Biden Got Us Into This Oil Price Mess

One contard please post the data for the last 6 years and specifically show domestic PRODUCTION

More lease mean zero when we already have leased land that is not being drilled YET how can you contards deny the PRODUCTION

MORE leases is like Jay Leno getting another car for his garage.
Did I state something that upset you Meister

Not leases

Is oil production under Biden up or down since he took office?
Oil increases for 2023 is expected to be 12.8 bbls passing 2019 production levels.

It was 11.1 mbbl/day in 2020. A 1.7mbbl/day in 3 years is not significant. We could have easily almost doubled production but this is what happens when an admin totally ignorant and incompetent of energy takes over.

"Consumed, as they have been, with the work of pushing revisionist woke ideology in the schools, it seems the Left missed the lesson that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. They’ve learned nothing from the past, not even the recent past.

Yet here we are, looking at the possibility we could repeat the same mistakes Europe made in the late 90s and early 2000s when they failed to realize the real motivations behind the green energy propaganda they were being spoon fed as truth."
"all to avoid domestic oil production"

That's what this is all about.

And for what reason?

I can't think of anything positive or helpful.
You people are so damn gullible, I mean it is mind numbing. I could sell you dehydrated water. What damn fools. Two million acres of public land leases EXPIRED last year. The oil companies can go for the next ten years on leases they already have. And quite honestly, you don't sell into a bear market. Guess what, no one was showing up for the auctions the government did have. Trump learned that the hard way, getting like ten cents on the dollar of what is expected.

As has been pointed out in this thread, domestic oil production will hit a new high within the next few months. 2023 will be a record breaking year. And who is president? The reality is you morons need to pull your head out of your ass and do some damn research. If nothing else, study history. The US instigated an oil embargo in the 1970's and the result was a flight to the bottom, oil prices dropped to ten bucks a barrel, and the domestic industry was decimated. America first, ain't that the matra--well live it you stupid shits. Damn, we export oil, WTF--get a grip you fools.

It was 11.1 mbbl/day in 2020. A 1.7mbbl/day in 3 years is not significant. We could have easily almost doubled production but this is what happens when an admin totally ignorant and incompetent of energy takes over.
Go sit in the corner and wear your dunce hat. No way in hell we could have doubled production in three years. Please share what you are smoking.

"Consumed, as they have been, with the work of pushing revisionist woke ideology in the schools, it seems the Left missed the lesson that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. They’ve learned nothing from the past, not even the recent past.

Yet here we are, looking at the possibility we could repeat the same mistakes Europe made in the late 90s and early 2000s when they failed to realize the real motivations behind the green energy propaganda they were being spoon fed as truth."
The left is beyond stupid, and always has been.
Go sit in the corner and wear your dunce hat. No way in hell we could have doubled production in three years. Please share what you are smoking.
If 1.7 bbl/day is not significant, then why are they panicking over a 2 bbl/day decrease?
You people are so damn gullible, I mean it is mind numbing. I could sell you dehydrated water. What damn fools. Two million acres of public land leases EXPIRED last year. The oil companies can go for the next ten years on leases they already have. And quite honestly, you don't sell into a bear market. Guess what, no one was showing up for the auctions the government did have. Trump learned that the hard way, getting like ten cents on the dollar of what is expected.

As has been pointed out in this thread, domestic oil production will hit a new high within the next few months. 2023 will be a record breaking year. And who is president? The reality is you morons need to pull your head out of your ass and do some damn research. If nothing else, study history. The US instigated an oil embargo in the 1970's and the result was a flight to the bottom, oil prices dropped to ten bucks a barrel, and the domestic industry was decimated. America first, ain't that the matra--well live it you stupid shits. Damn, we export oil, WTF--get a grip you fools.

That's because the leases were all seen has having little potential. You think oil gushes out wherever they poke the ground?

I always marvel whenever progs pontificate on subjects they know nothing about? All they know how to do is regurgitate admin talking points.
Why should oil companies make huge profits off of public lands?

Do you really think they will give us a break on the price of gas if we let them drill on our lands?
Lol, if Biden went back to Trump's policies gas prices would plummet over night. These skyrocketing oil prices are coming right in time for the midterms.
Yes, I know. The barrage of lies was created for the purpose of trying to play down America's dependence on ME oil, to dodge accusations on the reason for ME wars being for oil.

So many became completely convinced on the alternate reason being America's wars on Iraq as solely for the benefit of Iraq's fall *cabbage crop.

*also turnips
Did you have a point of some kind, moron?
Lol, if Biden went back to Trump's policies gas prices would plummet over night. These skyrocketing oil prices are coming right in time for the midterms.
I don't see how that will help Biden. Biden's agenda only earns the votes of the radical progs. Biden forgot whose vote he needs to win elections.
It's amusing to watch the Left claim that high energy prices isn't something that the Biden Administration and liberal Democrats GAVE to the American people! They did it deliberately but now they're scared to death that what they did will get them kicked out of power in Washington so they're spinning their asses off trying to blame high prices on everything else BUT them!
The US has been oil dependent since at least 1960. Our industry imports oil from all over the world. Canada is currently our number dealer.
You mean imported oil dependent. Our economy has run an oil since the 1880s, dumbass.
Why should oil companies make huge profits off of public lands?
So we can have oil to fuel our economy, you fucking dumbass.

Do you really think they will give us a break on the price of gas if we let them drill on our lands?

Corporations are in business to make a profit. No profit, no gasoline, jet fuel, natural gas or electric power.
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Make no mistake about it, Kiddies! If Democrats DON'T lose their majorities in the mid-terms then they'll go right back to the same policies that drove the price of gas and fuel oil up! They're pretending they care now about lower prices but they really don't. These are the same folks that saw $6 a gallon gas as something that would make the Green New Deal viable. If we don't vote them out they'll go right back to jacking those prices up again until the next election.

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