Biden & Garland Not Caring If A Conservative USSC Justice Is Kilked Makes Sense

Peacefully thus far, unlike 1/6.

Peaceful doesn't make a difference. They are clearly attempting to coerce a specific Supreme Court justice to rule a certain way on a case before the court. That is unlawful. Period. They can peacefully protest outside the court all they would like, but when they single out individual members at their homes, they have overstepped their rights.
Peaceful doesn't make a difference. They are clearly attempting to coerce a specific Supreme Court justice to rule a certain way on a case before the court. That is unlawful. Period. They can peacefully protest outside the court all they would like, but when they single out individual members at their homes, they have overstepped their rights.
Thank you, but how about those insurrectionists?
Biden's silence and Garland's inaction to protect USSC Justices right now makes a lot of sense

If a Conservative USSC Justice Is murdered Biden gets to pick another leftist extremist for the USSC....

...While Garland is just a bitter liberal SOB who feels like he was screwed out of being a USSC Jusice.
- 'If I can't be one then F* 'em. Let 'em all die.'

The truth is Garland himself has made the best case for why he never deserved to be appointed, let alone nominated for the USSC.

The Supreme Court said it was fine to protest outside homes.
Yet the 1st amendment prohibit Congress from......

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The marchers looked pretty peaceful to me. But, as the Democratic Senator from Hawaii said last night, if it is determined that any crime was committed, those guilty should be prosecuted.

Epic failure on your part blind one...
Shirley you understand the phrase "Congress shall make no law....abridging...the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The supreme court is one third of the Federal Government.
lol... And you don't understand what intimidating the judicial branch is and why it is not allowed.. The court is not elected and are to interpret the law, not be bullied into a decision that is not legal as Roe V Wade was..
It is hard to understand how bad it's gotten. Threatening or intimidating a judge to affect the outcome of a case, make them change a ruling, I s against the law. Certainly not something that would be tolerated in any way.

The entire Dem leadership has broken their oaths of office. It's lawless chaos under the Dem regime. Just flat out ignore the law, allow Dem mobs to intimidate the SCOTUS wow just wow.

In leftard land feelings supersede the law. From the border to the Antifa/Burn/Loot/Murder thugs, it’s what leftism is.
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They have protested outside the building but not the homes that I remember.

It is illegal to protest in front of a judges home, however the Dems aren’t concerned about a judge and his family, they still want to intimidate and harass. Seem just as bad as the GOP.
lol... And you don't understand what intimidating the judicial branch is and why it is not allowed.. The court is not elected and are to interpret the law, not be bullied into a decision that is not legal as Roe V Wade was..
The Supreme Court is a branch of the Federal Government. I don't believe a peaceful assembly of citizens in an effort to redress their grievances can be made a crime. However, this court, I would imagine would rule against me.

I understand the Neo-GOP simply hates the Constitution so, obviously, they want to destroy the Republic......
It is illegal to protest in front of a judges home, however the Dems aren’t concerned about a judge and his family, they still want to intimidate and harass. Seem just as bad as the GOP.
Apparently there was quite a police presence for the hundred people who came. Why weren't they arrested?
The Supreme Court is a branch of the Federal Government. I don't believe a peaceful assembly of citizens in an effort to redress their grievances can be made a crime. However, this court, I would imagine would rule against me.

I understand the Neo-GOP simply hates the Constitution so, obviously, they want to destroy the Republic......
When the DOJ is the enforcement arm of the democrat party, they will never enforce laws on their own.
Fucking repulsive scum.
They ignore the Constitution because the founders wrote it. Deport them to Siberia for a year. They can there evaluate whether or not they really, really care for Hillary's use of the Alinsky method to instill communism here. She wrote such a romantic paper on for her Master's thesis on the Alinsky method for getting rid of this free and brave country and instill communist slavery on the peons, and continues to domineer on Biden at the deep state omeurta meetings. I despise communism.
Biden's silence and Garland's inaction to protect USSC Justices right now makes a lot of sense

If a Conservative USSC Justice Is murdered Biden gets to pick another leftist extremist for the USSC....

...While Garland is just a bitter liberal SOB who feels like he was screwed out of being a USSC Jusice.
- 'If I can't be one then F* 'em. Let 'em all die.'

The truth is Garland himself has made the best case for why he never deserved to be appointed, let alone nominated for the USSC.

Nancy Pelosi hasn't lifted a single finger to stop the anti-Constitutional creeps who disembowel the friendship that the Constitution inspires among legislators when it is considered the law. I'm sick of Democrat omeurta.
Holding doors open for people to walk through then trying to put those same people in jail for life isn't.

Calling for violence against the Justices after the last time your violent rhetoric ended with the attempted assassination of GOP lawmakers and Steve Scalise being shot is somehow a smart idea?

Elected Democrats openly calling for an insurrection is somehow legal?
What world do you live in?

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