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Biden drops to 39% approval rating

Going to the latest webpage of Real Clear Politics, the poll aggregator, shows us this about the current Administration' popularity: (approve / disapprove)

  • Rasmussen ----------------------- --------------46 / 53
  • Economist/Yougov ------------------------------- 43 / 52
  • IBD -------------------------------------------------47 / 45
  • ABC/Wapo -----------------------------------------44 / 51
  • Emerson -------------------------------------------46 / 47
  • Reuters ---------------------------------------------46 / 48

For context ----Economist/YouGov show the same stats for Congress as: 17 / 61
And Don Trump, at the end of his four years at the helm at: 44 / 53

There can be no question that the Taliban's rush to power, the rapid collapse of the American backed Afghani government and military surprised both the Administration, our Military, and the American public. Bad surprises have consequences, thus we see 'disapprovals' of those involved jumping up in the polls.

I suspect, tho I did not look for it, but I'd expect we could see an increase in disapprovals towards our military and our intelligence community for missing completely, or at minimum, not adequately communicating the velocity of the momentum of the Taliban.

And then throw in the wild-card....wild for both America and the Taliban ..... the wild card of an Afghani branch of ISIS blowing up near 200 Afghanis and dozen or so American troops......well, that was not helpful in instilling confidence in anybody. Hopefully, it will be a one-off.

Time will tell, if the messiness of the withdrawal, the tragic deaths at the end, and the repercussions of waves of Afghan refugees here to America and to other country's of the world will have long term effects on the American Administration's perceived effectiveness, and on the world's effectiveness in dealing with the refugees.

Afghani's do have a reputation for a strong work ethic and family values.......so they may fit into some societies seamlessly. Time will tell.

This cake is still baking.
Afghanistan will shake out and he'll go back up on the big picture of having withdrawn the troops, while his predecessors kicked the can down the road.
President Trump did not 'kick the can down the road'. He negotiated a plan to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan and passed that plan to President Biden, who completely f*ed up the execution of the mission to evacuate US citizens and allies before withdrawing our military forces.

'Afghanistan will 'shake out'....as in, Biden hopes, people will eventually forget about his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that resulted in the death of 13 US service members, the complete loss of his credibility, the UK's vote to hold Biden 'In Contempt of Parliament' , the UK's declaration that they are out of any coalition led by Biden / the US, the stranding of hundreds of Americans in Afghanistan - left to the 'mercy' of terrorists, a free ride to the US for approx 100 un-vetted, terrorist-connected Afghanis - some on the Terrorist Watch List and the No-Fly List, and the almost certain guarantee that the US will be sending troops back into Afghanistan.

To top it off, instead of correcting his sand Barry's mistake of invading Syria and leaving US troops behind to fight THEIR war when they left office, one of Biden's 1st acts as President was to SEND MORE TROOPS into Syria to prolong the Nobel Peace Prize winner's own useless war....only, several months later, to declare to the media, "We don't have any military forces / members in Syria."


Biden and the Leftist media want desperately for Americans to 'move forward', 'turn the page', and forget about the Americans whose deaths Biden is responsible for and those he abandoned, left behind after breaking his promise to NOT leave Afghanistan until EVERY American citizen and ally were evacuated.

His attempt to visit family members of the 13 military members he got killed and his recent visit to hurricane-damaged communities should be a wake-up call, a blow to his frantic hope Americans 'turn the page' and 'move on'. He got 'lit up' by the military's relatives, and he got heckled and berated in the hurricane damaged communities.

Whoever is pulling Biden's puppet strings have to be some of the dumbest people outside of Biden himself. The pullout of Afghanistan was a strategic, tactical, and humanitarian disaster, but breaking his promise and abandoning US citizens, leaving them behind was unforgiveable.

President Trump did not 'kick the can down the road'. He negotiated a plan to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan and passed that plan to President Biden
Trump had 4 years to withdraw and then left it for someone else to actually do because he was too chickenshit.

You say he had a plan? Go ahead and show where in that plan, aside from leaving months earlier, is the extraction of Americans and our Afghan supporters. There is none, you just peddle your usual braindead bs.
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Trump had 4 fucking years to withdraw and then left it for someone else to actually do because he was too chickenshit.
Barry had 8 years to not only evacuate US citizens and withdraw troops from Afghanistan but to shutdown Gitmo like promised he would do - HE DID NEITHER. Instead, the Nobel Peace Prize winner pimped out our military to Al Qaeda to help them Kill Qadaffi and take over Libya for their own AND invaded Syria, leaving US troops in Syria to fight HIS war on his way out.

So, what's your point, snowflake?

