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Biden drops to 39% approval rating

How else will the money be raised?

Umm exactly the way I explained it could be raised - by deficit spending, which is expansionary in near-to-mid term.

Though there could also be some restructuring and shifting around of spending mixed in, the way there was in Obamacare.
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They will take money out of people's pockets via taxation and borrow and print more money, which is inflationary.

Econ 101 but you have to think it through.

Listen mr. Econ 101 - do yourself a favor and go look up a difference between monetary and fiscal policy.

You then can look up inflation rates over the last two decades years of big defcits.
Umm exactly the way I explained it could be raised - by deficit spending, which is expansionary in near-to-mid term.

Though there could also be some restructuring and shifting around of spending mixed in, the way there was in Obamacare.

It is a short-term fix resulting in a long-term disaster. I don't expect anyone that supports Biden to understand.
Listen mr. Econ 101 - do yourself a favor and go look up a difference between monetary and fiscal policy.

Lets see what happens if the bill passes. Have your excuses ready.
It is a short-term fix resulting in a long-term disaster. I don't expect anyone that supports Biden to understand.

You seem to be unable to keep track of the context of the discussion - Biden's popularity while in office, which you say will plummet once more spending will be passed, because it will supposedly cause economic contraction.

That statement is plainly wrong if you understand basic macroeconomics.
He's sinking like a rock. And this latest poll isn't the conservative Rasmussen, either. It was today's Economist/YouGov poll, where they oversampled Democrat voters, big time:

Party breakdown from the poll site:
Dem: 505
Rep: 366
Ind: 465

"President Joe Biden’s approval rating has collapsed to 39 percent, the lowest point of his presidency, according to a Wednesday Economist/YouGov poll.

While only 39 percent percent approve of Biden’s job performance, 49 percent disapprove, a drop of six points in one week."

Poll: Biden's Approval Rating Collapses to 39%, Lowest of Presidency
Proof that "81 million votes" is a stone lie.

Even Biubba Clintoon -installed with an electoral minority- had a 42% base of support.

Biden' support floor is in the 20s, comprising only the most rabid of authoritarian moonbat dems.
You seem to be unable to keep track of the context of the discussion - Biden's popularity while in office, which you say will plummet once more spending will be passed, because it will supposedly cause economic contraction.

That statement is plainly wrong if you understand basic macroeconomics.
.....if you understand basic macroeconomics.

It's beyond obvious that you don't.
After all the damage he inflicted on this country in just under 8 months, he should be happy he's not at 20% or less.
You seem to be unable to keep track of the context of the discussion - Biden's popularity while in office, which you say will plummet once more spending will be passed, because it will supposedly cause economic contraction.

That statement is plainly wrong if you understand basic macroeconomics.

I fully follow. What I said was "Wait until the economy tanks with his 3.5 trillion dollar spending plan and inflation goes through the roof." Inflation leads to contraction. I guess you haven't figured that out yet. If the economy will boom with 3.5 trillion in spending that we don't have, why not make it REALLY boom and print 500 trillion? Yeah, that wouldn't work would it? Why is that? Because there are limits and the 3.5 trillion surpasses those. Don't play dumb.
Assert assert assert, it's all you ignorant fools are good for.

My "ignorance" has afforded me well in this life. Maybe you should get off your high horse and start listening and thinking for yourself instead of just towing the party line. You clearly haven't fully thought through the theories you spew.
Antontoo , Agree with you, with the exception of cant state as fact why it was left for the new president. Will again repeat that war is about death destruction & chaos. And no one has yet replied to my question, can anyone point to Any WAR that has ended with out chaos.
Yes moron, listen to Biden, who has been consistently advocating full withdrawal from Afghanistan while in Obama's administration.

He was right and it doesn't matter that you are too much of braindead hack to ever give him credit for anything.
I give Biden credit. I give Biden credit for agreeing with Barry and Trump and like 60% of Americans who did NOT want to stay in Afghanistan any longer.

I also give Biden credit for a completely horrendous, historic, epic FAILED execution of a plan (if his administration had a plan - it did not look like it).

