Biden Has a Healthy Lead in All Swing States

Biden now has leads in Texas and Georgia within the margin of error and a big lead in Florida.

i remember a lead of hillary vs trump in south carolina. I think i even posted it because it was so outrageous.

Yep, I'm sure Hillary remembers that too. Not to worry though, Biden won't remember a thing.

LOL, Trump can't remember his lies and his efforts to mislead the public, especially when it ended up killing so many.

You must be getting Trump confused with Cuomo. You may have some of that Biden dementia going on.
Biden now has leads in Texas and Georgia within the margin of error and a big lead in Florida.

i remember a lead of hillary vs trump in south carolina. I think i even posted it because it was so outrageous.

Yep, I'm sure Hillary remembers that too. Not to worry though, Biden won't remember a thing.

LOL, Trump can't remember his lies and his efforts to mislead the public, especially when it ended up killing so many.

You must be getting Trump confused with Cuomo. You may have some of that Biden dementia going on.

Your nom de plume is laughable, you've never once posted anything original.
Biden now has leads in Texas and Georgia within the margin of error and a big lead in Florida.

i remember a lead of hillary vs trump in south carolina. I think i even posted it because it was so outrageous.

Yep, I'm sure Hillary remembers that too. Not to worry though, Biden won't remember a thing.

LOL, Trump can't remember his lies and his efforts to mislead the public, especially when it ended up killing so many.

You must be getting Trump confused with Cuomo. You may have some of that Biden dementia going on.

Cuomo has gotten his state out of COVID

Trump is still making things worse
Biden now has leads in Texas and Georgia within the margin of error and a big lead in Florida.

i remember a lead of hillary vs trump in south carolina. I think i even posted it because it was so outrageous.

Yep, I'm sure Hillary remembers that too. Not to worry though, Biden won't remember a thing.

LOL, Trump can't remember his lies and his efforts to mislead the public, especially when it ended up killing so many.

You must be getting Trump confused with Cuomo. You may have some of that Biden dementia going on.

Your nom de plume is laughable, you've never once posted anything original.

Hmmm, so you've heard it before.
Biden now has leads in Texas and Georgia within the margin of error and a big lead in Florida.

i remember a lead of hillary vs trump in south carolina. I think i even posted it because it was so outrageous.

Yep, I'm sure Hillary remembers that too. Not to worry though, Biden won't remember a thing.

LOL, Trump can't remember his lies and his efforts to mislead the public, especially when it ended up killing so many.

You must be getting Trump confused with Cuomo. You may have some of that Biden dementia going on.

Cuomo has gotten his state out of COVID

Trump is still making things worse

Sure, kill off the old folks and have thousands move out of state....quite the plan.
Biden now has leads in Texas and Georgia within the margin of error and a big lead in Florida.

i remember a lead of hillary vs trump in south carolina. I think i even posted it because it was so outrageous.

Yep, I'm sure Hillary remembers that too. Not to worry though, Biden won't remember a thing.

LOL, Trump can't remember his lies and his efforts to mislead the public, especially when it ended up killing so many.

You must be getting Trump confused with Cuomo. You may have some of that Biden dementia going on.

Cuomo has gotten his state out of COVID

Trump is still making things worse

Sure, kill off the old folks and have thousands move out of state....quite the plan.

Trump is holding rallies to try to kill off his supporters

Come on MAGAs, get closer
Masks do not make America great
and one thing is obvious, DJ thug has made a mess of our country,

trump has done nothing to harm this country

He has been the victim of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the democratic process

and it will taint this country for the rest of our history, however short that may be

There it is "THE DEEP STATE ". You just can't make this shit up!
You think it doesn’t exist. LMFAO!

Only because it doesn't.
Ever heard of a guy named Eisenhower? He warned about it a long time ago. Look it up and don’t get back to me.

Doesn't make anymore so than Alex Jones saying it.

So predictable. You clearly get all your news and beliefs from MSNBC.

Alex Jones, Qanon, Breitbart and Info Wars. Try again.
LOL. I’ve never consumed any of that shit, but I know you love and believe everything from MSNBC and CNN.

No I just told ewe what I listen to/read.

Oh ya and OAN!!!!

Biden now has leads in Texas and Georgia within the margin of error and a big lead in Florida.

i remember a lead of hillary vs trump in south carolina. I think i even posted it because it was so outrageous.

