Biden has more S&P records than Trump. Trump also had 3 million fewer jobs than when he started

Biden’s economic results speak for themselves.

Yes, they do

As usual democrats have better economies and we are reminded just how useless and pathetic Trump was as a president. He marked the worst presidential job record since the Great Depression


You can put a dress on your pig but it's still just a pig. Most of the world had a lot of job losses due to covid lockdowns. It was beyond trumps control because he was in office when it all started. It wasn't due to his policies or what not because up until covid hit the world jobs were up, gas was cheap, more trucks were on the road and everything was looking pretty good.

But trying to say how bad Trump is because a world wide pandemic hit during his presidency is like a McDonald's burning down and saying how terrible the manager is because he had to temporarily lay off workers while it was being rebuilt.

But I get it, you only care about for some reason, always trying to make trump look bad and will lie, mislead, and in this case overlook basic facts to do so. You're only mission in life is to unreasonably hate a man and spend all you're free time desperately trying to bash him and waste your life.
Lol. The big short. A movie talking about how finance bros destroyed the economy. Were you in it?

I’m still waiting to hear if my market gains are good or bad.
Depends on whether you want to sell now. Good for my parents but bad for me. Why? Do you need me to explain further?
Say Billy, concerning your OP which states Democrack's are more fit to run the economy of which post 48 clearly demonstrates is wrong, when can we expect you to take it back, and can we expect you to shut that narrative off going forward?

Drop your balls already.
It happened under Trump, dumbass. Biden and all the other Dims said it was impossible to get done in less than 18 months.
Are you talking about Trumps vaccine, with tens of thousand of VAERS deaths and hundreds of thousands of VAERS injuries.
As usual democrats have better economies and we are reminded just how useless and pathetic Trump was as a president. He marked the worst presidential job record since the Great Depression

That won't change political perception. I know you're desperate to frame the picture favorably, but TRUMP! is and will be associated with good economic times and Quid Pro Joe with bad. That's the perception, and in politics perception is reality.
Say Billy, when you're finished ignoring post #88, try this on, it's a little easier.

The reason jobs were lost in 2020 is because.........................??
Your investments arent growing?
They are but because the prices are high I am buying fewer shares and I am not retiring for 30 yrs. So for me the lower the better so I can dollar cost average. For my parents it’s better for them to be higher as they are cashing out now. The bigger key is a strong and sustainable economy. Biden has failed there thus far.

Maybe you should listen to Bill Maher and learn something

Listen to the crowed when he states white people suck is not a good campaign slogan. Barely any reaction.

Because the majority of his audience actually believe such.

I may disagree with much of Maher's positions but he is very intelligent and very funny IMHO.
I love how you cherry pick this and just ignore the content of my post lol. No one said Biden’s economy was perfect. It helps to be objective.

If I'm cherry picking then I guess so is the rest of America, right, Sphincter Boy?

Say Billy, concerning your OP which states Democrack's are more fit to run the economy of which post 48 clearly demonstrates is wrong, when can we expect you to take it back, and can we expect you to shut that narrative off going forward?

Drop your balls already.
I’m really not sure what your data is supposed to show. I see plenty of bad poverty rates under republican presidents lol
Whatever that means. COVID was in the US and got out of control on his watch. He did jack shit.

And Biden has more Covid deaths on his hands than Trump did and Biden has 3 vaccines at his disposal.

Fuck Joe Biden.

And any offsets of earnings in the stock market are killed by Bidenflation.

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