Biden froze again last night and had to get escorted out by Obama

Hillary? :) Gavin? Gretchen? Bernie? :)
Kamala? Michelle? :)???
The DNC convention is August 19....
5 pages of lib loons shrieking “You see the images incorrectly”
yep, all day long. pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!!!!!! That's how fking stupid they think Americans are!!!! that's their america!!!!
Oh my gosh!! This idiot is making the OP look like a genius. They really expect us to believe this nonsense.🙄

I don't think he's an idiot, I think he should sit in a wheel chair, to get around....he'd look better...I think he should dye his hair orange and spray paint an orange tan on himself, and have another eye and face lift, and more hair plugs and wear his hair on the back head in the front....and then talk about being electrocuted in an ocean from a battery vs eaten by a shark.....and change the tax code to a tariff only system, and break the constitution to be a dictator on day 1, and appease Putin, drop out of NATO, ally with Russia and China and Turkey and drop the EU allies, and don't forget arresting and jailing all political foes!! He'd look stronger and more mentally fit, then! :rolleyes:
Correct, his supporters are bigger idiots.
That's EXACTLY what this whole "Biden is senile" lie is about. Don't notice the guy who can't remember who he's running against. Who can't finish a sentence, and wants to be a dictator. Look how OLD Biden is.
he's not your president so you have no say in this canadian.
Oh my gosh!! This idiot is making the OP look like a genius. They really expect us to believe this nonsense.🙄

no, they can't make someone believe something other than what they see no matter the spin they think it pretzels into. got it get a to b to c to d back to a deflect to z and so on.

Again, it's how stupid they think americans are. They have zero respect for the intelligence of americans. Well, demofks are fooled. just read in here.
You are practically a lone voice defending biden

Most of see that biden is slipping

I bet you do too but refuse to admit it

So my question is why did your side choose biden in 2020?

The public may not have seen the real biden - the frail old man slipping into dementia

But the democrat party leaders knew

So their choice of joe biden in 2020 is really strange when they could have had someone else
You need to get out more often

trump hand hold.png

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