Biden Does Putin and Russia a Solid. Waives Sanctions on Nord Stream Pipeline

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
ASHINGTON — "The Biden administration has decided to waive sanctions against the company overseeing the construction of Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany, despite bipartisan opposition in Congress and appeals from Eastern European governments.

The State Department report said "close cooperation" with Germany, the European Union and other European countries will be critical for U.S. efforts to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic, promote a global economic recovery, fight climate change and address other challenges, including countering "malign behavior by Russia and China."

But "Bob Menendez, D-N.J., chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, denounced the decision in a scathing statement.
"I am opposed to the decision by the Biden administration to waive sanctions on NS2 AG and Matthias Warnig. I urge the administration to rip off the Band-Aid, lift these waivers and move forward with the congressionally mandated sanctions," Menendez said "The administration has said that the pipeline is a bad idea and that it is a Russian malign influence project. I share that sentiment, but fail to see how today's decision will advance U.S. efforts to counter Russian aggression in Europe," he said.

Congress and Eastern European governments think the pipeline is a bad idea being shoved through by a bad nation...Russia.
But the leftist refuge called the State Department doesn't want to alienate Russia, because they are such good friends, I guess.
Oh, and covid, global warming, global economic recovery, and countering "malign behavior by Russia".
So do the leftists in the State Department think Russia should be pacified and catered to? Or "countered"?
Hard to say since they are talking out of both sides of their dishonest mouths at once.

And Joe Biden says what, about all this? Biden received funds from top Russia lobbyist before Nord Stream 2 giveaway
Well, he likes it when foreign governments given him money. So Biden is fine with doing this favor for Vlad Putin. Because you! Joe Biden tears down our pipeline and he gives thumbs up to Russia's pipeline. At least his priorities are in order.
Why did Joe cancel our pipeline again? Environmental concerns? I guess the Russians and Germans
have discovered a way to get around all that. Shouldn't Joe Biden know about this?

And the DNC, not Biden, said the money sent to Senile Joe was sent back to Russia but when you are caught with your hands in the cookie jar, and are forced to pull your hands out, the damage has already been done! And compounded by Joe helping his pal Vlad out.
Maybe Hunter Biden needs a new job and Joe knows just where he can find one for his crack addicted son.
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Biden Does Putin and Russia a Solid. Waives Sanctions on Nord Stream Pipeline​

NOW you're back to being anti-Putin?
I've never been pro Putin, unlike Joe Biden, apparently.
And who is going against all of Congress
and allies in Eastern Europe in removing sanctions against the Russian-German pipeline?

Corrupt Joe Biden shuts down our pipeline and facilitates Putin's pipeline. What a corrupt senile
piece of shit!

President Biden did Germany a solid, not Russia.
Biden did himself a solid by accepting bribe money from Putin to remove sanctions, which he did.
And Putin did not attempt to bribe Senile Joe Biden (stopped only when the DNC made Biden
send the money back to Vlad) because Russia Was Not eager for this pipeline to go online.
Stop being such a dimwitted liar! Nord Stream - Wikipedia

Who do you think is going to profit from all the oil and gas being sent FROM Russia TO Germany?
Fuck off you dimwitted corrupt liar!
ASHINGTON — "The Biden administration has decided to waive sanctions against the company overseeing the construction of Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany, despite bipartisan opposition in Congress and appeals from Eastern European governments.

The State Department report said "close cooperation" with Germany, the European Union and other European countries will be critical for U.S. efforts to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic, promote a global economic recovery, fight climate change and address other challenges, including countering "malign behavior by Russia and China."

But "Bob Menendez, D-N.J., chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, denounced the decision in a scathing statement.
"I am opposed to the decision by the Biden administration to waive sanctions on NS2 AG and Matthias Warnig. I urge the administration to rip off the Band-Aid, lift these waivers and move forward with the congressionally mandated sanctions," Menendez said "The administration has said that the pipeline is a bad idea and that it is a Russian malign influence project. I share that sentiment, but fail to see how today's decision will advance U.S. efforts to counter Russian aggression in Europe," he said.

Congress and Eastern European governments think the pipeline is a bad idea being shoved through by a bad nation...Russia.
But the leftist refuge called the State Department doesn't want to alienate Russia, because they are such good friends, I guess.
Oh, and covid, global warming, global economic recovery, and countering "malign behavior by Russia".
So do the leftists in the State Department think Russia should be pacified and catered to? Or "countered"?
Hard to say since they are talking out of both sides of their dishonest mouths at once.

And Joe Biden says what, about all this? Biden received funds from top Russia lobbyist before Nord Stream 2 giveaway
Well, he likes it when foreign governments given him money. So Biden is fine with doing this favor for Vlad Putin. Because you! Joe Biden tears down our pipeline and he gives thumbs up to Russia's pipeline. At least his priorities are in order.
Why did Joe cancel our pipeline again? Environmental concerns? I guess the Russians and Germans
have discovered a way to get around all that. Shouldn't Joe Biden know about this?

