Biden Giving $2,200 of Taxpayer Money Per Illegal Immigrant Family, Plus a Plane Ticket, Housing, Food, Free Medical Services (VIDEO)

You are one stupid asshole. I mean Hoft gives you the source, it is right there on the US Department of State website. Who fawking cares what one dumbass Border Patrol agent says,, the only requirement for that job is to be able to fog a mirror. It is a one-time payment to an NGO, period. And damn skippy, I will tell that border patrol agent he is dumber than a box of rocks and probably needs to be working at Walmart. He probably has the job so he can sexually assault Hispanic women, it is a big problem with them assholes.

And I can tell you how those "illegals" eat. But first, they are not "illegal". They are refugees here seeking asylum and taking the necessary legal steps to make that happen. Tell your dumbshit Republican congressmen to fund the damn system if you want to do something about the long wait time. They eat because, now wait for it, THEY FAWKING WORK. I mean they don't "work", they "hustle".

I have seen it for two decades. It began in the restaurant industry, watching Hispanics come in to cook or bus tables after working an eight hour shift at the furniture factory. They didn't call in sick, they always showed up for work, on time, and they stayed till the job was done. On their day off, they showed up dressed to the nines with their family, enjoyed their employee discount, and tipped really well. Much more than the rednecks that showed up on Saturday night. My son worked in the tomato fields, him and his buddy, both of them over 6 foot 4, the only "legals" in the field. Made good damn money too, more than their peers working part time gigs at fast food restaurants and grocery stores. And all cash, under the table. Ended up selling the family farms to those operators, for seven figures.

Today, I am out the door before 5:00 AM. Most of the time right in front of, or right behind, an immigrant neighbor driving his big ass dually truck. But I roll in before 4:00 PM. That guy rolls in around 9:00 PM. I hear his truck rolling by as I am drifting off to sleep. I will take one immigrant seeking asylum over ten damn dumbass white "legals", every damn day. If we don't have room for them then maybe we should start shipping the worthless rednecks out to make room for them.

No job bussing tables pays enough to house a Family in NYC CHI LA or other. Cash under the table maybe with benefits. I am not reading any DOS site for any BS facts.

Also right there was grants to agencies in addition to the $2200 one time payment (possible $4400 to two adults with kids). We all know it costs $2000/mo on AVG to rent an APT anywhere. Again....where do they make that kind of money? Who stays home with the kids? Give it up loons, they don't do it on their own for years and years if ever at all. Look at inner city folks now. Generations on Welfare. 30 yr old Grandmothers not unusual. All on Sect8, welfare.

I will wait on the FACTS because none of it adds up. Common sense tells you Millions of Americans are in the same boat after decades and can't make it without help. I don't got time for BS. I am working here. I glance thru. I know reality.
The Gateway Pundit article is pure shit and of no use whatever in finding out specifics on this subject. Besides interviewing an “anonymous Border Control Agent” the references in the article — as unclear as they intentionally are — all go back to easily traceable widely discredited individuals and two rightwing ThinkTank foundations, one of which has associations with “white nationalist” and “eugenics” views (the “Center” for Immigration Studies), the other to a rightwing anti- “illegal immigration” group (Alipac) that was close to the Trump administration.

This is not to deny that there are big problems with immigration at our Southern border, especially with the present granting of temporary “refugee” status to many immigrants seeking better economic prospects, or that changes in Biden Administration policies are not needed.

But the figures given for the amount of immediate temporary or (in other contexts) sometimes longer-term assistance granted later to needy mostly working & documented immigrant families are practically “made up” out of these partisan liars’ imaginations, with no reference to either reality or any serious studies whatever.
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And they want to give these illegals Medicaid. Imagine that. Newsom wants to give illegals Medicaid....

Then Liberals have this brainiac idea of Medicare for All: introduced this year, the Vermont independent's Medicare-for-all bill aims to do the same by guaranteeing eligibility to "every individual who is a resident of the United States." Five other Democratic presidential candidates -- Sens. Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, and Elizabeth Warren -- have all cosponsored the measure.


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