Biden falls to within margin of error in most states...

How does THAT answer my question, Mamooth?

Pointing out that you're acting delusional is a direct answer. If you asked me "why do the pink unicorns fly but not the purple ones?", I'd have responded the same way.
How is my question "delusional"? Did Hunter Biden NOT receive $80,000 a month from Burisma for a job he was in no way qualified for? Did the Chinese Government not give Hunter Biden's start up a Billion dollars? Can you explain why took place, Mamooth?
are those the real polls? or do these already include all the illegal votes and all the cheating?

nah. the real polls would have trump winning everything by at least 20 points. he is just that good.

Well he did defeat Hillary by over 30%
That is only if you assume the margin of error favors you in every state.

Tall order
Also consider that Trump's numbers are rising while Biden's are falling.
Trump is working his ass off doing multiple rallies every day.
Don't forget how Hunter's laptop and proof of pay-to-play will hurt Biden going forward.
Those are excellent points... momentum, trajectory and work ethic.

I don't think work ethic has anything to do with it.

People without something never see importance in it.
How is my question "delusional"? Did Hunter Biden NOT receive $80,000 a month from Burisma for a job he was in no way qualified for?

It's a big lie that he wasn't qualified. I mean, you yourself talk about how he was a financial big player.

Did the Chinese Government not give Hunter Biden's start up a Billion dollars?

Nope. That's called investing. They get the money back, with interest. Claiming it was "given" as a bribe is another big ol' lie.

Can you explain why took place, Mamooth?

Can you explain where your alternate version of reality came from?
That is only if you assume the margin of error favors you in every state.

Tall order

So I'm curious, what do you think about several random topics? Hunter Biden, China, money laundering, crack pipes and child rape. Please pick any or all of the above. :)

I'll come in.

Hunter Biden? So what? He isn't on the ticket. Let's investigate the Trump children while we're at it.

Money Laundering - unproven, Hunter isn't on the ticket.
Crack pipes - Hunter isn't on the ticket.
Child Rape - unproven, Hunter isn't on the ticket.

So...gonna apply your same standards to the Trump kiddos? Or do they get a free pass?

Maybe you haven't been keeping up, but two business associates of Hunter and Joe Biden say they are crooked as hell. Also the FBI has confirmed they are investigating the Biden's for money laundering. The business associates said Hunter used the illegal Chinese money as his personal piggy bank. Hunter in his own words said Joe was getting a ten percent cut.

Facts have no affect on these people
That is only if you assume the margin of error favors you in every state.

Tall order

So I'm curious, what do you think about several random topics? Hunter Biden, China, money laundering, crack pipes and child rape. Please pick any or all of the above. :)

I'll come in.

Hunter Biden? So what? He isn't on the ticket. Let's investigate the Trump children while we're at it.

Money Laundering - unproven, Hunter isn't on the ticket.
Crack pipes - Hunter isn't on the ticket.
Child Rape - unproven, Hunter isn't on the ticket.

So...gonna apply your same standards to the Trump kiddos? Or do they get a free pass?

Rudy Giuliani is not on the ticket either
Is Trump going to defend his going to a hotel room with a 15 year old girl?

Ah....not 15 and nothing happened. That is unlike the pictures of the child rapist Biden.

Actually QUITE LIKE the pictures ... because:
no one has authenticated them
no one has authenticated much of anything regarding them and most of the allegations - emails are genuine seemingly, but what's implied into them is not what is necessarily there.

Try to apply the same standards to both.

When law enforcement takes action, I'll pay attention.

They have taken action.
How is my question "delusional"? Did Hunter Biden NOT receive $80,000 a month from Burisma for a job he was in no way qualified for?

It's a big lie that he wasn't qualified. I mean, you yourself talk about how he was a financial big player.

Did the Chinese Government not give Hunter Biden's start up a Billion dollars?

Nope. That's called investing. They get the money back, with interest. Claiming it was "given" as a bribe is another big ol' lie.

Can you explain why took place, Mamooth?

