Biden: Food Shortages "gonna be real."

The farmers are worried about their profits.
How much profit in a time of war ? Shouldn't the government kick in for emergency relief if need be, and then order the food, grain, corn or what ever distributed to protect the well being of the citizen's ??
That's where we are. We have the chickens and the garden and the orchard...Mrs Mo says we need a goat and some rabbits and we'll be fine.
I have five deer who have taken up residence on the property and a flock of turkeys comes through every morning. I have pine trees and according to Euell Gibbons, "Many parts are edible" LOL. Huckleberries are bountiful.
Ready your seamstress. I don’t even like “Gator”… But even he see’s what you cannot. Tighten your belt, and prepare your “blameologies”. The hungry children will be glad to hear it.

Gator is an imposter.
He scours the interwebz in order to pass himself off as an expert.
He works for a U.S. troll farm.
I have five deer who have taken up residence on the property and a flock of turkeys comes through every morning. I have pine trees and according to Euell Gibbons, "Many parts are edible" LOL. Huckleberries are bountiful.
Experience has shown that Gibbons was right about the turkeys and deers. But the splinters from the pine trees make the huckleberries sting when you chew on 'em.
""With regard to food shortage, yes we did talk about food shortages, and it's gonna be real," Biden said during a press conference at a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium, following a meeting with other world leaders.

Let the mass panic begin!
This is the purpose of sanctions.

So what is your point?
"Globalization is wonderful!" said the left.

"We'll just import that, no need to make it here." said the left.

"Our greatest threat is Global Warming!" said the left.

"You Preppers are a bunch of idiots." said the left.

"Hey you ever get tired of being wrong?" said everyone else.
So you don't realize that the shortages will occur in Russia?

I think Leftism is a self correcting affliction.
In Blue cities they are murdering each other in record numbers.

As soon as any food shortages arrive I expect them to turn into violent, deadly war zones over night.
There's a massive trend across the country for many Leftist and they are fleeing their self created "Utopias" for Red States.
As absolute proof of their glaring stupidity...they beam proudly how they will "improve" their new home states by voting for the same type politicians they ran from.

They saying it true. You cannot fix stupid.
Another too dense to understand the shortages are in Russia.


How much food do you think we import from Russia?

Make sure you got a scatter gun as a back up for native mob action.
Starving stomachs are sure to turn to the 'burbs. Then we'll have those taker sumabitchez' where we want them!
It'll make war crimes look like a figment of the left's imagination.
Which of course, IT IS!!!
Sounds like a zombie apocalypse... Government Dependent's coming out of the woodwork with the attitude I'm gonna get mine, otherwise just like a person drowning, then drowns the person attempting to save him or her, it's called panic.

Already we've had theives drilling holes in gas tanks stealing gas. Just think about when food shortages are touted by opportunistic politician's never letting a good crisis going to waste, and how bad they might play it up in order to appear the saviour's when they decide to come out from behind the curtain and change direction's at the right time for votes ?
Gator is an imposter.
He scours the interwebz in order to pass himself off as an expert.
He works for a U.S. troll farm.
GiGi is a troll with low self-esteem, who is intent on convincing everyone else that his life is perfect and he has experienced NO adverse effects from the scamdemic or the democrat inflationary fiasco. LOL, he hasn't convinced himself yet.
Another too dense to understand the shortages are in Russia.


How much food do you think we import from Russia?

More than you think.

Russia, and Ukraine are about one third of the global trade in wheat...
Those percentages are still small and no fucking way Ukraine grows and exports 15% of the wheat in the world. This is the lack of math skills that AGW and Covid count on.

They are not small, they are more than enough to causes shortages in some countries.

I did not say Ukraine grows and exports 15% of the wheat in the world, I said Ukraine and Russia combined export 28% of the wheat exported in the world.

Ukraine alone exports 14% the corn exported in the world.

These are the facts.
How much profit in a time of war ?

As much as they can get.

Shouldn't the government kick in for emergency relief if need be, and then order the food, grain, corn or what ever distributed to protect the well being of the citizen's ??

Why would they need to, American farmers are going to make out well if they can produce some extra corn/wheat/soy beans
Sounds like a zombie apocalypse... Government Dependent's coming out of the woodwork with the attitude I'm gonna get mine, otherwise just like a person drowning, then drowns the person attempting to save him or her, it's called panic.

Already we've had theives drilling holes in gas tanks stealing gas. Just think about when food shortages are touted by opportunistic politician's never letting a good crisis going to waste, and how bad they might play it up in order to appear the saviour's when they decide to come out from behind the curtain and change direction's at the right time for votes ?

You get it!

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