Biden Has a Healthy Lead in All Swing States

My guess is Joe will have us in a big war in a matter of months.

It won't be with China.......Biden loves China (probably a lot more than he cares for America_)
China has made a lot of Democrats very wealthy. I think most democrats love China for that reason.

How many US Research scientists at leftist Universities have been nabbed for sending US secrets to China now?

Trump didn't sign TPP , the single biggest gift to China from any President and then asked them for help for re-election...

You are having a laugh....
My guess is Joe will have us in a big war in a matter of months.

It won't be with China.......Biden loves China (probably a lot more than he cares for America_)
China has made a lot of Democrats very wealthy. I think most democrats love China for that reason.

How many US Research scientists at leftist Universities have been nabbed for sending US secrets to China now?

Trump didn't sign TPP , the single biggest gift to China from any President and then asked them for help for re-election...

You are having a laugh....
obama didn't have the authority to sign it without congressional approval
Nothing healthy about Crazy Joe.

And that goes to show you just how badly people view Trump right now, that they are willing to take this addled old fart in his place.

My guess is Joe will have us in a big war in a matter of months.

But haven't ye already said he would be dead by then...

No I haven’t but no doubt someone else here has that you have confused me with
The election continues to slip away from Trump. There is simply no leadership from his administration and America sees it.

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Dumbass your poll is fake because North Carolina is not a swing state that fact kills the rest
Yes it is, ya moron.
No, it's not for President North Carolina has voted three times for a democrat since Ronald Reagan
until 2010 North Carolina general assembly was controlled by democrats for 140 years then we said enough of the bullshit
Cooper is done
Obama won there and mitt and donnie both got less than 50% of the vote. The democrats won the popular vote in north carolina in 2018.

Yes, it's a battleground state. Yes, democrats are trying to win it in 2020.
The election continues to slip away from Trump. There is simply no leadership from his administration and America sees it.

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I dont know what will happen in november and neither do you

in the meantime I will just keep moving forward and support trump till the last dog dies

No one can predict the future, however, we can make judgement of what has happened, and one thing is obvious, DJ thug has made a mess of our country, a guy that was not elected by popular vote, ridiculed by his own close advisors, mocked all over the world, will go down in history as only potus never elected to any position, actually never even had a real job...

These bullshit polls are to encourage Dimocrats in the face of obvious weakness in their brain damaged loser candidate Biden.

Biden has much weaker support among blacks and Hispanics than even Hillary had.

Biden has the Ukraine Hunter scandal going against him.

Biden has alienated gun owners with his pledge to put Bedo O'Rourke in charge of his gun program, openly stating he is coming for our guns.

Biden has already said he will raise our taxes.

Biden has gone further to the left than any prior Dimocratic candidate to include McGovern.

Biden has lost multiple primaries until the Dim Establishment told everyone to bail out and solidify behind Biden.

Biden has always been weak in Midwestern states.

Biden's only accomplishments in regards to blacks were anti-black crime bills from decades ago. He has been in office for 50+ years but for some reason NOW he is really going to fix everything?

Biden is on the side of the Chicoms, a nation that is very unpopular right now among Americans, and his family has taken over $4 BILLION in bribes from them.

But despite all this, some believe some bullshit polls saying Biden is 14 points ahead of Trump who has given us the best economy in our nations historyu, who has already shown a determination to revive the economy and the DJIA shows investers confidence in h im to make it so as the markets have not only recovered, some have hit new highs recently.

Trump is going to get a Nixon 72 lift from the Dimocrats demonstrated inability to face down Marxist insurgents in BLM and ANTIFA, but Biden somehow looks better?

Get real. These polls are just m ore Media anti-Trump bullshit and anyone one with a functioning brain cells should realize it.

Trump supporters are LYING to the pollsters like I do, or are being shamed into saying they support Biden. One third of voters wont even dig into the positons and platforms of the candidates untill about two weeks ahead of the vote.

Trump should be toast, but for the incompetence and corruption of the D Party. They picked the one guy Trump might be able to beat.
Its outdone only by considering '16, when Hillary was coronated despite being the one candidate Trump stood a chance against.

In '16, Hillary's proved her undoing. This time around, it would seem Joe's inability to use his will prove same.

If this were a movie, everyone would claim it too far fetched.
and one thing is obvious, DJ thug has made a mess of our country,

trump has done nothing to harm this country

He has been the victim of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the democratic process

and it will taint this country for the rest of our history, however short that may be

He has said plenty lately to harm the country.

He (or his brilliant/lucky team) correctly identified a drastic shift in public opinion of government. Its like when management polls employees and finds themselves cited as cause of xyz real problems, and then writes off the cause as employee attitude issues. Frequently, this fractures relations further, and typically are accompanied with much stricter enforcement of whatever objection items raised, further deteriorating trust to outright villification of each group by the other.

That's where we are. Families are literally fracturing over politics. People can't talk without resorting to loaded presumptive narratives along strict personal moral grounds.

Trump's team saw the opportunity and pounced. I don't think they understood just how dirty things go in DC, because they were pathetically unready to take office once elected.

How that clown still blathers on twitter is proof he is either surrounded by yes men, or simply ignoring advisors.

You'd think his fucking absurd diction and bullshit would be ironed out by decent speech writing. Fuck me. "The greatest, let me tell you folks. It really is fantastic."

The only "greatest" thing Cheeto Jesus has first hand knowledge about is running a casino into the fucking ground. That actually is a rather select group. Casino's are notoriously profitable.

Now? He's too stupid to think for himself, and in way over his head. Naturally he's taken the safe, party line while failing to see how doing so without his typical bloviating would be necessary to keep the safe choice, safe. His lack of nuance is dangerous not only globally, but domestically as well.

Thats still all better than Pelosi effectively performing after Empty Joe steps down/strokes out.
That's where we are. Families are literally fracturing over politics. People can't talk without resorting to loaded presumptive narratives along strict personal moral grounds.
Yes they sre

because libs think they deserve whatever they want and throw temper tantrums if they dont get it

you lost the election

that crooked old bitch let you down

but instead of being mad at her you hate trump

libs are truly pathetic
and one thing is obvious, DJ thug has made a mess of our country,

trump has done nothing to harm this country

He has been the victim of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the democratic process

and it will taint this country for the rest of our history, however short that may be

There it is "THE DEEP STATE ". You just can't make this shit up!
and one thing is obvious, DJ thug has made a mess of our country,

trump has done nothing to harm this country

He has been the victim of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the democratic process

and it will taint this country for the rest of our history, however short that may be

There it is "THE DEEP STATE ". You just can't make this shit up!
You think it doesn’t exist. LMFAO!

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