Can you explain where your alternate version of reality came from?
Do you even understand what Hunter Biden WAS when this was all taking place, Mamooth? He had just been kicked out of the cushy Navy job he had for testing positive for cocaine. He was a crack addict! He was hanging out with strippers and doing drugs. So did you REALLY want to call THAT guy "qualified"? That's laughable, Mamooth. There is only one reason that Hunter Biden got all that cash from Burisma and the Chinese. They were "buying" Joe Biden!
That is only if you assume the margin of error favors you in every state.

Tall order

True...but even the pollsters admit they have trouble polling Republicans.

Add a sprinkle of bias and a dash of incumbent advantage...

I think that is a myth

Republicans I see have no problem wearing MAGA hats, Trump/Pence bumper stickers and putting Trump flags on their lawns.

But somehow, they are shy about telling pollsters that they support Trump
Many Republicans do all of those things but many conservatives don't because they fear vandalism by the left. There really is a silent bloc of voters out there that aren't being heard from. If Trump is going to win again it will be them that carries him across the finish line.

I never talked to a pollster in 2016 and I lived in a battleground State and voted for Gary Johnson.

I never talked to a pollster in 2020 and I live in a battleground State and I'm voting for Donald Trump.

There are a lot of us out there. I never considered answering the phone for pollsters, not ever. I'm not shy, I just have no respect for the job they are doing

Makes one wonder how many hidden Biden supporters are out there then.

Based on the willingness of Biden supporters to scream it in our faces, zero.

Biden supporters love telling us they are voting against Trump.

In reality the question is how many will show up. Which doubles the split. How many unpolled Trump supporters will vote for Trump? How many Trump haters won't show up.

Both work for Trump and against Biden. Did you happen to follow the 2016 election at all?

Kaz...I live in Trump Territory...I see plenty of Trumpsters screaming it. I see it on the internet. I hear it on the radio. They aren't shy.

Trump supporters are more enthusiastic than Biden supporters. That's pretty well established.

2016 isn't comparable frankly...too many differences.
Clinton is not on the ticket.
Biden doesn't work well as a foil to gin jp partisan hate.
Trump has an established record now.
Trump is no longer the outsider.
Trump DOES have an established record! Before the pandemic devastated the world's economies, Trump had given the US some of it's best economic numbers ever. So why on earth would you not want THAT guy to be leading us out of a recession?

The strength of the record depends on your point of view.

Trump's record stands in opposition to my own values and beliefs.

That said why isn't Trump campaigning on his record?

I don't even know what that means. What are you talking about that he isn't running on his record?

His campaign seems to have been primarily personal attacks, largely unsubstantiated, on Biden and his son Hunter. Why isn't he magnifying his economic record? Talking about his foreign policy? Giving us his vision for a second term?

He's doing it about 16 hours a day
Are you expecting him to come to your house?
  • Funny
Reactions: kaz
When was the last time a Republican became a President by winning the popular vote? Old man Bush. When was that?

The last time there was a popular vote presidential election e.g. never. :itsok: You can't declare you won the 'popular vote' when there was never a popular vote election, no popular vote campaign strategy, ads, stops, nothing. Nobody knows who would have won a popular vote election had one been held. Awe, I deflated your talking point.
No, you just gave an opinion. One that is wrong.
How is my question "delusional"? Did Hunter Biden NOT receive $80,000 a month from Burisma for a job he was in no way qualified for?

It's a big lie that he wasn't qualified. I mean, you yourself talk about how he was a financial big player.

Did the Chinese Government not give Hunter Biden's start up a Billion dollars?

Nope. That's called investing. They get the money back, with interest. Claiming it was "given" as a bribe is another big ol' lie.

Can you explain why took place, Mamooth?

Can you explain where your alternate version of reality came from?
Do you even understand what Hunter Biden WAS when this was all taking place, Mamooth? He had just been kicked out of the cushy Navy job he had for testing positive for cocaine. He was a crack addict! He was hanging out with strippers and doing drugs. So did you REALLY want to call THAT guy "qualified"? That's laughable, Mamooth. There is only one reason that Hunter Biden got all that cash from Burisma and the Chinese. They were "buying" Joe Biden!

