Biden Deserves Credit, Not Blame, for Afghanistan

you know what they say about opinions,,

any word on how many american hostages joe left behind??

No ransom demands, Taliban has said they have no wish to keep Americans in Afghanistan if they want to leave...

A lot of Americans choose to stay in Afghanistan...

Ireland sent army to bring Irish home:
36 came home
60 Irish Citizens decided to stay
20 Afghans with Irish residency permits decided to stay

So a lot of people are staying in Afghanistan... No President (Biden or Trump) could bring them to US...

There was no American citizens evacuees on the last 5 flights out...

Did more want to get out? YES... Wouldn't you if you have lived in a area which has seen 40 years war in the last 50... Largest export is illegal drugs and is going to be taken over by army who have a history of revenge attack...
This from the Atlantic guy gets it:

America’s longest war has been by any measure a costly failure, and the errors in managing the conflict deserve scrutiny in the years to come. But Joe Biden doesn’t “own” the mayhem on the ground right now. What we’re seeing is the culmination of 20 years of bad decisions by U.S. political and military leaders. If anything, Americans should feel proud of what the U.S. government and military have accomplished in these past two weeks. President Biden deserves credit, not blame.

Unlike his three immediate predecessors in the Oval Office, all of whom also came to see the futility of the Afghan operation, Biden alone had the political courage to fully end America’s involvement. Although Donald Trump made a plan to end the war, he set a departure datethat fell after the end of his first term and created conditions that made the situation Biden inherited more precarious. And despite significant pressure and obstacles, Biden has overseen a military and government that have managed, since the announcement of America’s withdrawal, one of the most extraordinary logistical feats in their recent history. By the time the last American plane lifts off from Hamid Karzai International Airport on August 31, the total number of Americans and Afghan allies extricated from the country may exceed 120,000.

Helluva job to the men and women on the ground who got this done and to Joe who made it happen
This from the Atlantic guy gets it:

America’s longest war has been by any measure a costly failure, and the errors in managing the conflict deserve scrutiny in the years to come. But Joe Biden doesn’t “own” the mayhem on the ground right now. What we’re seeing is the culmination of 20 years of bad decisions by U.S. political and military leaders. If anything, Americans should feel proud of what the U.S. government and military have accomplished in these past two weeks. President Biden deserves credit, not blame.

Unlike his three immediate predecessors in the Oval Office, all of whom also came to see the futility of the Afghan operation, Biden alone had the political courage to fully end America’s involvement. Although Donald Trump made a plan to end the war, he set a departure datethat fell after the end of his first term and created conditions that made the situation Biden inherited more precarious. And despite significant pressure and obstacles, Biden has overseen a military and government that have managed, since the announcement of America’s withdrawal, one of the most extraordinary logistical feats in their recent history. By the time the last American plane lifts off from Hamid Karzai International Airport on August 31, the total number of Americans and Afghan allies extricated from the country may exceed 120,000.

He does deserve credit for ending a war that only benefited war profiteers. He also deserves criticism for ending it improperly.

Joe said just a few weeks ago the Afghan army would control Kabul and the the Taliban would not take over. Who was responsible for lying to the president? Joe needs to start firing people. First to go should be the heads of the CIA, DOD, and SOS…but alas I’m dreaming. No one will face accountability for a worthless war that cost the American people dearly.

Here are clips of Joe speaking just a few weeks ago.
The problem isn’t our leaving Afghanistan. The problem is how we withdrew.

Talk about a total SNAFU.

It really wasn't going to end any other way, was it?

let's get real here. The Afghan government was always going to fold like a cheap suit, and there would be a big panic for the war profiteering Americans and Afghan Quislings to get out.

It would have been nice if all the Americans had gotten out in May like Biden told them to, but they didn't.
Maybe YOU need to learn to read

There's nothing funny about any of this

You making up crap is fcking hysterical.

Now if you haven't watched the news 13 of our soldiers were tragically killed by a muslim bomber. The other news is that Americans were left behind.

There is plenty to be upset about without your distorting a poster's intent.

