Biden falls on his ass at Air Force graduation

Remember when we were supposed to all be worried about this?

And yet now you won't hear a peep from the MSM.

Anyone who denies that they are the Democrats' mouthpiece is either a liar, or a fool.

Yup, that was an imminent sign of Trump's dementia, disability, and incompetence. Now, Biden falls YET AGAIN in front of the world, and they're silent.
He supposedly tripped over a black sandbag.

What was a sandbag doing near the podium? I have never even seen a black sandbag.

Between sandbags on a flat stage and Chinese balloons, Biden is a sitting duck.


"President Joe Biden tripped and fell after handing out the last diploma at a graduation ceremony at the U.S. Air Force Academy on Thursday. The 80-year-old U.S. president quickly got up on one knee helped by three people and walked back to his seat unassisted. As Biden was helped up, he pointed behind him, seeming to indicate what he tripped over. White House communications director Ben LaBolt said on Twitter that Biden was fine. "There was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands," he explained."

The only sand bag on stage was Biden.....he tripped because he has dementia and he needs to be removed from office ASAP...The 25th amendment should be invoked and Speaker McCarthy should appoint the rightful president to the throne...enough is enough....The GOP must seize this opportunity now...and even if it is true that he tripped over something, most people who do not have dementia would not trip over anything, they would see it and avoid it.....anyone who trips and falls like Biden just did, is not fit to lead a McDonalds, let alone the US....his cognitive decline has been noticeable for the last 22 years, but now it is at a crisis level...its time to act.

And whatthe fuck does "helped back to his seat unassisted" mean? -- Helping someone up and to their seat is literally the definition of being assisted....the MSM is the worst...

President Harris should step in--a Black woman as President will cause a serious uptick on old Birchers and such strokin' out!
They are playing it ( the bad fall ) in a loop on Newsmax or

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