How is my question "delusional"? Did Hunter Biden NOT receive $80,000 a month from Burisma for a job he was in no way qualified for?

It's a big lie that he wasn't qualified. I mean, you yourself talk about how he was a financial big player.

Did the Chinese Government not give Hunter Biden's start up a Billion dollars?

Nope. That's called investing. They get the money back, with interest. Claiming it was "given" as a bribe is another big ol' lie.

Can you explain why took place, Mamooth?

Can you explain where your alternate version of reality came from?
Do you even understand what Hunter Biden WAS when this was all taking place, Mamooth? He had just been kicked out of the cushy Navy job he had for testing positive for cocaine. He was a crack addict! He was hanging out with strippers and doing drugs. So did you REALLY want to call THAT guy "qualified"? That's laughable, Mamooth. There is only one reason that Hunter Biden got all that cash from Burisma and the Chinese. They were "buying" Joe Biden!

It truly doesn't matter who or what Hunter was.
A lot of people pay others for the use of their name.
Having a Biden name on the letterhead is worth something.
It's only a problem if Joe actually then did something in return..
If not, it's just money not all that well spent - but not illegal.
How is my question "delusional"? Did Hunter Biden NOT receive $80,000 a month from Burisma for a job he was in no way qualified for?

It's a big lie that he wasn't qualified. I mean, you yourself talk about how he was a financial big player.

Did the Chinese Government not give Hunter Biden's start up a Billion dollars?

Nope. That's called investing. They get the money back, with interest. Claiming it was "given" as a bribe is another big ol' lie.

Can you explain why took place, Mamooth?

Can you explain where your alternate version of reality came from?
Do you even understand what Hunter Biden WAS when this was all taking place, Mamooth? He had just been kicked out of the cushy Navy job he had for testing positive for cocaine. He was a crack addict! He was hanging out with strippers and doing drugs. So did you REALLY want to call THAT guy "qualified"? That's laughable, Mamooth. There is only one reason that Hunter Biden got all that cash from Burisma and the Chinese. They were "buying" Joe Biden!

When Hunter Biden runs for President, you can ask him
It IS when it's unsubstantiated.

AND what Hunter does has nothing to with his father and his father's conduct has been investigated and nothing wrong was found.

Until it is - all you are doing is positing speculation and allegation.
Humorous, Coyote! You can state that Hunter has nothing to do with his father all you want but if you can't provide a logical reason why Burisma and the Chinese Government were giving huge amounts of money to a cocaine addicted loser like Hunter Biden then your protestations are amusing at best! You can't...can you?

Coyote just wants proof that the Bidens are guilty before we can investigate them.

Wasn't that her standard for Trump???? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Where did you get that from Kaz? I'm guessing you pulled it out of your ass.

Do you know how this sort of stuff works? need something referred to as evidence...then that needs to be examined as to whether it's credible and authentic, and if it indicates a crime may have been committed. If all that is affirmed you have reason to investigate further. If investigation concludes a crime may have been committed you have indictments, trials and convictions or no conviction.

I understand your confusion though. In the Trump Zone you follow a different procedure. You first assign guilt. Then you dig up evidence. If none can be found that sustains scrutiny, you make it up, redact it, infer and imply, create non existent connections and then accuse the media, law enforcement, and everyone else of covering it up and lying. You then go to trial by mob with sustained chants of "lock him/her up" as proof of guilt and conviction.

You can thank me for your education later :)

I ask you to give me a rational explanation for why Burisma and the Chinese Government would give a crack addict like Hunter Biden huge amounts of money for jobs he had ZERO qualifications for...and you run from that question like it's a torch and you're soaked in gasoline! How come you can't answer that, Coyote? As I said earlier...Occam's Razor comes into play here. The simplest explanation is that both Burisma and the Chinese Government were giving money to Hunter Biden because they thought it would influence Joe Biden. If you have any OTHER explanation then I would LOVE to hear it!

You won't get an answer to that question
Trump was investigated endlessly by the FBI, Mueller.

And they concluded he'd be indicted, if he wasn't president.