It would have been nice if all the Americans had gotten out in May like Biden told them to, but they didn't.
These were not Americans working with our armed forces. They were there on there own and waited to the last minute to even try to get out
This from the Atlantic guy gets it:

America’s longest war has been by any measure a costly failure, and the errors in managing the conflict deserve scrutiny in the years to come. But Joe Biden doesn’t “own” the mayhem on the ground right now. What we’re seeing is the culmination of 20 years of bad decisions by U.S. political and military leaders. If anything, Americans should feel proud of what the U.S. government and military have accomplished in these past two weeks. President Biden deserves credit, not blame.

Unlike his three immediate predecessors in the Oval Office, all of whom also came to see the futility of the Afghan operation, Biden alone had the political courage to fully end America’s involvement. Although Donald Trump made a plan to end the war, he set a departure datethat fell after the end of his first term and created conditions that made the situation Biden inherited more precarious. And despite significant pressure and obstacles, Biden has overseen a military and government that have managed, since the announcement of America’s withdrawal, one of the most extraordinary logistical feats in their recent history. By the time the last American plane lifts off from Hamid Karzai International Airport on August 31, the total number of Americans and Afghan allies extricated from the country may exceed 120,000.


Wow....that was funny........oh,'re serious?


Talk about being fucking clueless........the entire world sees this mess for what it of the worst foreign policy debacles in U.S. history, and it is still ongoing because President sleepy has left Americans, allies and foreign nationals be murdered and ransomed by every radical muslim extremist group that can get their hands on them.......


It really wasn't going to end any other way, was it?

let's get real here. The Afghan government was always going to fold like a cheap suit, and there would be a big panic for the war profiteering Americans and Afghan Quislings to get out.

It would have been nice if all the Americans had gotten out in May like Biden told them to, but they didn't.
It wasn’t suppose to fold up according to Old Joe. He says so here…
You making up crap is fcking hysterical.

Now if you haven't watched the news 13 of our soldiers were tragically killed by a muslim bomber. The other news is that Americans were left behind.

There is plenty to be upset about without your distorting a poster's intent.

Maybe StupidIrishBitch should have been clearer in her grave dancing whine then huh?
yes he is credited with leaving americans behind and supplying weapons to our enemies,,,

--and destroying the reputation of the U.S. abroad

--making sure that any other country will not trust the U.S......

All of the damage though? It is what the left has wanted for decades...and biden and the people who control him have finally managed it...
These were not Americans working with our armed forces. They were there on there own and waited to the last minute to even try to get out

You are an idiot......biden told everyone it would take weeks if not months for Afghanistan to collapse....and then he pulled the military and shutdown Bagram airbase............which collapsed the Afghanistan government and military, you doofus.......these people were put behind enemy lines over night.........with no way to safely get through taliban and isis check dumb ass...
--and destroying the reputation of the U.S. abroad

--making sure that any other country will not trust the U.S......

All of the damage though? It is what the left has wanted for decades...and biden and the people who control him have finally managed it...
Damaged our reputation?

The world knew this was coming. Trump began the process to do this two years ago.

What "damaged our reputation" was the sudden and virtually impossible to understand abandonment of our Kurdish allies in the Syria theater.
These were not Americans working with our armed forces. They were there on there own and waited to the last minute to even try to get out

A lot of them worked for NGO's. A lot of them worked for war profiteers like Haliburton and KBR. They should have gotten out in May like they were supposed to, but they didn't.

Talk about being fucking clueless........the entire world sees this mess for what it of the worst foreign policy debacles in U.S. history, and it is still ongoing because President sleepy has left Americans, allies and foreign nationals be murdered and ransomed by every radical muslim extremist group that can get their hands on them.......

The rest of the world gave up on the Afghan Kleptocracy a long time ago.... The only Americans left there were the ones trying to make a profit off the human misery, and we still made extrodinary efforts to get them out.

Now, I'm sure there will be a few shithead Americans who stayed, just like there are shithead Americans who refuse to get their Covid shots... Just can't get that worked up about them.
You are an idiot......biden told everyone it would take weeks if not months for Afghanistan to collapse....and then he pulled the military and shutdown Bagram airbase............which collapsed the Afghanistan government and military, you doofus.......these people were put behind enemy lines over night.........with no way to safely get through taliban and isis check dumb ass...
Yes old Joe said that. Now who told him bad information? Whoever it was needs to be fired.

Accountability in American politics is rare, particularly regarding war. So, don’t hold your breath.

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