Biden embarrassment becoming world wide

The world is hoping and praying to end the Trump Presidency with an election of a sane, stable, responsible Joe Biden, or anyone without the weaknesses and faults of Trump.

Poor stooge of the international left
The world is hoping and praying to end the Trump Presidency with an election of a sane, stable, responsible Joe Biden, or anyone without the weaknesses and faults of Trump.

No, the sane world is the minority. You brainwashed lemmings will walk right off a cliff.
He so much revealed what a troll he is calling warmonger Biden as always,he has shit all overhauls face always demonstrating his biased an unobjectivr views on the
Wasn't this the same as Hannity in May claiming they had proof Biden Criminal acts... That was debunked this week...

They have nothing because if they did it would be all over Fox News and given to everyone to investigate... Where is the raw proof... I expect this shit everyday to the election... They have nothing so they keep on inventing shit...

Next week it will be Jill Biden had an affair with Obama... Just the same shit different day...
Don't forget the Seth Rich affair. The low point of Hannity's career, in my opinion.
Yep, DNC staffer gets wacked because he spilled the beans on Hillary's emails. They've been offing
It's not a narrative.
The source isn't anonymous.
Biden's meat is smoked.
The source is Rudy Giuliani and a blind computer repair man who can't say who dropped off the computer.
Well, Rudy at the same time as he invented this story invented the stunning news people were no longer dying from COVID-19.
This isn't some unnamed whistleblower.
They have videos, pictures, a live witness, and emails.
They have them dead to rights.
What I don't understand is why Democrat treason is being protected. It isn't fair to patriotic Americans to be under the tax thumb of treasonous traitors who are using public office to enrich themselves into the billionaire category.

Because the Bidens are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to people in government lining their own pockets by selling out America.
On the other side of the world they see what a joke this guy is.
Seems to be a pattern here. Joe visits a country a few days later a family member makes a killer deal.

Biggest political story of the age. Joe Biden using his office to leverage hundreds of millions off of other countries for favors. Shades of Hillary Clinton. QUESTION:
  1. How will moderators keep this from being a debate topic now?
  2. Will Chris Wallace apologize for not asking and trying to quash the topic in the first debate?
  3. Will the FBI and DOJ do their job in light of these revelations and pull Joe from the campaign as unqualified as surely, none of the Founders of this country ever intended a world criminal and felon be running for much less holding office in the White House?
Just like twitter is trying to change the truth, so will the mods, I imagine
So very true
It's not a narrative.
The source isn't anonymous.
Biden's meat is smoked.
The source is Rudy Giuliani and a blind computer repair man who can't say who dropped off the computer.
Legally blind according to reports.
Legally blind means cannot see without glasses.
My brother was legally blind.
He could see with his glasses on.
Legally blind according to reports.
Legally blind means cannot see without glasses.
My brother was legally blind.
He could see with his glasses on.
Which prevented him from saying who even dropped the laptop off.

Yep, DNC staffer gets wacked because he spilled the beans on Hillary's emails. They've been offing
Which is misinformation. Didn't happen. Just Russians attempting to deflect blame for their hacking the DNC.
Legally blind according to reports.
Legally blind means cannot see without glasses.
My brother was legally blind.
He could see with his glasses on.
Which prevented him from saying who even dropped the laptop off.

Convenient or just Fox introducing plausible deniability?

At any rate, go ahead and ignore the evidence.
He's got Hunters pics, his emails, and his signature on the work order.
And FYI, they say they have stuff that's even worse, but they're waiting for Biden to step into the pile of dogshit they're laying for him
Convenient or just Fox introducing plausible deniability?

At any rate, go ahead and ignore the evidence.
He's got Hunters pics, his emails, and his signature on the work order.
And FYI, they say they have stuff that's even worse, but they're waiting for Biden to step into the pile of dogshit they're laying for him
Fox didn't introduce plausible deniability, it was the technician himself who said it.

Pictures can be hacked. Signatures can be lifted. Hunter doesn't even live in Delaware. Anyone seen the actual emails outside Rudy?
Convenient or just Fox introducing plausible deniability?

At any rate, go ahead and ignore the evidence.
He's got Hunters pics, his emails, and his signature on the work order.
And FYI, they say they have stuff that's even worse, but they're waiting for Biden to step into the pile of dogshit they're laying for him
Fox didn't introduce plausible deniability, it was the technician himself who said it.

Pictures can be hacked. Signatures can be lifted. Hunter doesn't even live in Delaware. Anyone seen the actual emails outside Rudy?
They were showing them this morning.
Hunter was doing his Carlos Danger routine in one, and somebody snapped a Pic of him sleeping with his crack pipe in another. What was damaging was the email from a Ukrainian official thanking Hunter for setting up the meeting with Joe Biden himself. That's been all over the net. Pictures soon to follow.

I wonder, if this is all faked, why has Facebook and Twitter tried Banning anyone who posts this?

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What was that, tovarich?
The Russian government is behind pushes to smear Biden with a phony story about Burisma and corruption. That's according to Trump's own intelligence agencies.

Didn't you know?
I wonder, if this is all faked, why has Facebook and Twitter tried Banning anyone who posts this?
This question answers itself, doesn't it? They're locking down posts because it might be fake.
Sure, or even worse... might be genuine.
They have no problem spreading gossip about Trump, but they feel this would be harmful to Joe Biden's chances.
So they're trying to prevent it from effecting the election, after years of colluding with Democrats to effect elections.
Sure, or even worse... might be genuine.
They have no problem spreading gossip about Trump, but they feel this would be harmful to Joe Biden's chances.
So they're trying to prevent it from effecting the election, after years of colluding with Democrats to effect elections.
I think they're just sensitive to being used as a tool of Russian meddling again.
Sure, or even worse... might be genuine.
They have no problem spreading gossip about Trump, but they feel this would be harmful to Joe Biden's chances.
So they're trying to prevent it from effecting the election, after years of colluding with Democrats to effect elections.
I think they're just sensitive to being used as a tool of Russian meddling again.
You must know the feeling well.
Are you gonna call me a racist now?
Sure, or even worse... might be genuine.
They have no problem spreading gossip about Trump, but they feel this would be harmful to Joe Biden's chances.
So they're trying to prevent it from effecting the election, after years of colluding with Democrats to effect elections.
I think they're just sensitive to being used as a tool of Russian meddling again.
Your delusions are showing.

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