactured within the sporting arms industry of America.
While the popular AR-15 system is now calibered from .22 cal, 5.56/.223, 6.5mm, 6.8mm .300 Blackout, 7.62x39mm and .308 calibers.
The system created by Eugene Stoner like Kalashnikov has outlived his name.
Unlike the mlitary M4A1 Carbine is only manufactured for war in one standard caliber 5.56mm NATO and may be fitted with a selective fully automatic trigger assembly where the AR-15 is not. .
The ultimate goal of the current pro-Marxist administration is to disarm the public, become an authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and murderous government. Once disarmed and draconian laws are enacted and the public protests, the leaders of the protests would be dragged off and disappear and the general crowd dispersed with live fire.
Once they've become the enemy our founding fathers warned us about, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Vietnam, Cuba, Laos and Russia will suddenly become our best friends.
At least that's how it's perceived. Will that really happen? Not sure. All we can do is vote for the candidates of our choice and wait.
The ultimate goal of the current pro-Marxist administration is to disarm the public, become an authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and murderous government. Once disarmed and draconian laws are enacted and the public protests, the leaders of the protests would be dragged off and disappear and the general crowd dispersed with live fire.
Once they've become the enemy our founding fathers warned us about, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Vietnam, Cuba, Laos and Russia will suddenly become our best friends.
At least that's how it's perceived. Will that really happen? Not sure. All we can do is vote for the candidates of our choice and wait.

While no one was watching that is exactly what Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats have been doing to the U.S. population for the last two years.
It started with the lock down and Fauci and expanded to masks, mandatory vaccinations and 'Wokeness.
Americans woke up after they found their children were being abused in schools by teachers imposing CRT rather than teaching the three R's.
The ultimate goal of the current pro-Marxist administration is to disarm the public, become an authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and murderous government. Once disarmed and draconian laws are enacted and the public protests, the leaders of the protests would be dragged off and disappear and the general crowd dispersed with live fire.
Once they've become the enemy our founding fathers warned us about, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Vietnam, Cuba, Laos and Russia will suddenly become our best friends.
At least that's how it's perceived. Will that really happen? Not sure. All we can do is vote for the candidates of our choice and wait.

While no one was watching that is exactly what Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats have been doing to the U.S. population for the last two years.
It started with the lock down and Fauci and expanded to masks, mandatory vaccinations and 'Wokeness.
Americans woke up after they found their children were being abused in schools by teachers forcing them to wear masks and imposing CRT rather than teaching the three R's.
While no one was watching that is exactly what Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats have been doing to the U.S. population for the last two years.
It started with the lock down and Fauci and expanded to masks, mandatory vaccinations and 'Wokeness.
Americans woke up after they found their children were being abused in schools by teachers forcing them to wear masks and imposing CRT rather than teaching the three R's.
Yeah. When the reading scores go back up to where they were 20 years ago, THEN talk to me about the revisionist bullshit. Till then, keep the critical "theories" out of our schools.
Yeah. When the reading scores go back up to where they were 20 years ago, THEN talk to me about the revisionist bullshit. Till then, keep the critical "theories" out of our schools.

Hey brother I'm with you all the way.
I saw this happening in the 1980's and complained about it then and no one was listening then either. I saw that in my grandsons in the early 2000's again and questioned then also to no avail.
Those aren't assault weapons. Don't let the Freedom Haters get away with pretending that they are.

Assault weapons were restricted from the general public 88 years ago.

I can do that. But my definition will not make the Freedom Haters happy, since such weapons were already restricted from the general public 88 years ago.

Assault weapons:

a) are capable of either full-auto or burst-fire,

b) accept detachable magazines,

c) fire rounds that are less powerful than a standard deer rifle, and

d) are effective at a range of 300 meters.

This means that semi-auto-only guns are not assault weapons.

This means that guns with fixed magazines are not assault weapons.

This means that guns that fire rounds equal-to or greater-than the power of a standard deer rifle are not assault weapons.

This means that guns that fire handgun/shotgun/rimfire rounds are not assault weapons.
No those are automatic weapons

The word "assault" isn;t in there

And FYI you can own a fully automatic weapon all you have to do is pay a 200 dollar tax
National Guard" became a standard nationwide militia title in 1903, and has specifically indicated reserve forces under mixed state and federal control since 1933.
They can call themselves anything they want, but that does not make them the militia in the eyes of the US Constitution.

You don’t seem to know much about how the national guard is set up nor how it’s allowed by the constitution. You really don’t have a clue what their mission is.
That is incorrect. I am familiar with those things.

Any “militia” that has authority to act anywhere within the US, also has authority to work out side the the US.
That is incorrect. The federal role of the militia is limited to enforcing the law, suppressing insurrections, and repelling invasions.

None of those involve service outside US borders.

Your wish list has nothing to do with what is actually allowed by our constitution.
Actually it does. It is the Constitution that limits the federal role of the militia to enforcing the law, suppressing insurrections, and repelling invasions.

