Biden: Food Shortages "gonna be real."

""With regard to food shortage, yes we did talk about food shortages, and it's gonna be real," Biden said during a press conference at a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium, following a meeting with other world leaders.

Let the mass panic begin!
Kinda neat to forget The Why behind the Food shortage.Democrats with their
Twinkie brains aren't capable of thinking past yesterday.
If food production suffers it's because Farming has been stymied.
By shutting off grains and Fertilizer from Russia.From having Bill Gates
the largest owner of Farm land in the U.S. do his best to implement some form
or Depopulation.We went from being Oil Independent to Dependent on outside
oil.We went from having normal supply chains to choked supply chains.
Then a dramatic spike in Inflation and Gas prices exploding.
All Done by One Mutha Fuching Bully named Biden.Who ain't done with
his Bullying.Each month providing him new ways to bully Citizens.
Agreed. America has become a true Idiocracy with losers like MG leading the charge.
MG's or the MGB were good sports cars.They handled well, had zip
and dint hog gas.They did tend to rust out being so low to the ground.
But with Rack & Pinion steering they were a real blast.
Had me many a good time driving my Dad's MGB after he crashed it.
Had it repaired and no one the wiser.Ran away from home after graduating
High school in early summer due to my High School sweetheart dumping me.
Went to a place called Kelly's Island on Lake Erie.Had to take a Car ferry to
get there.Slept a few nights in the back rumble seat.Found my buddy
who was working alongside his Father at a Summer Camp on Kelly's Island.
Got a good lecture from him.But dint keep me from looking for the best
Pub on the Island.What kids my age need do.Run away from home and
find out what Life offers.Like Jack London.Like most Golden agers.
oh you're so busy YOU'RE BUSY! *eyeroll*
Lol, you will notice that my posts happen during very short windows. Occasionally i need to smack around some lefty, otherwise i get itchy, like a crack addict looking for a fix. :laugh:
Great opportunity for the American farmers. The USDA is going to allow more crops to be grown on the land that has been set aside for the CRP program. This is the very reason we have the program, so that the crop land is there when needed. It will be a banner year for the heartland grain farmers.

Wheat crops went in last fall for this growing year. Is your brain shredded wheat?
Great opportunity for the American farmers. The USDA is going to allow more crops to be grown on the land that has been set aside for the CRP program. This is the very reason we have the program, so that the crop land is there when needed. It will be a banner year for the heartland grain farmers.

God forbid, they could kill the gasahol subsidy and grow eating corn too.

The Populist Right has been sounding the alarm on outsourcing for years. The environmentalist think "out of sight, out of mind...let Russia make Potash and long as we're not making it here it doesn't exist". :cuckoo:

In fact we SHOULD be making it here where we can make it in an environmentally sound process.

Just fricken dumb all the way around.

And yes... the "we don't give a shit about America... as long as we get rich" outsourcing wing of the Left and Right are equally at fault...but WE are attempting to purge those fuckers from our party... while yours is sucking them up like the world's largest industrial vacuum.

And here we are... with our outsourced chickens NOT coming home to roost.

What a bunch of idiots we are.

How true, in more ways than just agriculture. Quick profits and cheap labor drove our jobs away. Both parties are complicit.

I make potash at home and fertilizers.
A lotta dubes....
Yeah... I'm not thrilled about a goat...but what Mrs Mo wants...Mrs Mo gets.
Don't let nobody get your goat.
By by to toilet paper, cookies, steaks, lobster, sugary drinks, and everything else that a leftist can either take, wipe their aces with or feed their faces with, and in the meantime Biden's gonna make sure that them thar ukranial's are a gonna gets at least 100 billion off the top of our 💰, and also get what ever else they want to lose to Russia in terms of equipment and arm's that will be given to the Russians after Ukranium falls or if and when it falls.

People do y'all understand what the USA has now become ??
Prog's been trying to make us like the EU where they use some type toilet paper thats got wood fiber in it, big ones. No Klingon's there.
Depending on how old you are, your parents might have already done that with you if they used cloth diapers.
We had a diaper service when my brother and sister showed up. Used to talk to the driver....In the summer, his truck was a wonderful place to visit.

There may be one or more MGB owners here. If you have one in a country with the driver position on the left take a hard look under the hood. Specifically look at the hyduralic lines that carry the clutch and brake fluids across the sort of shelf to connect to the cylinders on the right side of the vehicle. These are crossed by a heater cable with a steel spiral armoring it. In time the spiral can chew through the lines. In most cases it's the clutch line that goes first but the brake line is also vulnerable and that can prove deadly. Easy solution is to take a length of rubber tubing, slit it sideways and put it over the heater control cable, taping it up in a couple of places. I believe that was fixed in some of the last manufactured MGBs but it costs nothing to look and make sure you're safe.
Get this...

Because of the environmentalist...every diesel truck and tractor in the US built after 2012 REQUIRES urea as a component of the emissions system in the form of Diesel Emission Fluid (DEF).

The new diesel engines will not run without it.

And where does 20% of the world's supply of urea come from?

You guessed it...Russia.
We could be urea independent, but we're pissing away that opportunity. *rimshot*
Wheat crops went in last fall for this growing year. Is your brain shredded wheat?

Ukraine grows more than just wheat. And the need for extra wheat will not be over in a few months. The farmers are already making plans for this. How many acres of soy beans to be followed by wheat as they work the best for double cropping here in the mid-west.
Such bullshit. Jo Joe wants another hoax to put Americans under the thumb. He revels in pessimism, fear, and control
The fucking country of Ukraine is not an agricultural producer of significance but as is the Covid theme-treat every occurrence as worst case scenario with the weaving together of unrelated factors to “cause” the next calamity.
I think Leftism is a self correcting affliction.
In Blue cities they are murdering each other in record numbers.

As soon as any food shortages arrive I expect them to turn into violent, deadly war zones over night.
There's a massive trend across the country for many Leftist and they are fleeing their self created "Utopias" for Red States.
As absolute proof of their glaring stupidity...they beam proudly how they will "improve" their new home states by voting for the same type politicians they ran from.

They saying it true. You cannot fix stupid.

Wait until the EBT cards start getting declined. It's gonna be fun...
""With regard to food shortage, yes we did talk about food shortages, and it's gonna be real," Biden said during a press conference at a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium, following a meeting with other world leaders.

Let the mass panic begin!
of course

they want everyone to freak out all over again as per 2 yrs ago w/ the hyped up virus scare..

they want us all to be very afraid... so that we will turn to Almighty Government for "the answer" to all our problems.

But as Reagan said, government is not the answer to our problems; it is the problem

Let them eat cake!

I loathe these selfish, we're-better-than-y'all

elitist pigs

Hi, I'm Cake


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