Biden expected to announce deal with China’s Xi Jinping to help slow flood of fentanyl into US

Why would they do that?

It seems to me most of our drug related problems are self-inflicted. We refuse to treat addiction as a medical issue, and wonder why we have so many drug-related deaths.

China has already taken measures to more tightly control precursor drugs, in fact.
Sure they have.

What a rube.
Maybe not so my friend. China is always anxious to cooperate with America, in exchange for cooperation by America.

This is a huge problem for America and it's going to take something to the same scale in return.

Pretend? Yes! But such is the price to be paid for repair work. I suspect that America will see immediate results, on account of China having a grasp on how to lessen America's burning situation.
We hope so
Thins out the fly over rabble.
This is the sort of ignorant Democrat attitude that is tearing the country apart. It shows a complete lack of understanding how broad and devastating the Fentanyl poison attack on our people is. You sir, are an idiot.
This is the sort of ignorant Democrat attitude that is tearing the country apart. It shows a complete lack of understanding how broad and devastating the Fentanyl poison attack on our people is. You sir, are an idiot.
So how did those devious Chinamen get you all to weed yourselves out?

That must have been pretty devious.

When your side stops the idiotic war on drugs and puts the resources into treatment, I'll take you all seriously.

Chinese businesses are supplying Mexican drug cartels with the chemicals used to make fentanyl — an opioid 50 times more powerful than heroin and 100 times more powerful than morphine.

It is the deadliest drug in the United States today, with more than 150 people dying from overdoses related to synthetic opioids like fentanyl each day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Such overdose deaths increased more than seven times between 2015 and 2021, the National Center for Health Statistics says.
China is NOT GOING TO DO anything to stop the flow of FENTANYL into the US. They WANT drugs and Tic tok and anything else they can do to damage the USA.
That's stupid...all he has to do is stop shipping for one day. China will do it themselves.
Slow down to what? Like 2% inflation is good for Merica" or 10% unemployment is pretty good? Like 5000 illegals a day is good? Maybe 10 million pills a day would be acceptable. What a friggin bozo.

Chinese businesses are supplying Mexican drug cartels with the chemicals used to make fentanyl — an opioid 50 times more powerful than heroin and 100 times more powerful than morphine.

It is the deadliest drug in the United States today, with more than 150 people dying from overdoses related to synthetic opioids like fentanyl each day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Such overdose deaths increased more than seven times between 2015 and 2021, the National Center for Health Statistics says.
China is NOT GOING TO DO anything to stop the flow of FENTANYL into the US. They WANT drugs and Tic tok and anything else they can do to damage the USA.

When we apply the golden rule, liberalism always generates the opposite of its stated intent, the flow of chemicals will definitely increase causing more fentanyl into America . Then apply the Bribem family rule, ten percent for the big guy, this is a lose lose for Americans.
Nope, it's an addiction. We need to replace punishment with treatment.

And you'd still have a huge drug problem because, for some people, getting high is better than dealing with their lives.

There are thousands of treatment centers across the country. The vast majority of drug addicts don’t want treatment.
Well, it's not like we are going to do anything sensible like establish widespread treatment programs.

I lived in a community where they wanted to open a rehab clinic, and the town fought it tooth and nail.
Smart town. Good thing they save you from yourself.
So you won't name this mythical kingdom where the poor and disadvantaged are given free drug rehab. Thanks for playing.
they seem to have the same mindset as the Federal Reserve, that "free" means no one has to pay for it, it's magic money. Thanks for paying.
There are thousands of treatment centers across the country. The vast majority of drug addicts don’t want treatment.

I used to live in a town that fought tooth and nail against opening a treatment facility with 200 beds for the second-largest county in IL.

No, there is a lack of treatment centers for poor people.

Barriers to substance abuse treatment have been well researched, especially as they relate to different treatment contexts. Initially, research focused predominantly on the challenges of working in urban areas, where the treatment needs often outweighed the availability of services (Schoeneberger, Leukefeld, Hiller, & Godlaski, 2006). While research indicates substance abuse treatment in urban areas is complicated by a lack of funding and the challenges of working with heterogeneous clients, many concerns once thought to be specifically urban – such as concentrated poverty and the availability and use of drugs – are no longer endemic solely to urban contexts (Schoeneberger et al., 2006; Pruitt, 2009). In some ways, urban treatment facilities are advantaged when compared to those in rural areas, as research indicates that urban areas offer a more diverse array of options for substance abuse treatment, suggesting that they may be better able to meet the diverse needs of clients (Hutchinson & Blakely, 2010; Oser et al., 2011). Specifically, treatment facilities in urban areas are more likely to provide auxiliary services essential for successful outcomes than rural facilities (i.e. detoxification and mental health services), and urban counselors have more resources for specific types of clients (i.e. minorities, women, HIV-positive populations;
they seem to have the same mindset as the Federal Reserve, that "free" means no one has to pay for it, it's magic money. Thanks for paying.

No, no one has that mentality.

We have the wealth in this country to do all the things we need to do, we just refuse to allocate it properly. The rich folks have to have their dressage horses after all.

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