Biden FBI Plant at Twitter fired for secretly censoring Twitter Files before being released

They admitted to the need to prevent “Russian disinformation “ from reaching the American public.
A more relevant question is how do You dispute it?
Do you not acknowledge the need to prevent Russian disinformation from reaching the public? What does that have to do with censoring on behalf of the DNC?
Yes, we can say for sure. Multiple tweets by FBI personnel saying "censor that post," and twitter personnel saying "done" is iron clad evidence.
I must have missed that… can you link to the tweets of FBI personnel saying censor that post? Would love to see who these people are and what exactly they were ordering to be censored
Do you not acknowledge the need to prevent Russian disinformation from reaching the public? What does that have to do with censoring on behalf of the DNC?
It is not the government's job to regulate information provided by multinational corporations in which said information can and is created outside the US. Disinformation comes in many forms, from outright lies, lies of omission, or even opinion presented as fact. None of that falls in the FBI mandate.
It is not the government's job to regulate information provided by multinational corporations in which said information can and is created outside the US. Disinformation comes in many forms, from outright lies, lies of omission, or even opinion presented as fact. None of that falls in the FBI mandate.
Troll farms and Russian disinformation was a real thing in 2016. It’s a crime. The fbi and government have every right to protect our elections by fighting against foreign disinformation. They never did a thing from what I saw to regulate material on social media. Giving a warning about Russian disinformation is as passive as it gets. That’s what they did.
Troll farms and Russian disinformation was a real thing in 2016. It’s a crime. The fbi and government have every right to protect our elections by fighting against foreign disinformation. They never did a thing from what I saw to regulate material on social media. Giving a warning about Russian disinformation is as passive as it gets. That’s what they did.
The responsibility of being informed falls solely on the individual. The government is the last entity that should be trusted as arbiters of 'truth'. The same FBI you put your faith in lied to get FISA warrants, lied about the Hunter Biden laptop, in fact they can and do lie with impunity.
So you want Twitter to publish kiddie porn images, showing child sexual abuse????
Jim Baker was allowing it which is another reason he was fired. We only know that Democrats are coming after our children like the wicked citizens of Sodom tried to come after the angels sent by God to remove Lot and his family from that cesspool of liberalism in Sodom and Gomorrah before Hell Fire rained down on them.
Such will be the same for you.
Troll farms and Russian disinformation was a real thing in 2016. It’s a crime. The fbi and government have every right to protect our elections by fighting against foreign disinformation. They never did a thing from what I saw to regulate material on social media. Giving a warning about Russian disinformation is as passive as it gets. That’s what they did.
Russian Troll
Troll farms and Russian disinformation was a real thing in 2016. It’s a crime. The fbi and government have every right to protect our elections by fighting against foreign disinformation. They never did a thing from what I saw to regulate material on social media. Giving a warning about Russian disinformation is as passive as it gets. That’s what they did.
This isn't about disinformation or troll farms. That's all a diversion created after Mueller failed to produce any evidence for the initial smear.

The government has no right to censor social media, period. It's astounding to me how blatant progs are about the not giving a shit about the Bill of Rights. You're all a bunch of fucking NAZIs, and you just proved it.
This isn't about disinformation or troll farms. That's all a diversion created after Mueller failed to produce any evidence for the initial smear.

The government has no right to censor social media, period. It's astounding to me how blatant progs are about the not giving a shit about the Bill of Rights. You're all a bunch of fucking NAZIs, and you just proved it.
It's gone beyond politics. Everything if you boil it down now is about forwarding The Agenda of Global Government of The New World Order. Republicans and Democrats alike are involved. The only difference is that with The GOP you have a better chance dealing with someone who is not knuckled under yet to The New World Order.
The responsibility of being informed falls solely on the individual. The government is the last entity that should be trusted as arbiters of 'truth'. The same FBI you put your faith in lied to get FISA warrants, lied about the Hunter Biden laptop, in fact they can and do lie with impunity.
A couple bad apples lied and were caught. To demonize the entire organization is just wrong. You have field agents who come to work everyday with full focus on protecting our homeland and citizens from threats. They investigate and root out criminals and keep us safe. That’s their job and the vast majority of agents do that. If another country attacks us with disinformation like the Russians did in 2016 then the FBI is going to combat that. Part of combatting that is letting media companies know what they know.

That’s all that happened here. The FBI let media companies know that they had intel of Russian disinformation campaigns and to be careful. That’s it. They didn’t force or specify or manage anything in particular on behalf of Joe Biden or the DNC like so many here are dishonestly claiming.

It’s sad how many here are so eager to bad mouth and attack those trying to protect them.
This isn't about disinformation or troll farms. That's all a diversion created after Mueller failed to produce any evidence for the initial smear.

The government has no right to censor social media, period. It's astounding to me how blatant progs are about the not giving a shit about the Bill of Rights. You're all a bunch of fucking NAZIs, and you just proved it.
You still haven’t shown proof that the government censored anything unless you think flagging posts that are lying about individuals is a violation of the constitution. Careful now because trumps White House flagged plenty as the first amendment allows them to.
You still haven’t shown proof that the government censored anything unless you think flagging posts that are lying about individuals is a violation of the constitution. Careful now because trumps White House flagged plenty as the first amendment allows them to.
When government does it, it's a violation of the Constitution.

How fucking stupid are you? The whole point of the First Amendment is that government isn't qualified to determine what the truth is.

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