And the DNC, not Biden, said the money sent to Senile Joe was sent back to Russia but when you are caught with your hands in the cookie jar, and are forced to pull your hands out, the damage has already been done! And compounded by Joe helping his pal Vlad out.
Maybe Hunter Biden needs a new job and Joe knows just where he can find one for his crack addicted son.

This is pretty ignorant and filled with half truths and assumptions.

Biden Does Putin and Russia a Solid. Waives Sanctions on Nord Stream Pipeline​

NOW you're back to being anti-Putin?
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

President Biden did Germany a solid, not Russia.
Yeah sure, he does Germany a solid, lowers their energy costs by allowing that pipeline, and screws over his own country by canceling our pipeline and raising our prices.

BTW, why continue they ignorant meme that Trump or Republicans were pro-Putin. Geez, you still prob one of those who believe the Russian collusion conspiracy theory that stole the election away from Hilary.

Biden Does Putin and Russia a Solid. Waives Sanctions on Nord Stream Pipeline​

NOW you're back to being anti-Putin?
I've never been pro Putin, unlike Joe Biden, apparently.
And who is going against all of Congress
and allies in Eastern Europe in removing sanctions against the Russian-German pipeline?

Corrupt Joe Biden shuts down our pipeline and facilitates Putin's pipeline. What a corrupt senile
piece of shit!

President Biden did Germany a solid, not Russia.
Biden did himself a solid by accepting bribe money from Putin to remove sanctions, which he did.
And Putin did not attempt to bribe Senile Joe Biden (stopped only when the DNC made Biden
send the money back to Vlad) because Russia Was Not eager for this pipeline to go online.
Stop being such a dimwitted liar! Nord Stream - Wikipedia

Who do you think is going to profit from all the oil and gas being sent FROM Russia TO Germany?
Fuck off you dimwitted corrupt liar!

Fighting Nordstrem 2 punisher out European Allies.. Do you understand why?

Biden Does Putin and Russia a Solid. Waives Sanctions on Nord Stream Pipeline​

NOW you're back to being anti-Putin?
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

President Biden did Germany a solid, not Russia.
Yeah sure, he does Germany a solid, lowers their energy costs by allowing that pipeline, and screws over his own country by canceling our pipeline and raising our prices.

BTW, why continue they ignorant meme that Trump or Republicans were pro-Putin. Geez, you still prob one of those who believe the Russian collusion conspiracy theory that stole the election away from Hilary.

Keystone xl is an export pipeline. NO benefit to the US consumer.. Keystone has a lot of excess pipeline capacity in the Mid west that will NOW be abandoned in favor of the Trade Free Zone..

That gasoline did benefit US consumers.
I've never been pro Putin
Pro-Trump = Pro-Putin
In your dysfunctional feeble brain, perhaps.

And here I've proved to you that Senile Joe Biden is aiding Putin in attaining his oil pipeline (Nord
Stream) because Vlad bribes Joe (while Congress objects strenuously) even as Joe shuts down America's own XL pipeline. Could the optics be any worse?
That has to be why the DNC made Joe give back Vlad's money. So Joe stabs the US in the back and
doesn't even get any bribe money from the deal (though it's very likely Joe will recoup his losses
through back channel means).

That's Joe greedy and corrupt as fuck!

I know you are as stupid as a box of dog turds but NONE of the facts here support you.
I've never been pro Putin
Pro-Trump = Pro-Putin
In your dysfunctional feeble brain, perhaps.

And here I've proved to you that Senile Joe Biden is aiding Putin in attaining his oil pipeline (Nord
Stream) because Vlad bribes Joe (while Congress objects strenuously) even as Joe shuts down America's own XL pipeline. Could the optics be any worse?

That's Joe greedy and corrupt as fuck!

I know you are as stupid as a box of dog turds but NONE of the facts here support you.

There was speculation about forcing the Europeans to pay twice as much for US natural gas .. And, they would also have to build port infrastructure, storage and pipelines..

You're stupid.
Keystone xl is an export pipeline. NO benefit to the US consumer.. Keystone has a lot of excess pipeline capacity in the Mid west that will NOW be abandoned in favor of the Trade Free Zone..

That gasoline did benefit US consumers.
Keystone would lower oil prices, simply because there would be more oil on the market. To claim otherwise seems like maybe you are reading some misleading sources?
I've never been pro Putin
Pro-Trump = Pro-Putin
In your dysfunctional feeble brain, perhaps.

And here I've proved to you that Senile Joe Biden is aiding Putin in attaining his oil pipeline (Nord
Stream) because Vlad bribes Joe (while Congress objects strenuously) even as Joe shuts down America's own XL pipeline. Could the optics be any worse?
That has to be why the DNC made Joe give back Vlad's money. So Joe stabs the US in the back and
doesn't even get any bribe money from the deal (though it's very likely Joe will recoup his losses
through back channel means).

That's Joe greedy and corrupt as fuck!