Biden? One of the 1st things he did after being sworn in was to SEND MORE TROOPS TO SYRIA....only to not remember doing so or that we still have our military in Syria fighting Barr's and his war.

Barry was / is not 'chickenshit', so he can't use that excuse for FAILING to pull our troops out. No, Barry - during his 8 years in office, armed, supplied, financed, loaned our military to, facilitated, aided, abetted, protected, and defended terrorists - Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, the Haqqani network, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Russia....

He interfered in other nation's elections in an attempt to help terrorists take over governments and their own countries.
- Helped oust pro-American dictator Mubarak
- Assisted Muslim Brotherhood take over the govt of our ally Egypt.
- Used US tax dollars to interfere in Israel's election to try to get Netanyahu to lose their election and ousted as President.
- And, of course, Barry attempted a FAILED coup against the newly elected President of the United States
Yes, borrowing another 3.5 trillion, raising taxes, paying people to stay home…
3.5T worth of taxation is being raised? Did you just pull that out of your ass?

4 year economic effects of spending-on-debt is ECONOMIC EXPANSION.

You can reasonably argue that all the debt accumilation is harmful to America in the long term and you'll have my full support on that argument, but it's ignorant to say that economy will not expand contract in short term due to that policy.
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He's sinking like a rock. And this latest poll isn't the conservative Rasmussen, either. It was today's Economist/YouGov poll, where they oversampled Democrat voters, big time:

Party breakdown from the poll site:
Dem: 505
Rep: 366
Ind: 465

"President Joe Biden’s approval rating has collapsed to 39 percent, the lowest point of his presidency, according to a Wednesday Economist/YouGov poll.

While only 39 percent percent approve of Biden’s job performance, 49 percent disapprove, a drop of six points in one week."

Poll: Biden's Approval Rating Collapses to 39%, Lowest of Presidency

I think you need to freshen up your info: RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest Polls
Barry had 8 years to not only evacuate US citizens and withdraw troops from Afghanistan

Thats right he did. Obama kicked the can down the road hoping something lasting could be accomplished there.

He was wrong and if he had listened to Biden we would be fully withdrawn from Afghanistan about a decade ago with more or less same results minus all the American lives and money we plundered there.

Obama also promissed to withdraw troops from Iraq - last 500 left on Dec 18th, 2011, after Obama secured broad post withdrawal co-operation agreement with Iraqi government.
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He's sinking like a rock. And this latest poll isn't the conservative Rasmussen, either. It was today's Economist/YouGov poll, where they oversampled Democrat voters, big time:

Party breakdown from the poll site:
Dem: 505
Rep: 366
Ind: 465

"President Joe Biden’s approval rating has collapsed to 39 percent, the lowest point of his presidency, according to a Wednesday Economist/YouGov poll.

While only 39 percent percent approve of Biden’s job performance, 49 percent disapprove, a drop of six points in one week."

Poll: Biden's Approval Rating Collapses to 39%, Lowest of Presidency
39% of those polled are blithering idiots.
anyone that knew xiden, took five mins to review his history, knew “build back better” met for China and Iran. He was going to be a total disaster for the united states
3.5T worth of taxation is being raised? Did you just pull that out of your ass?

4 year economic effects of spending-on-debt is ECONOMIC EXPANSION.

You can reasonably argue that all the debt accumilation is harmful to America in the long term and you'll have my full support on that argument, but it's ignorant to say that economy will not expand contract in short term due to that policy.

No taxation won't cover it, which is kind of the point. They will take money out of people's pockets via taxation and borrow and print more money, which is inflationary. Couple this with disincentivizing paying people to work by paying them to stay home creates a labor shortage thus creating less supply and inflation goes wild. Workers want to stay home and companies don't want to hire because labor costs becomes too expensive. More automation, less people working and more people on the dole. Less production due to fewer workers, along with higher unemployment rates contract the economy. The Democratic plan is nothing more than another huge handout, creating more even dependency. Inflation hurts the poor, lower middle class and the retired the most. That is who will suffer. Unaccounted for government spending = higher inflation.

Econ 101 but you have to think it through. Injecting money on its face certainly expands the economy in the very short term, but when the money is borrowed and printed and people are not working, inflation hits, the GDP falls and the economy contracts. It is like deciding not to work and borrowing 100k against your home equity and put the money in the bank. Your account certainly increases in the short term, but you can only make the payments from the 100k you borrowed because you are no longer working and have no income. That is not a brilliant strategy for any long-term success.
3.5T worth of taxation is being raised? Did you just pull that out of your ass?
Way to parrot Psaki's talking point, the only other person in Biden's administration that has less credibility tan he does, after promising not to leave Afghanistan until All Americans were out....then buggting out and leaving hundreds of Americans behind.

