Biden Has Downgraded US Debt

You idiots think you can elect fucking morons to Congress who want to burn everything down and it won’t have consequences.

Grow up.

fiscal and political instability.

You probably never had credit - but if you had you would know that when your debt goes up your credit rating goes down. Especially when it skyrockets while also digitizing billions of dollars.
The fiscal part is not a mystery.

The man in the White House, was installed under dubious, at best, circumstances and fully half the country believes that there was enough fraud to raise serious questions.
The current administration has weaponized the DOJ to attack and control the White House Occupants political rivals and the same occupant is seriously close to facing impeachment and criminal charges.
Dang, the political instability is no mystery, either.

If it was any country but the USA - the rating would have fallen much farther.
fiscal and political instability.
That’s exactly what Republicans have been doing by constantly blocking debt ceiling limits and shutting down the government and pretending like it’s no big deal.

We told you morons it was a big deal and you didn’t believe us.
Which is not the fault of a single person or a single party. It is a group effort that has been going on for years.

Good point. Three parties could bankrupt the country much faster than two.

Let's get this party started. :banana:
Hell of a country we live in. Biden and the Democrats have added so much onto our national debt that the US debt has been downgraded. People can't afford gas or groceries or rents or homes. Evictions are at an all time high. Foreclosures are at an all time high. Auto loan delinquencies are at an all time high, credit card debt is at an all time high, withdraws from retirement accounts are at an all time high, and people can't afford to make payments on their student loans. We are on the brink of a nuclear WWIII, North Korea is after us, Iran is after us, and 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track.

Oh, and Biden & Co are out there on a tour right now telling us all how great things are.

The House controls the purse strings.
Good point. Three parties could bankrupt the country much faster than two.

Let's get this party started. :banana:

When you have two parties that spend like drunken sailor on shore leave, it seems a 3rd one that is actually fiscally responsible might not be a bad thing.
Trump is equally culpable for blame. He wanted more money. He never submitted a balanced budget.

Since Bush, we have been on the slipper budget road.
When you have two parties that spend like drunken sailor on shore leave, it seems a 3rd one that is actually fiscally responsible might not be a bad thing.

"Fiscal responsible" is just something unknown losers say to try to get elected. You haven't figured that out yet?
"Fiscal responsible" is just something unknown losers say to try to get elected. You haven't figured that out yet?

True, people like you just do not care about spending and the debt so you vote accordingly. All that matters is that your beloved party has power and you can control those around you.
True, people like you just do not care about spending and the debt so you vote accordingly. All that matters is that your beloved party has power and you can control those around you.

Marxism needs to be controlled so it doesn't metastasize.
Marxism needs to be controlled so it doesn't metastasize.

It is good that you are so open and proud of being a Big Govt authoritarian.

Most try to hide it, but you brag about it.

Refreshing to see
It is good that you are so open and proud of being a Big Govt authoritarian.

Most try to hide it, but you brag about it.

Refreshing to see

Authoritarianism can only be squashed with greater authoritarianism. I'll take fascism any day over communism.
Hell of a country we live in. Biden and the Democrats have added so much onto our national debt that the US debt has been downgraded. People can't afford gas or groceries or rents or homes. Evictions are at an all time high. Foreclosures are at an all time high. Auto loan delinquencies are at an all time high, credit card debt is at an all time high, withdraws from retirement accounts are at an all time high, and people can't afford to make payments on their student loans. We are on the brink of a nuclear WWIII, North Korea is after us, Iran is after us, and 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track.

Oh, and Biden & Co are out there on a tour right now telling us all how great things are.

It is good that you are so open and proud of being a Big Govt authoritarian.

Most try to hide it, but you brag about it.

Refreshing to see

Trump calls everyone he doesn't like Marxist, Communist, Socialist so the dumbasses do too.

Of course you will.

I will take liberty over either. But you do not like that option

All you're doing is giving the Marxists the liberty to take away your liberty.

Go play Kumbaya with them all you wnat to. Sit around the campfire with them and roast marshmallows, I don't care.

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