Biden doing it wrong again....

The employer has an incentive to hire the illegal immigrants and the illegal immigrants have the incentive to enter the country illegally.
The individual employer has no choice if all his competitors are hiring illegals

Do you support confiscating all assets of illegal workers along with summary deportation?
This is why the government needs to come in and enforce the rules for the employers.
Of course

But the primary villains are the illegal aliens themselves and dereliction of duty by the government

Plus lobbying by the Chamber of Commerce
The individual employer has no choice if all his competitors are hiring illegals

Do you support confiscating all assets of illegal workers along with summary deportation?

The employer has no choice and NEEDS the government to level the playing field by requiring that all employers only have legal citizens. Failure to comply will result in significant fines that will not be worth it to the employer.

Not sure yet. Haven’t given those any thought.
But the primary villains are the illegal aliens themselves

Sounds like an arbitrary label to me. I don’t care for arbitrary labels.

Deport the illegal immigrants and heavily fine the people who knowingly hire the illegal immigrants. Keep it simple. Who the “villains” are is a point of view that serves no real purpose to me.
The employer has no choice and NEEDS the government to level the playing field by requiring that all employers only have legal citizens. Failure to comply will result in significant fines that will not be worth it to the employer.
No one objects to that

Except biden, the democrat party, and any republican in congress who is owned by the Chamber of Commerce

Trump is the only one willing to fight that cabal of quislings
Golfing Gator
I agree. Get them both. Prosecute the employers and bus the illegals back to the border. Seems Budung can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Color me shocked. What a walking disaster that man is.

The Biden administration on Tuesday announced U.S. immigration authorities will no longer carry out mass arrests of unauthorized immigrants at work sites, saying law enforcement efforts should focus on holding exploitative employers accountable.

Why does it have to be one or the other? Go after the employers hard, but get the illegals out at the same time.
The left all eat from the same food bowl. They are for open borders while claiming it is the fault of employers. All of this at the same time employers are begging for workers and containers are piling up at ports. But, let the masses in and blame employers for hiring them, even though many of the employers are in liberal California and it is the blue cities and states who provide sanctuary.

The Biden administration on Tuesday announced U.S. immigration authorities will no longer carry out mass arrests of unauthorized immigrants at work sites, saying law enforcement efforts should focus on holding exploitative employers accountable.

Why does it have to be one or the other? Go after the employers hard, but get the illegals out at the same time.

Shocking you as a Dimocrat hold this position.
Go after them both, with an iron fist.
Unfortunetly we have an illegal-friendly president, administration, and party in power.
Show me the last time Republicans promoted a bill calling for that.
Do we have to do everything for you?

Have Gary Johnson or a rep in congress from his party introduce a bill and I’ll push my republican member on congress to support it

That is assuming that a rep from your party sits in congress

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