No evidence of conclusion means he would have been indicted if he wasn't President. Seriously, Pat? That's stupid, even for you

Who investigated Biden?

Who investigated you?

Despite your lust for a Stalinist system, that's not how the legal ssystem works. You can't investigate people just because TheParty wants it. There has to be evidence of crime, as there was with Trump.

So Hunter's business partner saying Joe was personally involved and Hunter was profiting isn't "evidence." Photos of Hunter isn't "evidence."

Just more partisan bull from an androgynous airhead
How is my question "delusional"? Did Hunter Biden NOT receive $80,000 a month from Burisma for a job he was in no way qualified for?

It's a big lie that he wasn't qualified. I mean, you yourself talk about how he was a financial big player.

Did the Chinese Government not give Hunter Biden's start up a Billion dollars?

Nope. That's called investing. They get the money back, with interest. Claiming it was "given" as a bribe is another big ol' lie.

Can you explain why took place, Mamooth?

Can you explain where your alternate version of reality came from?
Do you even understand what Hunter Biden WAS when this was all taking place, Mamooth? He had just been kicked out of the cushy Navy job he had for testing positive for cocaine. He was a crack addict! He was hanging out with strippers and doing drugs. So did you REALLY want to call THAT guy "qualified"? That's laughable, Mamooth. There is only one reason that Hunter Biden got all that cash from Burisma and the Chinese. They were "buying" Joe Biden!

When Hunter Biden runs for President, you can ask him

Yep. And for now, let's ask Joe about his involvement with the evidence piling up he was setting up the deals and getting a cut
How is my question "delusional"? Did Hunter Biden NOT receive $80,000 a month from Burisma for a job he was in no way qualified for?

It's a big lie that he wasn't qualified. I mean, you yourself talk about how he was a financial big player.

Did the Chinese Government not give Hunter Biden's start up a Billion dollars?

Nope. That's called investing. They get the money back, with interest. Claiming it was "given" as a bribe is another big ol' lie.

Can you explain why took place, Mamooth?

Can you explain where your alternate version of reality came from?
Do you even understand what Hunter Biden WAS when this was all taking place, Mamooth? He had just been kicked out of the cushy Navy job he had for testing positive for cocaine. He was a crack addict! He was hanging out with strippers and doing drugs. So did you REALLY want to call THAT guy "qualified"? That's laughable, Mamooth. There is only one reason that Hunter Biden got all that cash from Burisma and the Chinese. They were "buying" Joe Biden!

When Hunter Biden runs for President, you can ask him

Yep. And for now, let's ask Joe about his involvement with the evidence piling up he was setting up the deals and getting a cut
Already been asked and answered
No involvement

Burden of proof is on you. conspiracy theories are not proof
How is my question "delusional"? Did Hunter Biden NOT receive $80,000 a month from Burisma for a job he was in no way qualified for?

It's a big lie that he wasn't qualified. I mean, you yourself talk about how he was a financial big player.

Did the Chinese Government not give Hunter Biden's start up a Billion dollars?

Nope. That's called investing. They get the money back, with interest. Claiming it was "given" as a bribe is another big ol' lie.

Can you explain why took place, Mamooth?

Can you explain where your alternate version of reality came from?
Do you even understand what Hunter Biden WAS when this was all taking place, Mamooth? He had just been kicked out of the cushy Navy job he had for testing positive for cocaine. He was a crack addict! He was hanging out with strippers and doing drugs. So did you REALLY want to call THAT guy "qualified"? That's laughable, Mamooth. There is only one reason that Hunter Biden got all that cash from Burisma and the Chinese. They were "buying" Joe Biden!

When Hunter Biden runs for President, you can ask him

Yep. And for now, let's ask Joe about his involvement with the evidence piling up he was setting up the deals and getting a cut
Already been asked and answered
No involvement

Burden of proof is on you. conspiracy theories are not proof

Yes, of course your standard is you investigate Trump based on an accusation and don't stop despite a lack of evidence while we don't investigate Democrats until it's already been proven.

Hunter's business partner's testimony is overwhelmingly sufficient evidence to investigate, particularly with all the e-mails on the laptop and photos of Biden

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