Psaki, as usual, lied her ass off, and, as usual, you snowflakes parrot every word. This time, however, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi threw her under the proverbial bus, exposing her lie.

Psaki says spending splurge 'will be paid for,' Pelosi suggests otherwise
Pelosi Throws 'BS Flag' on Psaki's Lie

Psaki says spending splurge 'will be paid for,' Pelosi suggests otherwise

"This is going to be paid for. That is something the president is committed to"
-- Psaki, during Wednesday's press briefing when asked about negotiations over the size of the reconciliation package.

Yeah, like Biden was committed to staying in Afghanistan - as he promised he would - until every American was out. After breaking that promise and leaving hundreds of Americans behind, Biden has lost ALL credibility. Not 1 thing he, or Psaki, says can be trusted again.

"We will pay for more than half, maybe all of the legislation. We will be taking some responsibility to pay for what is in there so the cost for the future will be much lower than any 3.5."
- Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the cost of the $3.5 Trillion price tag and how to pay for it

When Democrats attempt to con Americans on spending, they don't say 'MAYBE it will all be paid for'. They flat-out lie and declare, 'It WILL be paid for.'

- Case in Point: Barak Obama came right out and lied his ass off about 'Obamacare', declaring, 'It will NOT cost a dime', and 'It WILL PAY FOR ITSELF'. This, of course, was a flat-out LIE! NO - zip, zero, nada - Government program has EVER cost 'nothing' or 'paid for itself. Obama was telling the American people that his Obamacare program was going to be the very 1st such program in US history!

When Democrats want to lie to Americans these days, often - after the Obamacare lies - use words like 'MAYBE', so when the US eats $3.5 TRILLION in new deficit debt that can't be accused of saying she said it WOULD be paid for.

The United States Government, thanks to lying, corrupt, self-serving, power-hungry traitors and con artists like Barry and Pelosi and many others, is not 'BROKE'. We would have to pay off TRILLIONS - our entire debt, in fact - to be 'BROKE'. We are waaaaaaaaaaay past 'BROKE'. We are in a hole looking up at 'BROKE'; yet, these elitist criminals are adding to the debt and spending like drunken sailors of shore leave.

To them, the money / debt isn't 'real' - its like playing with Monopoly money. In their minds they are playing 'Jenga':


The trick is to pull from your solid foundation, destabilizing your structure/nation, betting on the belief that it will not eventually collapse...or at least not on your turn / 'watch', leaving you 'holding the bag' / being blamed.


Thats right he did. Obama kicked the can down the road hoping something lasting could be accomplished there.

He was wrong and if he had listened to Biden .....
'Listened to BIDEN'?


There is a reason why the whole world says, 'Biden has been WRONG on EVERY foreign policy decision he has ever made.'

There is a reason why Obama, Biden's boss for 8 years, said, 'Never underestimate Biden's ability to F* thins up!'
lying moron, I haven't watched any of Psaki's presses in months.

As a matter of fact there is no 3.5T pay-for on taxation side in any proposal.
Calm down, I'm not judging you for plagiarizing or parroting Psaki's EXACT comments. Such behavior is expected from Biden, Psaki, and snowflakes.


'Listened to BIDEN'?
Yes moron, listen to Biden, who has been consistently advocating full withdrawal from Afghanistan while in Obama's administration.

He was right and it doesn't matter that you are too much of braindead hack to ever give him credit for anything.
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Afghanistan will shake out and he'll go back up on the big picture of having withdrawn the troops, while his predecessors kicked the can down the road.

Besides, when Trump had even lower approval you rightwingers thought it was just fine(when you weren't bitching about "fake polls")
Repubs are usually a bit lower because of the endless attacks on them. Progs start from a higher number. 39% is bad. I do not know what it is with the human species. We seem to love our dictators. Those with all of the answers that government can solve. In the end you are going to need 10 dollars for every 1 dollar to pay everyone off. And that means destruction.
Repubs are usually a bit lower because of the endless attacks on them. Progs start from a higher number. 39% is bad. I do not know what it is with the human species. We seem to love our dictators. Those with all of the answers that government can solve. In the end you are going to need 10 dollars for every 1 dollar to pay everyone off. And that means destruction.

Yea yea, keep crying about how unfair the world is to justify your blatant double standards.

Here is a tissue. :itsok:
As a matter of fact there is no 3.5T pay-for on taxation side in any proposal.

Taxes are going to rise in part due to this and in part due to other out of control spending. The tax hikes won't be enough to cover the bill. How else will the money be raised?

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