I give Biden's puppet masters for being idiots. I imagine these guys are all Ivy League like-minded thinkers who have no real experience - especially militarily. If they were the ones pulling Biden's strings and telling him what he should do, they all need to be fired.

I give Sect of Defense Lloyd Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Milley, and USCENTCOM Commander McKenzie for being Political-minded, military-strategy expertise-lacking idiots and f*-up!

- THESE guys were supposed to be experts, Subject Matter Experts whose job it was / is to give Biden sound military advice.
--- Instead of focusing on evacuating Americans and allies from Afghanistan and finally pulling out the remaining military, Austin was ordering the entire US military to 'stand down' to go on a Conservative / 'white supremacist' political witch hunt.
--- Instead of advising Biden to NOT pull out our military from Afghanistan until All Americans were out and ne of the best ways to do that was through NEO, Milley made his #1 priority to force the military academies to teach CRT.
--- Instead of pointing out the strategic and tactical advantages to keeping Bagram Air Base until the evacuation was complete AND and pointing out the very bad consequences of giving it up, McKenzie demonstrated his inability to think long term and his willing to be an ass-kissing cuck for the good of his own career.

All 3 of these Biden administration advisors / members FAILED miserable todo their jobs, resulting in 13 dead US military members and hundreds of Americans left behind in terrorist-controlled Afghanistan!
My smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend and I had some friends over for dinner the other night. The wife, Angela, is a moderate with some definite liberal leanings. The husband, Peter, makes Gavin Newsome look like Jerry Falwell.

We were out on the deck after dinner and, while enjoying some Calumet 12 year bourbon and a couple of Cohiba's, Pete let's out a sigh and simply says "Yeah, he's a fuck up".

"What's that, Pete? Who?"

"Biden, He fucked it up. He's fucked it all up. I haven't been happy with him for a while, but Afghanistan broke the camel's back. I would never have voted for Trump, but I never should've voted for Biden."

It was a rather telling moment. Pete's as liberal as they get, and to hear these words come from his lips was pretty stunning.

All I could respond with was: "Well, you got what you paid for. I told you."

Pete is someone who's proud to be a liberal. He was proud to vote for Biden. He was proud to work on Biden's campaign here locally in St. Johns County. Now, he says, he's sickened by him.

I don't suspect Pete's alone in his regrets...
Antontoo , Agree with you, with the exception of cant state as fact why it was left for the new president. Will again repeat that war is about death destruction & chaos. And no one has yet replied to my question, can anyone point to Any WAR that has ended with out chaos.
There is always chaos in war, but that chaos can be minimized. It has to be MANAGED, and done so correctly. This did not happen with our exit from Afghanistan.

Our military has been in this business for a couple hundred years, and we have learned many lessons that were simply not applied to this clusterf*.

HUGE mistakes were made, primarily because (ignorant, inexperienced, and even mentally inept) politicians ran it.

USUALLY I would say 'had the politicians have ordered our top military leaders to execute the operation to evacuate our citizens and let them do their jobs things would have turned out better....but in this case our top military leaders were more focused on political agendas and ideology.
- Again, Sect of Defense Austin ordered the entire military to stand down IOT root our 'white supremacists' - aka Conservatives - and kick them out of the military.
- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Milley's top priority during the early months of this withdrawal was forcing our US military academies to teach Critical Race Theory, teaching them to hate each other and our country. (More than 1 SpecOps member stepped forward to warn Milley that injecting such divisive into the military was dangerous, that he and his teams' missions and lives depend on mutual trust. )
- I currently 'know' USCENTCOM Commander McKenzie very well, and i have not been impressed with his military knowledge or decision -making, which was exposed as seriously flawed. Making the decision to abandon / surrender Bagram Air Base - BEFORE All Americans had been evacuated - was both a huge tactical and strategic mistake.

The call to take our troops out BEFORE ALL US CITIZENS AND ALLIES HAD BEEN EVACUATED - was a massive FAIL. While Austin and Milley may have been the ones to advise giving up Bagram, you can bet it was not made my an experienced and intelligent military leader. Austin and Milley proved they don't qualify as either.

