Biden: Food Shortages "gonna be real."

The dumbasses who think there won’t be shortage omg I wish I could watch these jackasses 3 days later when there is NO food for them lmfao.

Yup. The wailing is going to be epic.
"Globalization is wonderful!" said the left.

"We'll just import that, no need to make it here." said the left.

"Our greatest threat is Global Warming!" said the left.

"You Preppers are a bunch of idiots." said the left.

"Hey you ever get tired of being wrong?" said everyone else.
Trump makes ties in China. He's a globalist lol.
Says the repunks want higher taxes. We've got the higher taxes and costs from this bumbling old demented fool.

Now says he inherited a depression. Yeah. Tell that to the American People.

Truly these leftist democrat idiots think if they feed us these lies about our wellbeing enough we'll all think we doin' jes fine.

Joe Biden lies pretty much every time he opens his mouth. It's all he's ever done, I doubt if he knows or cares whether the shit he says is true or not.
Biden has betrayed every family, every mother with small children on baby food or formula. Do you think they're going to rush to the polls to vote for this economy destroyer??
The photo of the child apparently exists on the net: "Starving American Babies Disguise Selves as Ukrainian Soldiers in Hopes of Getting $40 Billion in Federal Aid."
Oh this should make all of us feel warm and fuzzy. biden makes sure the illegals at southern border have pallets of OUR BABY FORMULA and foods.

son's of bitches.

Did you buy the formula? No? Sorry, it's not yours.

As far as the rest of you yahoo's who are screaming about baby formula, realize that formula is a fairly recent invention, and the ingredients to make a formula of some type are readily available at your supermarket, all you have to do is go buy it and make it yourself, and it's really not that hard. And, if you make it yourself, it's much cheaper than the prepared stuff you get nowadays. Screaming that you need baby formula means that either too stupid, too lazy, or both, to follow a recipie and make it for yourself. Me? Never had baby formula. Was breast fed until around 4 or 5 months and then was switched to solid food.

By the way, this link will not only tell you when it was invented (1860), but will also provide you with several ways to make it for yourself.


German chemist, Justus von Leibig, develops the first baby formula—a powdered mix of wheat flour, malt flour, potassium bicarbonate and heated cow’s milk. This is a hit in Europe and by 1869, becomes available in the US for $1.

If you're screaming about a formula shortage, you're just a snowflake looking for something to be outraged about. No, it's not a crisis. Not having formula is pretty much a non issue when there are plenty of other ways to get (most times as good or better) nutrition to an infant.
Thanks for the recipe. COws milk. HEATED cows milk. Well another baby formula lie comes to light. I know that stuff cannot be good for children.
NO freakin' illegal should be getting baby formula when that product was sent TO america to be sold IN american stores. NO american should be doin' without so some damn dirty anti american illegal can have it. NONE. BIDEN regime had that shit sent there to NON americans when our own people need it, want it and recipe be damned.
Thanks for the recipe. COws milk. HEATED cows milk. Well another baby formula lie comes to light. I know that stuff cannot be good for children.
The vast majority of invaders at the border are men of fighting age. Most of that baby formula won't be used. It's an excuse to keep what little formula there is away from domestic use.

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