I know you are as stupid as a box of dog turds but NONE of the facts here support you.
This most certainly is a giant boon to Putin. If Trump was a Putin fanboy, he'd have done exactly what Biden has done. I don't see how people can draw any other conclusion.
Keystone would lower oil prices, simply because there would be more oil on the market. To claim otherwise seems like maybe you are reading some misleading sources?
Another non thinking leftist turd checks in. I'm happy I blocked him long ago.
And to say the XL would NOT reduce oil prices is just wishful leftist idiocy.
Keystone xl is an export pipeline. NO benefit to the US consumer.. Keystone has a lot of excess pipeline capacity in the Mid west that will NOW be abandoned in favor of the Trade Free Zone..

That gasoline did benefit US consumers.
Keystone would lower oil prices, simply because there would be more oil on the market. To claim otherwise seems like maybe you are reading some misleading sources?

Nope.. The Freetrade zone will manufacture specialty products to sell abeoad for premium prices .. Its great for Canada and the Chinese who own a big chunk of Canadian oil production... NO US taxes and higher profits on sludge that is discounted to $29 a barrel.
This most certainly is a giant boon to Putin. If Trump was a Putin fanboy, he'd have done exactly what Biden has done. I don't see how people can draw any other conclusion.
Trump DID do that, if not mistaken. Those are the sanctions that Corrupt Joe Biden has lifted.
I've never been pro Putin
Pro-Trump = Pro-Putin
In your dysfunctional feeble brain, perhaps.

And here I've proved to you that Senile Joe Biden is aiding Putin in attaining his oil pipeline (Nord
Stream) because Vlad bribes Joe (while Congress objects strenuously) even as Joe shuts down America's own XL pipeline. Could the optics be any worse?
That has to be why the DNC made Joe give back Vlad's money. So Joe stabs the US in the back and
doesn't even get any bribe money from the deal (though it's very likely Joe will recoup his losses
through back channel means).

That's Joe greedy and corrupt as fuck!

I know you are as stupid as a box of dog turds but NONE of the facts here support you.
This most certainly is a giant boon to Putin. If Trump was a Putin fanboy, he'd have done exactly what Biden has done. I don't see how people can draw any other conclusion.

This isn't about Putin.. Its about a cheap, reliable source of natural gas for our European allies. Its the rational, practical thing to do.
ASHINGTON — "The Biden administration has decided to waive sanctions against the company overseeing the construction of Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany, despite bipartisan opposition in Congress and appeals from Eastern European governments.

The State Department report said "close cooperation" with Germany, the European Union and other European countries will be critical for U.S. efforts to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic, promote a global economic recovery, fight climate change and address other challenges, including countering "malign behavior by Russia and China."

But "Bob Menendez, D-N.J., chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, denounced the decision in a scathing statement.
"I am opposed to the decision by the Biden administration to waive sanctions on NS2 AG and Matthias Warnig. I urge the administration to rip off the Band-Aid, lift these waivers and move forward with the congressionally mandated sanctions," Menendez said "The administration has said that the pipeline is a bad idea and that it is a Russian malign influence project. I share that sentiment, but fail to see how today's decision will advance U.S. efforts to counter Russian aggression in Europe," he said.

Congress and Eastern European governments think the pipeline is a bad idea being shoved through by a bad nation...Russia.
But the leftist refuge called the State Department doesn't want to alienate Russia, because they are such good friends, I guess.
Oh, and covid, global warming, global economic recovery, and countering "malign behavior by Russia".
So do the leftists in the State Department think Russia should be pacified and catered to? Or "countered"?
Hard to say since they are talking out of both sides of their dishonest mouths at once.

And Joe Biden says what, about all this? Biden received funds from top Russia lobbyist before Nord Stream 2 giveaway
Well, he likes it when foreign governments given him money. So Biden is fine with doing this favor for Vlad Putin. Because you! Joe Biden tears down our pipeline and he gives thumbs up to Russia's pipeline. At least his priorities are in order.
Why did Joe cancel our pipeline again? Environmental concerns? I guess the Russians and Germans
have discovered a way to get around all that. Shouldn't Joe Biden know about this?

And the DNC, not Biden, said the money sent to Senile Joe was sent back to Russia but when you are caught with your hands in the cookie jar, and are forced to pull your hands out, the damage has already been done! And compounded by Joe helping his pal Vlad out.
Maybe Hunter Biden needs a new job and Joe knows just where he can find one for his crack addicted son.
Biden did it at the request of our ally, Germany. He is on record as opposing the pipeline but this is RealPolitik.
Biden did it at the request of our ally, Germany. He is on record as opposing the pipeline but this is RealPolitik.
Oh....okay :rolleyes:

If you say so. It must have really pained Pervert Joe to help out Vlad Putin like that.
I guess the undisclosed amount of money Vlad slipped to Joe softened the blow
on Biden until he "reluctantly" relented?

And what about the rest of Europe also opposed to the pipeline? Allies that didn't want the Nord Stream pipeline in the first place?
Nord Stream 2 impasse threatens trans-Atlantic ties

I guess they can all go to hell. So can you with your Real Politik nonsense.

And Joe's fears and concern for our warming earth? Well I guess that only matters when the US is
the one with the pipeline.
He doesn't even buy his own "green" bullshit!
Just so I get this straight, when Germany wants something, even if Joe Biden doesn't like the idea,
he really has no options but to kowtow to the Germans?

Whatever you say.
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