Biden/Harris- from prime time to the Gong Show.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
It is becoming clear that after America’s last dubious presidential election the country has gone from prime time to the Gong Show. Only no one is gonging the participants.

WATCH: Visibly Confused, Tired-Looking Joe Biden Mixes Up Libya, Syria Three Times In Speech On Russia - Geller Report News

Seven excruciating seconds as Biden is stumped

Kamala Harris snaps at Univision anchor while pressed on when she'll visit border: 'I'm not finished'

Guatemala protesters tell Kamala Harris 'Trump won' (

It is sadly obvious that America is in real trouble and the number one and number two acts are being roundly rejected and mocked on the world stage. Washington got what it wanted and Americans may soon get what they deserve.
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It is sadly obvious that America is in real trouble and the number one and number two acts are being roundly rejected and mocked on the world stage. Washington got what it wanted and Americans may soon get what they deserve.
American's don't "deserve" those two shysters. They were CHEATED in. Americans voted in historic numbers for Trump, who actually won the election.

What Americans do "deserve" is for the pair of cheated in shysters to be kicked to the freakin' curb... and there's a real good chance that will happen. It's becoming more and more obvious by the DAY that Sniff 'n Suck are NOT up to the job, and leaving them in power for another 3 1/2 years isn't a good idea. America is sinking fast.
It is becoming clear that after America’s last dubious presidential election the country has gone from prime time to the Gong Show. Only no one is gonging the participants.

WATCH: Visibly Confused, Tired-Looking Joe Biden Mixes Up Libya, Syria Three Times In Speech On Russia - Geller Report News

Seven excruciating seconds as Biden is stumped


Kamala Harris snaps at Univision anchor while pressed on when she'll visit border: 'I'm not finished'

Guatemala protesters tell Kamala Harris 'Trump won' (

It is sadly obvious that America is in real trouble and the number one and number two acts are being roundly rejected and mocked on the world stage. Washington got what it wanted and Americans may soon get what they deserve.
Actually I'm enjoying every single minute of this now. I feel bad for the conservs who have to live under these 3rd world conditions.

They should smash their Biden voting, Obama cum sucking libturd neighbors square in the nose

They had to cheat their asses off just to get this.....................lolololol
Geller's at it again. Don't blame me, I voted for Biden.

Better than tramp lies.
It's a bit upsetting that people this stupid are allowed to vote.
I proudly voted for Biden, instead of tramp's lies and rambling on about nothing.
I get it. That's why you're too stupid to vote.
It's something about how these people's brains are wired. They think in reverse.

Everything that is wrong is right, and everything that is right is wrong to them.

Mental dyslexia. Leftism is a mental disorder. They are regressives.
It is becoming clear that after America’s last dubious presidential election the country has gone from prime time to the Gong Show. Only no one is gonging the participants.

WATCH: Visibly Confused, Tired-Looking Joe Biden Mixes Up Libya, Syria Three Times In Speech On Russia - Geller Report News

Seven excruciating seconds as Biden is stumped

Kamala Harris snaps at Univision anchor while pressed on when she'll visit border: 'I'm not finished'

Guatemala protesters tell Kamala Harris 'Trump won' (

It is sadly obvious that America is in real trouble and the number one and number two acts are being roundly rejected and mocked on the world stage. Washington got what it wanted and Americans may soon get what they deserve.
It worse than that...they are planning on attacking Syria again and taking out the alawit muslims (who usually protect christians, alawits, and others from the terrorists including the sauds)............Obama was making up shit about Syria to try to get us into an official war and was funding/arming terrorists to take them he did with Libya. This means that Biden is again going to attack under some false guise which will like Obama lead to massive Syrian refugees flooding Europe. Greed is a horrible thing and the puppet masters bribing biden want Syria.
It is becoming clear that after America’s last dubious presidential election the country has gone from prime time to the Gong Show. Only no one is gonging the participants.

WATCH: Visibly Confused, Tired-Looking Joe Biden Mixes Up Libya, Syria Three Times In Speech On Russia - Geller Report News

Seven excruciating seconds as Biden is stumped

Kamala Harris snaps at Univision anchor while pressed on when she'll visit border: 'I'm not finished'

Guatemala protesters tell Kamala Harris 'Trump won' (

It is sadly obvious that America is in real trouble and the number one and number two acts are being roundly rejected and mocked on the world stage. Washington got what it wanted and Americans may soon get what they deserve.

who is the angel with the HORN -----I mean a brass type instrument?---there is a gospel
song which describes the horn blower. Way back in the day----there were horns (I am not
sure they were brass-----and there were CYMBALS. Gongs are also an ancient instrument.
Maybe the DALI LAMA can roll one down the hill and gong kamala to nirvana
It is becoming clear that after America’s last dubious presidential election the country has gone from prime time to the Gong Show. Only no one is gonging the participants.

WATCH: Visibly Confused, Tired-Looking Joe Biden Mixes Up Libya, Syria Three Times In Speech On Russia - Geller Report News

Seven excruciating seconds as Biden is stumped

Kamala Harris snaps at Univision anchor while pressed on when she'll visit border: 'I'm not finished'

Guatemala protesters tell Kamala Harris 'Trump won' (

It is sadly obvious that America is in real trouble and the number one and number two acts are being roundly rejected and mocked on the world stage. Washington got what it wanted and Americans may soon get what they deserve.
It worse than that...they are planning on attacking Syria again and taking out the alawit muslims (who usually protect christians, alawits, and others from the terrorists including the sauds)............Obama was making up shit about Syria to try to get us into an official war and was funding/arming terrorists to take them he did with Libya. This means that Biden is again going to attack under some false guise which will like Obama lead to massive Syrian refugees flooding Europe. Greed is a horrible thing and the puppet masters bribing biden want Syria.

???? who is planning to attack Syria "AGAIN"? It is news to me that "alawites" "protect"
christians despite the fact that some in the USA claim they support assad------keep in mind---
HE KNOWS WHERE THEIR FAMILIES LIVE. Way back a Haitian explained to me why he
NEVER SAID A NEGATIVE WORD ABOUT PAPA DOC. (it was a very confidential conversation and so long ago.......)
Geller's at it again. Don't blame me, I voted for Biden.

Better than tramp lies.
It's a bit upsetting that people this stupid are allowed to vote.
I proudly voted for Biden, instead of tramp's lies and rambling on about nothing.
What a load of horse shit. Trump was a great POTUS and you voted for a stuttering fuck who's made a mess of America.

Hell I've spoken to several people who voted for Biden and are regretting that vote big time. Once they got a load of what he was doing they were aghast that they voted for his incompetent ass.

Carry on dumbass.

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