Biden froze again last night and had to get escorted out by Obama

Every time I think it can't possibly get worse the American people let me down. This should easily be the year we elect a third party candidate, like RFK or somebody, but it still won't happen. How much worse does it have to get?
Ranked choice voting could make things much better, but I think we're too far gone. I mean - Trump vs Biden? What else is there to say?
Biden is the greatest President of modern times!

He has the greatest economy*...the most job growth*...dammit man, he got 81 million votes*!

This is just a ruse to lull MAGAts into a false sense of security!

Biden one else can beat Donald Trump!

FFS OP, shut the fuck up and let them nominate the man! 🤬
Was that a joke?
Exaggerated nonsense.

BS Farrt. If they send out the kenyan to lead him off the stage like that, it’s over. The muslim could have stood pat on stage pretending to clap and trying to get the Corose attention. Nope, that was a message. The 25th is coming sooner. Case closed//
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The Romans thought that He was lying about being the Son of God.
A bit different than hiding payments made to hush up a porn star that he had an affair with… or not returning classified documents… or trying to defraud an election.

But I get your point.
It is.......too old and not the same man as years ago.

Sadly, the alternative party has nothing to offer but a lying con man, who is ALSO going through mental decline.
Is it as bad as bidens decline...not yet, but only a cult member will claim that trump 'has not gotten worse himself.'

It's a total embarrassment the way we observe our politicians and refuse to do ANYTHING about it.
We have SO MANY corrupt, demented, crazy, over-aged and divisive politicians, from BOTH sides, and "WE the people" just sit back and let it happen.

But as mentioned above, WE refuse to do anything about it, probably because there is Nothing we can do about it.......SADLY.
He is the same man he was years ago. Bidumb has always been a retard.
But I get your point.

Looks out the window I don't see any flying pigs. That just happened right? The first time ever somebody even remotely from the left gets that I have a point? (Which is if Jesus wasn't really a liar but yet was still treated as one the same could be said for Trump for those of you taking notes.)

Looks out the window I don't see any flying pigs. That just happened right? The first time ever somebody even remotely from the left gets that I have a point? (Which is if Jesus wasn't really a liar but yet was still treated as one the same could be said for Trump for those of you taking notes.)

Haha, you funny wifey. IMO we should all seek to understand eachother. Doesn’t mean we need to agree. But understanding is key and I see less and less people even trying to understand what their opposition is trying to say. More effort is being made to attack, manipulate, and distort information. That’s not good.
Haha, you funny wifey. IMO we should all seek to understand eachother. Doesn’t mean we need to agree. But understanding is key and I see less and less people even trying to understand what their opposition is trying to say. More effort is being made to attack, manipulate, and distort information. That’s not good.

I agree one hundred percent and that's one of the reasons I like you as too many lefties are like this guy "la, la, la, la I can't hear you!!!" when they don't want to admit that we're right about something. I've seen conservatives do it too for the record but mostly I've seen it with the left though.


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