Biden FBI Plant at Twitter fired for secretly censoring Twitter Files before being released

Why would he be? What law do you think he broke?
He gave them carte blanche to post thousands of Russian troll ads on his platform as long as they paid him rubles.

He didn't censor any of them, and they were clearly disinformation.

I would say that falls under "giving aid and comfort to the enemy". :rolleyes-41:
You keep saying these things with zero proof to back yourself up.
The Truth is all over the internet. You know Elon Musk says it's true.

Agains it doesn’t matter what Twitter decided to do. If you’re going to claim that the gib flagging disinformation is illegal then you need to blame trumps White House as well. They flagged like anyone else. The success rate of what Twitter decided to censor is a Twitter thing
When the FBI gives the order to do it, it's a crime. Only a fucking NAZI doesn't understand that. And Twitter did not treat Democrat requests the same as Republicans requests. It mostly ignored Republicans..

Again, you have shown no evidence that the fbi censored anything. I’ve shown statements from both Twitter and FB saying that the government wasn’t involved with censoring the laptop story

Go fuck yourself, NAZI. I already told you I don't give a fuck if your satisfied with what I've posted. Almost the most profound idiots are claiming it isn't true. If you don't like my evidence, then fine. I couldn't care less.
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Child who can’t stay on topic
Child of Hell whom the scriptures refer to as delusional.

2nd Thessalonians 2

9 The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, 10 and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11 For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, 12 in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.
You attributing works to Taibbi that were authored by one of the people participating in the scam.

You aren't fooling anyone.
I don’t need to fool anyone. The quote I posted show Taibbi’s words. He wasn’t quoting a different employee. He analyzed the situation and posted his findings in the twitterfiles. His findings did not include government involvement or censorship in the laptop story. He said that specifically. You are on here lying saying that his twitterfiles show the fbi censoring. They don’t. Which is why you have nothing to show that can back up your claims.

Here, I’ll post again. This is how you back up an argument. Take notes

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When the FBI gives the order to do it, it's a crime
Yet you can’t show any proof that the fbi gave the order to do it. I’ve shown Taibbi saying he has seen no evidence that the FBI did what you say he said they did.
It isn't speculation, it is fact. The FBI knew the information they had in their possession was not Russian disinformation, but they didn't want it to be released so they intentionally mislabeled the information and informed social media, clearly implying, at the very least, that they wanted the information censored. This is not conspiracy, this is a fact proven by Elon and stated by Zuckerberg. I am not sure why you Democrats run cover for your corrupt party. Don't you realize we will all eventually be the victims of such corruption?
Just like they knew the Dirty Dossier and accusations of Russian Collusion were false. These were just tools for them to assist The Democrat Party, Obama, Biden and Clinton to launch their COUP and attack on our Democracy in order to Overturn Our Election.

They used COVID 19 Scamdemic for precisely the same reason in 2020.
I don’t need to fool anyone. The quote I posted show Taibbi’s words. He wasn’t quoting a different employee. He analyzed the situation and posted his findings in the twitterfiles. His findings did not include government involvement or censorship in the laptop story. He said that specifically. You are on here lying saying that his twitterfiles show the fbi censoring. They don’t. Which is why you have nothing to show that can back up your claims.

Here, I’ll post again. This is how you back up an argument. Take notes

View attachment 736776
Those aren't Taibbi's words, NAZI. That's just the label on the tweet that shows the author. Taibbi is quoting someone else.

Your dishonesty is utterly despicable.
Yet you can’t show any proof that the fbi gave the order to do it. I’ve shown Taibbi saying he has seen no evidence that the FBI did what you say he said they did.

You just can't stop lying. You're only showing how desperate you are to hide the truth.
Both Musk and zuck specifically said the FBI never mentioned the laptop story

They touched base with both social media platforms just before the story was leaked and told them they should be on "high alert". Zuckerberg continued "‘We thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that, basically, there’s about to be some kind of dump that’s similar to that. So just be vigilant.'”. " “We just kind of thought: Hey, look, if the FBI, which I still view is a legitimate institution in this country, it’s a very professional law enforcement — they come to us and tell us that we need to be on guard about something, then I want to take that seriously.” Zuckerberg was then asked if they specially mentioned the laptop story and he said "“No, I don’t remember if it was that specifically, but it basically fit the pattern,” The FBI knew EXACTLY how their message would be interpreted and how it would be handled. Couple this with the fact that 51 former FBI and CIA agents signed a letter stating this had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation and the intent becomes pretty darn clear. You see, the FBI KNEW the information on the laptop was legitimate and not Russian disinformation. Knowing that it was censored from social media, if they were truly unbiased, they would have contacted the media platforms and at the very least told them that recently censored information on your platform may have been falsely labeled as Russian disinformation. They didn't because they got exactly what they wanted.

Whether or not any of this is legal or not shouldn't diminish the threat to our country that having our federal law enforcement agencies clearly taking sides on political issues poses.
I don’t need to fool anyone. The quote I posted show Taibbi’s words. He wasn’t quoting a different employee. He analyzed the situation and posted his findings in the twitterfiles. His findings did not include government involvement or censorship in the laptop story. He said that specifically. You are on here lying saying that his twitterfiles show the fbi censoring. They don’t. Which is why you have nothing to show that can back up your claims.

Here, I’ll post again. This is how you back up an argument. Take notes

View attachment 736776

Hey guys, be on "high alert" for some misinformation coming down the pipe. *wink* *wink*

You are not being honest here. You and everybody else knows what was really going on here.

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