Biden Harris dumb and dumber billboard goes viral….but, but, but….81 million votes.

In Michigan, for example, there was a difference of just 7,131 votes between Trump and GOP candidate John James, yet the difference between Joe Biden and Democratic candidate Gary Peters was a staggering 69,093.

Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?

Via ZeroHedge In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candi…
Because many Independents and even some Republicans voted for the Republican candidate for Senate but voted against Trump for president. You'd know this if only you had a brain.

Maybe, but he's still president and [thank G-d] Trump is not.

So are you dumb or dumber for getting what you wanted, but losing what you had?

Pretty damned dumb either way. Especially, seeing how you people are too dumb to even realize what you had, and even dumber that you can't fathom what you got in exchange.
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Maybe, but he's still president and [thank G-d] Trump is not.

No, he's just the resident. His handlers don't let him do anything.
So are you dumb or dumber for getting what you wanted, but losing what you had?

Pretty damned dumb either way. Especially, seeing how you people are too dumb to even realize what you had, and even dumber that you can't fathom what you got in exchange.
Nope, I have more than I had. And what I got rid of was a lying psychopath who inspired our Capitol to be raided by his cult.
Even if your delusions were real, his "handlers" would be Liberals. Still better than what we had.

No, his handlers are fascists through and through.

Just like you.
Nope, I have more than I had. And what I got rid of was a lying psychopath who inspired our Capitol to be raided by his cult.

Quit lying. You have less, you're paying more for fuel and energy, you're paying more for groceries and necessities, you're less safe from crime, you're a lab rat for untested vccines, you'll most likely be wearing a mask the rest of your life, and you're fixing to get hit with a bigger tax bill in April.

Like I said, you're too dumb to even comprehend what you got in exchange.
Quit lying. You have less, you're paying more for fuel and energy, you're paying more for groceries and necessities, you're less safe from crime, and you're fixing to get hit with a bigger tax bill in April.

Like I said, you're too dumb to even comprehend what you got in exchange.

They believe what they are told. Biden has told them they are doing better and they believe it. They are perpetually hypnotized.
Only lemmings would belive that people dying from COVID was Trump’s fault. They bought the narrative that was sold to them by the MSM.
You must have turned a "lost weekend" into an entire year in 2020 while the rest of us watched Trump mimic a monkey fucking a football as he screwed up the pandemic response over & over again.
You must have turned a "lost weekend" into an entire year in 2020 while the rest of us watched Trump mimic a monkey fucking a football as he screwed up the pandemic response over & over again.

I saw and continue to see Fauci doing that on a daily basis. Trump should have fired him on day 1 of COVID. In fairness, he is covering his own butt since it has now come out that his department funded gain of function research which precipitated the entire debacle.
Quit lying. You have less, you're paying more for fuel and energy, you're paying more for groceries and necessities, you're less safe from crime, you're a lab rat for untested vccines, you'll most likely be wearing a mask the rest of your life, and you're fixing to get hit with a bigger tax bill in April.

Like I said, you're too dumb to even comprehend what you got in exchange.
All false. I work from home now so I spend less for gas. My electric bill is consistent with past bills. Groceries are more but Groceries always go up. Meanwhile, my company which froze merit increases and bonuses last year; has already announced due to revenue increases, both are back. My 401-K is higher this year than last. Same with my wife, her job and her 401-K.

If you're not doing better now, that's on you.
They believe what they are told. Biden has told them they are doing better and they believe it. They are perpetually hypnotized.

I don't need Biden for that. All I need to do is look at my own financial statements.
Or there was voter fraud.
If there was such voter fraud, you would have been able to prove it by now. You've had 13 months and some of the greatest minds on the right and you're still no closer now than you were in November, 2020.


I don't need Biden for that. All I need to do is look at my own financial statements.

Did you check your statements pre-COVID when Trump was President? Maybe you forgot. The stock market is going up DESPITE Biden's policies, not because of them. If Trump was still president, the markets would be absolutely soaring and we wouldn't have the labor shortage or the long-term(yeah, it isn't transitory) inflation problems.
I saw and continue to see Fauci doing that on a daily basis. Trump should have fired him on day 1 of COVID. In fairness, he is covering his own butt since it has now come out that his department funded gain of function research which precipitated the entire debacle.
Rather bizarre with all that's come out, you still fell for the lie that the NIH funded GoF research in Wuhan.
Rather bizarre with all that's come out, you still fell for the lie that the NIH funded GoF research in Wuhan.

No, what is more astonishing is you pushing the lie they didn't when THEY admit they did.

That's becauae you are stupid


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