Biden froze again last night and had to get escorted out by Obama

A bit different than hiding payments made to hush up a porn star that he had an affair with… or not returning classified documents… or trying to defraud an election.

But I get your point.

Signed NDA said no affair. Deep pockets are always extorted. Sadly you’re OK with that sort of BS.
Signed NDA said no affair. Deep pockets are always extorted. Sadly you’re OK with that sort of BS.

Yeah, but the guy actually admitted that he saw my point? How often do you see that coming from the left? I'm telling you guys that even though we might not always agree I can see that he's a good guy and somebody who can actually debate without having to deflect.
Just more proof we live in a failed state. Just the mere fact Joe is president is proof enough. He is and has been one of the most corrupt politicians for a very long time.

And Biden has a long record of lying to voters, even about his own personal record, and winning ‘elections’ on that basis. Of course, the most-publicized example of this has been about Hunter Biden’s laptop and its contents, which revealed astounding evidences that the U.S. President has been receiving 10% kick-backs from international-corporate deals that are done with the participation of his son Hunter Biden, but which America’s Democratic Party ‘news’-media hide and allege (without any proof at all) are ‘Russian disinformation’. On 21 July 2023, I headlined about this “The Significance of the Congressional Probes into FBI-Biden Corruption”, but even the Republican Senators and Representatives who have done impressive investigations into this have failed to gain any support for prosecution of the President on bribery and conspiracy charges, and treason — all of which charges are supported by the massive evidence — in order to bring these federal crimes to a jury trial, because only a few of the Republican billionaires support that, because exposing it to a broad segment of the public would bring the entire corrupt house-of-cards crashing down — and much of their fortunes with it. Instead, the U.S. Government hides it from the public and has prosecuted — and, on 11 June 2024 convicted — only Hunter Biden and not his father, and for his illegal possession of a gun, not for the far-more-important briberies, whose evidence is on Hunter Bden’s laptop, the same laptop that contained massive evidence also of those bribery-kickback conspiracy operations but which still aren’t being heard in any court.
Although Warren Harding has been considered by historians to have been the most corrupt of America’s Presidents, his corruptness has been dwarfed by Biden’s. Furthermore, even Clinton’s, Bush’s, Obama’s, and Trump’s, have been strong competitors (though not nearly as strong as Biden’s) for that title.
Biden Is the Most Corrupt President in U.S. History - LewRockwell

Awesome read.

Yes, the convict is losing it fast.
Signed NDA said no affair. Deep pockets are always extorted. Sadly you’re OK with that sort of BS.
I don’t think Trump would have paid over $320k if the story wasn’t legit. Just my opinion though. Actions do tell stories
Yet many still can’t see it.
Interesting link in that LRC blog post to this site. ..

I found this from there. . . I didn't know he did this. Now listening to it. . . should be interesting from the comments.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr - Path To Peace Episode One​

Mar 2, 2024

I think my greatest hope, regarding the debate, is hackers can hack into their ear-relays. Get them totally flustered.

Yes, they would do anything to protect the Usurper in Chief!:mad:

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