Biden favorable rating 41.3%, unfavorability 52.6%.

My question is, who are these 41%?

Must be those 81 million people living around DC, NYC and LA. No one could give Joe a "favorable" rating unless they are either a total clueless idiot or a partisan hack.

Gee, if Joe can get a favorable rating then the GOP ought to be able to swing a dead cat and get someone far better or they should be embarrassed.
Must be those 81 million people living around DC, NYC and LA.
In fairness, it must be acknowledged that Trump takes the cake in the least-educated states.

41. Tennessee​
42. New Mexico​
43. Nevada​
44. Oklahoma​
45. Kentucky​
46. Alabama​
47. Arkansas​
48. Louisiana​
49. Mississippi​
50. West Virginia​

You must be a Californian. Statewide, they have among the lowest average IQs in the country.

Must be those 81 million people living around DC, NYC and LA. No one could give Joe a "favorable" rating unless they are either a total clueless idiot or a partisan hack.

Gee, if Joe can get a favorable rating then the GOP ought to be able to swing a dead cat and get someone far better or they should be embarrassed.
Typical response from those who live in the RW Echo Chamber

None of my friends like Biden so there is no way that 81 million people voted for him
The problem with DeSantis is now is the time to step up as Presidential
He should be focusing attention on stable, responsible leadership contrasting to Trumps tantrums and petty feuds

A protracted fight with a mouse is not a good look
Demonizing "woke" Americans is a ridiculous meme. Being awake connotes awareness, not an effective revilement.

The stuttering shit clown is only comfortable when he's around kids. They're not going to ask why Hunter was fucking his sister-in-law and smoking crack naked with his 14-year old niece.... or why Ashley is a pill-popping zombie who requires rehab every 6 months.

And they're more likely to believe the bed-shitting shut-in got 81M votes..... :laughing0301:
No, but they'll ask about Trump shagging a porn star while married, raping a woman in a changing room, ripping off top secret docs, trying to overthrow an election, ripping off his supporters in that "stop the steal" scam, lying everytime he opens his piehole, being a bagman for the Russian mob & planting his lips on Putin's ass every chance he can.
You must be a Californian. Statewide, they have among the lowest average IQs in the country.

View attachment 780749
IQ scores by state does not refute the far more credible metric of the most- and least-educated, but, for what it's worth, Mississippi and Louisiana being assigned the honor of being the lowest and Massachusetts and Vermont the highest according to your source does coincide with academic achievement.

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My question is, who are these 41%?

Polling Data​

RCP Average3/23 - 4/25--41.352.6-11.3
Economist/YouGov4/22 - 4/251295 RV4850-2
FOX News4/21 - 4/241004 RV4456-12
Harvard-Harris4/18 - 4/191845 RV4154-13
NBC News4/14 - 4/181000 A3848-10
Wall Street Journal4/11 - 4/171500 RV4157-16
ABC News/Ipsos4/6 - 4/7566 A3448-14
Yahoo News3/30 - 3/31719 RV4752-5
Quinnipiac3/23 - 3/271600 RV3756-19
All Biden: Favorable/Unfavorable Polling Data


Sleepy Old Uncle Joe had two (2) main jobs...

1. get Donald Trump out of the White House

2. hold the fort until somebody better came along

Old Joe was (and is) a "Placeholder President".

Trump's policies were actually (mostly) good for the Republic but his character flaws and boorishness made him toxic in both foreign and domestic affairs.

He had to go.

So the Dems conjured-up a viable short-term solution in the hopes that he wouldn't screw things up too badly while his hand was on the wheel.

They were wrong about Old Joe not being able to do any harm, but they were still correct in their assessment that Trump had to go at almost any cost.

If the Republicans can serve-up someone who can advance Trumpian policies without the angst and drama and cringeworthiness of Trump, they'll win.

If they're (collectively) stupid enough to run Trump again, they will lose again.

IQ scores by state does not refute the far more credible metric of the most- and least-educated, but, for what it's worth, Mississippi and Louisiana being assigned the honor of being the lowest and Massachusetts and Vermont the highest according to your source does coincide with academic achievement.

Yep, and none of that changes the fact that Californians come in as the dumbest shits in the country except for just two far south states populated with mostly blacks who never learned to read since the Civil War freed them and a bunch of bayou inbreds.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe had two (2) main jobs...

1. get Donald Trump out of the White House

2. hold the fort until somebody better came along

Old Joe was (and is) a "Placeholder President".

Trump's policies were actually (mostly) good for the Republic but his character flaws and boorishness made him toxic in both foreign and domestic affairs.

He had to go.

So the Dems conjured-up a viable short-term solution in the hopes that he wouldn't screw things up too badly while his hand was on the wheel.

They were wrong about Old Joe not being able to do any harm, but they were still correct in their assessment that Trump had to go at almost any cost.

If the Republicans can serve-up someone who can advance Trumpian policies without the angst and drama and cringeworthiness of Trump, they'll win.

If they're (collectively) stupid enough to run Trump again, they will lose again.

Americans showed a preference for Ol' Joe over Ol' Don by over seven-million votes, a margin of 51.3% to 46.8%. The President's 306-232 electoral vote victory was characterized by the Loser as

Screen Shot 2021-01-14 at 9.33.13 AM.png

"...a massive landslide victory, as you know, in the Electoral College.
I guess the final numbers are now at 306!"
December 11, 2016
Yep, and none of that changes the fact that Californians come in as the dumbest shits in the country except for just two far south states populated with mostly blacks who never learned to read since the Civil War freed them and a bunch of bayou inbreds.
Your spin is amusing.
and Massachusetts and Vermont the highest according to your source does coincide with academic achievement.

You must have missed the fact that the single largest area with the most intelligent people with the highest IQs somehow turns out not to be LA, SF, Portland, Detroit, Chicago, Phili, NYC, Baltimore, or any other blue city but the entire upper Midwest.

Americans showed a preference for Ol' Joe over Ol' Don by over seven-million votes

Only if you believe the election propaganda and ignore the 2/3/21 admission in Time Magazine admitting the election was rigged for Joe.

Either that or there are 81 million regretfuls out there with egg on their faces.
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