Biden flushes Taiwan down the toilet.

White House says it does not support Taiwan independence​

White House official describes relations with Taiwan as 'dangerous balance'​

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Biden administration on Tuesday (July 6) made it clear that there are no plans to significantly alter its policy toward Taiwan when a White House official stated that the U.S. does not support de jure Taiwan independence.

On Tuesday, White House coordinator for the Indo-Pacific Kurt Campbell took part in an online discussion hosted by the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI). During the talk, Campbell described Taiwan-U.S. relations as a "dangerous balance" between advocating for Taiwan's role on the global stage and avoiding a military confrontation with China.

During the talk, the Asia Society's vice president for International Security and Diplomacy, Daniel Russel, observed that amid tensions with China, the U.S. is edging closer to the line between unofficial and official relations with Taiwan and said he worries such moves could "hollow out America's one-China policy." Russel then asked Campbell "how much love is too much love for Taiwan?" and inquired about the right way to manifest American commitments as expressed in the "one China" policy and the Taiwan Relations Act.

Campbell responded that the U.S. supports a strong "unofficial relationship" with Taiwan but that "we do not support Taiwan independence." He stressed that the Biden administration is fully cognizant of the "sensitivities" involved in cross-strait relations.

The White House official said the U.S. does believe that Taiwan "has the right to live in peace" and supports the East Asian nation's participation in international organizations, particularly in the area of global health amid the pandemic. Campbell described relations with Taipei as a "balance" that Washington accepts and supports.

He pointed out that the U.S. supports Taiwan's "dignity" and "remarkable achievements." At the same time, the U.S. has sent a strong message of deterrence to China, he added.

Campbell stated that China is carefully monitoring the international response to its crackdown on Hong Kong to get a sense of the global reaction to future aggression towards Taiwan. He warned that such actions would be "catastrophic" and that the U.S. will send strong signals to China when it takes steps that are "antithetical to international order."

He said U.S. relations with Taiwan are a "dangerous balance" but that they must be maintained. Campbell said that the U.S. has "extraordinarily important interests" in peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and that other countries, such as Japan and the U.K., are beginning to recognize this importance as well.

I blame this on Richard Nixon and every president since him.

They should have ALL unequivocally recognized Taiwan and an independent nation.

Our next president should do that on day one.
never had these problems with TRUMP....the china fux were whining like scum demonRATS when the tariffs were turned....FUCK THE SCUM DEMONRATS

How is that new trade agreement Trump got China to sign working out?
China Joe is already bought and paid for just ask Hunter. Taiwan has been free and the people are willing to pay the price too remain so. If the US turns its back on Taiwan our credibility is gone.
And that’s how Hitler and the Japanese Empire got a jump on things
You surely are not comparing the state of affairs today to the occupation and destruction of much of the world by the Axis powers prior to the Pearl Harbor invasion. That would be pretty dumb.
JFC you guys need a drug. If the US said we support Taiwan independence it could start a war. Taiwan doesn't want us to say that. US policy is unchanged. Our policy is we'll defend Taiwan. OF course, since 1979 it's a question as to whether we'd really risk the fleet and globe over it.
JFC you guys need a drug. If the US said we support Taiwan independence it could start a war. Taiwan doesn't want us to say that. US policy is unchanged. Our policy is we'll defend Taiwan. OF course, since 1979 it's a question as to whether we'd really risk the fleet and globe over it.
And China would turn Taiwan into a pile of rocks before letting it become an independent state beholden to the West.
JFC you guys need a drug. If the US said we support Taiwan independence it could start a war. Taiwan doesn't want us to say that. US policy is unchanged. Our policy is we'll defend Taiwan. OF course, since 1979 it's a question as to whether we'd really risk the fleet and globe over it.

We'd do nothing under Quid Pro Joe.
China needs to act. They may never get another opportunity like this!
Are these Commie short dicks this stupid?
America in the past would rush to the defense of Taiwan.
Maybe so. Then nuclear devices proliferated, and the tech and production imbalances all but disappeared. You guys do realize this isn't 1950, right? Oh wait...China pushed us right out of North Korea in 1950, too.
never had these problems with TRUMP....the china fux were whining like scum demonRATS when the tariffs were turned....FUCK THE SCUM DEMONRATS

How is that new trade agreement Trump got China to sign working out?
until the chinese compromised, pedophile stole the white was working just fine...
i realize your precious msm has been lying to you for your masters
never had these problems with TRUMP....the china fux were whining like scum demonRATS when the tariffs were turned....FUCK THE SCUM DEMONRATS

How is that new trade agreement Trump got China to sign working out?
until the chinese compromised, pedophile stole the white was working just fine...
i realize your precious msm has been lying to you for your masters

Trump folded. China won.

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