Biden family received $31 million from Chinese officials with links to the highest levels of Chinese intel

Sorry if you missed the point. Play catch-up and get back to me because I would rather not have to explain such a simple concept to you.
I have nothing to catch up on, you haven't presented any counter argument. When will you present that?
Did it ever occur to anyone that the U.P. "think tank" where Biden's secret documents were stored benefitted to the tune of several million dollars donated by the CPC? Are there any "investigative reporters" who aren't in the back pocket of the democrat party?
Nope. Don't let the conspiracy theorists get you down.
Joe Biden has been on the wrong side of NAFTA, weapons of mass destruction, Ukraine, Afghanistan, inflation etc., etc. Perhaps the most obvious example of where his political loyalties lie is seen in the destruction of the US middle class since he came to DC in 1972.

How the American middle class has changed in the past five decades
Joe Biden has been on the wrong side of NAFTA, weapons of mass destruction, Ukraine, Afghanistan, inflation etc., etc. Perhaps the most obvious example of where his political loyalties lie is seen in the destruction of the US middle class since he came to DC in 1972.

How the American middle class has changed in the past five decades
Recalling when Obama and Lugar went to Russia. It's only fair not to include the drug-eating son, Hunter Biden. The drugs now being used to lace fentanyl originated from methods of tranquilizing wild animals for blood samples. Experiments on soldiers at the Lugar Center link father-son psychopathologies:

Post #1,507
' Notably, they received an $18.4 million DTRA contract award for scientific research and consulting work in Ukraine and the Lugar Center in the Republic of Georgia. Metabiota was accused by the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium in 2014 of violating their contract by engaging in dangerous blood culturing work at a lab in Africa, as well as misdiagnosing patients.'

So a major question is the international drug-trafficking links for xylazine.
yep because many more middle class families moved into a higher bracket.

Dems ensured the poor stayed poor. What a shame.
Where does the middle class come from?
Is it a natural product of capitalism, or is it created by society?

New Deal policies built middle class

"Those New Deal policies were responsible for creating the greatest middle class the world has ever known. That middle class that Roosevelt’s New Deal created remained strong through the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s."

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