Yep, I'm sure Hillary remembers that too. Not to worry though, Biden won't remember a thing.

LOL, Trump can't remember his lies and his efforts to mislead the public, especially when it ended up killing so many.

You must be getting Trump confused with Cuomo. You may have some of that Biden dementia going on.

Cuomo has gotten his state out of COVID

Trump is still making things worse

Sure, kill off the old folks and have thousands move out of state....quite the plan.

Trump is holding rallies to try to kill off his supporters

Come on MAGAs, get closer
Masks do not make America great

Sure, move that goalpost....dumbass.
Biden now has leads in Texas and Georgia within the margin of error and a big lead in Florida.

i remember a lead of hillary vs trump in south carolina. I think i even posted it because it was so outrageous.

Yep, I'm sure Hillary remembers that too. Not to worry though, Biden won't remember a thing.

LOL, Trump can't remember his lies and his efforts to mislead the public, especially when it ended up killing so many.

In the past week I've talked with republican friends and we've come to the conclusion it seems trump is actually trying to throw the election. His rallies are to boost his ego and for show alone but he has pushed aside what the majority of people actually care about at this time. Something to think about.
The election continues to slip away from Trump. There is simply no leadership from his administration and America sees it.

View attachment 354921

There is still four months.......Time to reverse the free fall

But Trump can’t conduct business as usual. He has taken a beating, and rightfully so.
His leadership during COVID has been dismal
He has been callous and divisive during the BLM protests.

He needs to do something to stop the bleeding
I agree with you for maybe the first time in ten years.

Dumb Don had a golden opportunity to exhibit leadership. He should have made sure CARES Act helped the poor and middle class rather the the rich. He should have pushed Medicare for all too. Then with Floyde’s murder, he should have demanded cops change their ways and fixed the police brutality problem.

He’d have won re-election in a landslide over Sniffy.
Pushed Medicare for All? How quickly would that have become Medicare for None? A matter of months until we went broke!

We are in the middle of the worst epidemic in a century. Trump is attempting to revoke Obamacare while 2 million people are falling ill.
I understand he is incapable of coming up with a better option than Obamacare, but to cancel coverage for millions who are out of work is insane

That probably won't happen until after the election but it didn't help his case by saying this during a pandemic. Obamacare is also very popular with most real republicans.

Let Trump run for re election with the cloud of him repealing healthcare coverage during a pandemic

I'm convinced he really doesn't want to win.
Biden now has leads in Texas and Georgia within the margin of error and a big lead in Florida.

i remember a lead of hillary vs trump in south carolina. I think i even posted it because it was so outrageous.

Yep, I'm sure Hillary remembers that too. Not to worry though, Biden won't remember a thing.

LOL, Trump can't remember his lies and his efforts to mislead the public, especially when it ended up killing so many.

You must be getting Trump confused with Cuomo. You may have some of that Biden dementia going on.

Cuomo has gotten his state out of COVID

Trump is still making things worse

New York deaths by day:

Data for this Date Range
June 26, 202014.00
June 25, 202018.00
June 24, 202016.00
June 23, 202027.00
June 22, 202014.00
June 21, 202015.00
June 20, 202024.00
June 19, 202025.00
June 18, 202032.00
June 17, 202021.00
June 16, 202029.00
June 15, 202028.00
June 14, 202024.00
June 13, 202032.00
June 12, 202053.00
June 11, 202038.00
June 10, 202056.00
June 9, 202049.00
June 8, 202040.00
June 7, 202047.00
June 6, 202037.00
June 5, 202042.00
June 4, 202054.00
June 3, 202056.00
June 2, 202064.00
June 1, 202054.00
May 31, 202057.00
May 30, 202068.00
May 29, 202058.00
May 28, 202079.00
May 27, 202079.00
May 26, 202076.00
May 25, 202097.00
May 24, 2020109.00
May 23, 202087.00
May 22, 2020112.00
May 21, 2020107.00
May 20, 2020133.00
May 19, 2020114.00
May 18, 2020110.00
May 17, 2020141.00
May 16, 2020174.00
May 15, 2020134.00
May 14, 2020157.00
May 13, 2020168.00
May 12, 2020205.00
May 11, 2020162.00
May 10, 2020207.00
May 9, 2020226.00
May 8, 2020217.0

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