Biden froze again last night and had to get escorted out by Obama

People read into it what they want. Was Biden frozen? Nope. A better video would show more.

Did Obama clasp hands with Biden? Yes. Is that because Biden needed assistance? Only if that is what your mind is prepped to see/think.

Here’s a closer look at the facts

CLAIM: Biden froze onstage during his fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday night and had to be led away by Obama.

THE FACTS: Biden paused amid cheers and applause as he exited the stage with his predecessor following an interview moderated by late-night host Kimmel.

Once again, Magadonia and the GOP prove how terrified they are over at the Trump camp over the possibility and probability of Biden trouncing Biden again as he did in 2020. With 66.6% turnout, Biden won with 81,283,501 votes to Trump's (the incumbent President) 74,223,975 votes. That is a win of 51.3% to 46.8% in a win for Biden, over the incumbent; very unpopular, sitting President.

This disinformation has been going on nonstop for quite some time.

Separate footage from the event provided to The Associated Press by Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer shows the president waving, pointing, clapping and giving the thumbs-up to the audience alongside Obama while Kimmel waits off to the side. Biden then stands still for about seven seconds looking out at the crowd. He starts moving again when Obama briefly takes his arm and puts his hand on his back as the pair walks offstage.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates described the moment as “the President taking in an applauding crowd for a few seconds.” Singer attributed the negative characterizations as a distraction tactic from those who “are so scared of losing to Joe Biden, they’ll make anything up to distract from the fact that their candidate for president, Donald Trump, has been convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault, committed financial fraud, and only cares about himself.”

Let us see the Political debates between him, and Donald Trump. Then the American people will make the decision.?
You didn’t answer my post? Mther fker couldn’t understand it!! Hilarious
You are legitimately retarded. Biden got tripped up on a word. Fucking Trump talks about sharks and boat batteries with a dumb fucking story that shows he’s a moron. I could post a hundred Trump clips with him getting tripped up on a word. That’s nothing. The issues is the nonsense he spouts.

Trump tripped up on words:

Once again, Magadonia and the GOP prove how terrified they are over at the Trump camp over the possibility and probability of Biden trouncing Biden again as he did in 2020. With 66.6% turnout, Biden won with 81,283,501 votes to Trump's (the incumbent President) 74,223,975 votes. That is a win of 51.3% to 46.8% in a win for Biden, over the incumbent; very unpopular, sitting President.

This disinformation has been going on nonstop for quite some time.

Separate footage from the event provided to The Associated Press by Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer shows the president waving, pointing, clapping and giving the thumbs-up to the audience alongside Obama while Kimmel waits off to the side. Biden then stands still for about seven seconds looking out at the crowd. He starts moving again when Obama briefly takes his arm and puts his hand on his back as the pair walks offstage.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates described the moment as “the President taking in an applauding crowd for a few seconds.” Singer attributed the negative characterizations as a distraction tactic from those who “are so scared of losing to Joe Biden, they’ll make anything up to distract from the fact that their candidate for president, Donald Trump, has been convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault, committed financial fraud, and only cares about himself.”

you lost me at "Biden trouncing Biden"


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