Lets stop making foolish remarks.
I never make foolish remarks.

Really, you are amazingly uninformed about the militia.
No I'm not.

You never served did you ?
Sorry, but I prefer to keep my life private.

I've found that whenever a progressive starts asking me about my personal life, they just want to use it to attack me to distract from the discussion at hand. It doesn't even matter whether the answer is yes or no. They'll attack me for either answer.

Perhaps you don't mean to do this, but I just make it a universal policy now to never answer questions about my personal life.

Look it up instead of making up sht.
Every single thing that I say is true.
Assault weapons are a subset of automatic weapons.

Isn't in where?

Not exactly. You also have to pay a highly inflated price to buy from an extremely limited pool of weapons.
In the National Firearms act of 1934.

And just because an automatic weapon is expensive that in no way means you cannot own one.
In the National Firearms act of 1934.
It doesn't have to refer to them by name in order to restrict them. Assault rifles count as machine guns under the NFA's definitions.

And just because an automatic weapon is expensive that in no way means you cannot own one.
There are about 20,000 transferable M-16s. There are about 4,000 transferable FN FNC sears. There are about 7,200 transferable HK sears.

Add in the handful of other transferable assault rifles of various kinds, and that makes for about 32,000 transferable assault rifles available to the general public.

No mater who owns those 32,000 weapons, the vast majority of the general public is going to be prevented from legally owning an assault rifle. Whenever someone new acquires one of those 32,000 weapons, that means someone else is giving theirs up.

I know you can also acquire an assault rifle by becoming a federally licensed machine gun manufacturer and then building your own. The vast majority of the general public is also not going to be able to start their own machine gun manufacturing business.
It doesn't have to refer to them by name in order to restrict them. Assault rifles count as machine guns under the NFA's definitions.

There are about 20,000 transferable M-16s. There are about 4,000 transferable FN FNC sears. There are about 7,200 transferable HK sears.

Add in the handful of other transferable assault rifles of various kinds, and that makes for about 32,000 transferable assault rifles available to the general public.

No mater who owns those 32,000 weapons, the vast majority of the general public is going to be prevented from legally owning an assault rifle. Whenever someone new acquires one of those 32,000 weapons, that means someone else is giving theirs up.

I know you can also acquire an assault rifle by becoming a federally licensed machine gun manufacturer and then building your own. The vast majority of the general public is also not going to be able to start their own machine gun manufacturing business.
The term "assault rifle" is meaningless.
The term "assault rifle" is meaningless.
The term has a meaning. Assault rifles:

a) are capable of either full-auto or burst-fire,

b) accept detachable magazines,

c) fire rounds that are less powerful than a standard deer rifle, and

d) are effective at a range of 300 meters.

This means that semi-auto-only guns are not assault rifles.

This means that guns with fixed magazines are not assault rifles.

This means that guns that fire rounds equal-to or greater-than the power of a standard deer rifle are not assault rifles.

This means that guns that fire handgun/shotgun/rimfire rounds are not assault rifles.
The term has a meaning. Assault rifles:

a) are capable of either full-auto or burst-fire,

b) accept detachable magazines,

c) fire rounds that are less powerful than a standard deer rifle, and

d) are effective at a range of 300 meters.

This means that semi-auto-only guns are not assault rifles.

This means that guns with fixed magazines are not assault rifles.

This means that guns that fire rounds equal-to or greater-than the power of a standard deer rifle are not assault rifles.

This means that guns that fire handgun/shotgun/rimfire rounds are not assault rifles.

I'm not going to quibble semantics with you
The Constitution and The Militia Act guarantees that Americans are allowed to possess "Assault Rifles".
The term has a meaning. Assault rifles:

a) are capable of either full-auto or burst-fire,

b) accept detachable magazines,

c) fire rounds that are less powerful than a standard deer rifle, and

d) are effective at a range of 300 meters.

This means that semi-auto-only guns are not assault rifles.

This means that guns with fixed magazines are not assault rifles.

This means that guns that fire rounds equal-to or greater-than the power of a standard deer rifle are not assault rifles.

This means that guns that fire handgun/shotgun/rimfire rounds are not assault rifles.
That is incorrect. The federal role of the militia is limited to enforcing the law, suppressing insurrections, and repelling invasions.

None of those involve service outside US borders.
You are dreadfully uninformed. . The national guard is regulated militia.
Our guard unit was one of many to serve overseas. Once activated by the Fed, you can be send the unit anywhere in the world.
You have no idea what you are saying, Tucker.

On May 13, 1968, 12,234 Army National Guardsmen in 20 units from 17 states were mobilized for service during the Vietnam War. Eight units deployed to Vietnam and over 7,000 Army Guardsmen served in the war zone.
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The Constitution and The Militia Act guarantees that Americans are allowed to possess "Assault Rifles".
More made up shit. Only when activated by the gov or federal gov can an organized state militia use “assault weapons” in the defense of our nations. You must be over 200 years old with musket. Dillusional.

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