Taking our troops out 1st before Americans were evacuated

Giving up Bagram

Withdrawing into the airport in Kabul

Rejecting the Taliban's offer for us to secure Kabul

Ordering our troops NOT to leave the airport to help evacuate citizens

Allowing the Taliban to surround the airport & establish check points

Refusing to act when it was discovered the Taliban were blocking citizens from getting to the airport...and beating Americans....

...and more...

This all REEKS of a political-run military operation which should have remained in military hands, no politicians.

We had been standing by for months, waiting to initiate and conduct a Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO), but the order to do so was never given,
- Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) is the ordered (mandatory) or authorized (voluntary) departure of civilian noncombatants and nonessential military personnel from danger in an overseas country to a designated safe haven, typically within the continental United States.

It was President Biden's Secretary of State, John Blinken's and his State Department's job / duty to call for the NEO to be initiated, and at that point the military acts swiftly to begin the evacuation process. It was their duty to, as part of the process, to coordinate with Americans in Afghanistan to organize the who/what/where/when details with Americans in Afghanistan - to inform them a NEO was being conducted and how to prepare for the evacuation.

The Department of State (DOS) recommends an evacuation, and the Department of the Army—as the Department of Defense (DOD) Executive Agent for repatriation (RE-PAT) planning and operations—coordinates the execution of NEO.



The military was rearing to go. We had already initiated the planning and were waiting for the call, a cal lthat never came because Blinken failed to do his job!
-- THAT son of a bit@h definitely needs to be fired!

Want more evidence Biden is attempting to politicize and purge the military of those who don't subscribe to Liberal Progressive Socialist / Marxist Democrat ideology and agendas?

In addition to Sect of Def Austin attempting to force the military to purge conservatives from the military and the Chairman of the Jt Chiefs of Staff, Gen Milly, FORCING indoctrinating CRT to be taught in our military academies, you now have THIS:

Austin and Milley, btw,have connections to Obama's hand in 'fundamental change' in our military.
- How Austin ever made Sect of Defense after advising / telling Obama that ISIS was a 'flash in the pan', a 'Jay Vee team' is a mystery:

"According to administration officials, General Lloyd Austin, then the commander of Central Command, which oversees U.S. military operations in the Middle East, told the White House that the Islamic State was “a flash in the pan.” This analysis led Obama, in an interview with The New Yorker, to describe the constellation of jihadist groups in Iraq and Syria as terrorism’s “jayvee team.”

- ...while Gen Milley is an 'Obama General':

We did not learn that the DOD had run out of ammunition until President Trump told us. That happened under President Obama’s watch.

While Obama was president, Gen. Milley served in these capacities:

  • November 2011-December 2012: Commander of the 10th Mountain Division.
  • 2012-2014: Commanding General of III Corps.
  • 2014-2015: Commanding General of United States Army Forces Command.
  • August 14, 2015: Chief of Staff of the United States Army.
Our military ran out of bullets under Gen. Milley’s watch. He had more than 5 years to address the problem publicly, but he didn’t say a word. He knew about it, but he kept his mouth shut. That’s dereliction of duty.

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My "ignorance" has afforded me well in this life. Maybe you should get off your high horse and start listening and thinking for yourself instead of just towing the party line. You clearly haven't fully thought through the theories you spew.
You seem to be confused, plenty of ignorant men make a lot of money.

It's not a measure of intellectual potency.
Yes moron, listen to Biden, who has been consistently advocating full withdrawal from Afghanistan while in Obama's administration.

He was right and it doesn't matter that you are too much of braindead hack to ever give him credit for anything.
I give Surrender Joe credit for needlessly getting 13 of our troops killed, leaving behind thousands of Americans, and tens of thousands of Afghans that helped us over the past 20 years.......while simultaneously destroying our credibility with our allies.
Wait until the economy tanks with his 3.5 trillion dollar spending plan and inflation goes through the roof. I am not a financial genius like Mac, but you don’t have to be a chef to know if the food is good or not. In this case, it is spoiled.
His plan will never get approved.

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