Biden Gives Fed Workers a Pay Raise

Amazing. Here in my state, 35% of families are having trouble finding an affordable place to live at all. Why not cough up some more in taxes to support the federal hierarchy? Makes perfect sense o_O
Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on them. Most Fed workers are over paid and aren't worth a tinker damn. They live in a bubble. They never get fired or laid off. Hell most of them didn't even know we were having trouble during Barry's first term.

Canada deserves your stupid ass.
The vast majority of Federal workers are middle class… and here we have Republicans whining about a 2.7% raise

You're living in the past. Trump was the pro worker President. Democrats are anti worker today.

Really. Can you point to the pro-worker, pro-union policies and legislation of the Trump Administration? I cannot recall a single thing that Donald Trump did for working Americans. 40% of Americans - those at the low end of the wage and income spectrum reported seeing NO benefit from the Trump economy, and reported being worse off.

Really. Can you point to the pro-worker, pro-union policies and legislation of the Trump Administration? I cannot recall a single thing that Donald Trump did for working Americans. 40% of Americans - those at the low end of the wage and income spectrum reported seeing NO benefit from the Trump economy, and reported being worse off.

No, seriously, go home to Canada.
Non-government workers are getting pay cuts, if not directly, then due to inflation. No raises for the working class. It's very difficult to swallow that the self chosen fed employees can gift themselves a pay raise at will. A study here in Vermont showed that this is not a localized event: This disparity in pay has been going on for well over a decade here. Bottom line is that State and Federal workers saw a net increase in income, while non-government barely broke even (accounting for published inflation rates).

Are non-government workers not worthy of equality? Are they now really and truly "the little people", beneath their government employed counterparts?

The national debt ceiling has to be raised to new astounding highs ever few months, due in large part to the Big Government spending to support Big Government benefit programs. Then, when push comes to shove, and they need more bodies to fill the war machine they prey upon those same bottom 35% for the infantry and close combat positions: either starve your family or sign up. Your "choice".

State and Federal government show no sign of slowing their spending habits (at least in my blue state), despite having no clear plan on how to pay for it all, or even to reach some sort of equilibrium with sanity. All despite dire warning signs in the economy. Heck, they can't even fix our roads here with any degree of reliability. But they do have plenty of funding for all the little pet projects they've got going on.

This is unsustainable. It's no wonder Antifa has gained so much traction over the last several years: the bottom third of our population don't even remember how great things can be under free market enterprise. They think total socialism is the only answer.
A clerk filing papers and getting coffee earns an average $43,000 a year in the IRS.
Show me an equivalent in the private sector.

I'm not so sure about that. A GS-8 Step 2 makes $43Ka year. That's a Geneva Convention category III, which is a company grade officer...

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