Biden has more S&P records than Trump. Trump also had 3 million fewer jobs than when he started

I’m really not sure what your data is supposed to show. I see plenty of bad poverty rates under republican presidents lol

No Billy, drop your balls and study it. If you have an operable brain, the data clearly shows the PROG-narration that Democrack's are best suited for the economy is opposite day.

I'll give you a hint. You can see what the data categories are by reading the first row. Those are called header row titles. Underneath those are the data.
Biden’s economic results speak for themselves.
yes they do:


Are you talking about Trumps vaccine, with tens of thousand of VAERS deaths and hundreds of thousands of VAERS injuries.
You mean the vaccine that Biden has been bragging about for 9 months?
No Billy, drop your balls and study it. If you have an operable brain, the data clearly shows the PROG-narration that Democrack's are best suited for the economy is opposite day.
Right but even it was true job growth is still better under democratic Presidents.
They are but because the prices are high I am buying fewer shares and I am not retiring for 30 yrs. So for me the lower the better so I can dollar cost average. For my parents it’s better for them to be higher as they are cashing out now. The bigger key is a strong and sustainable economy. Biden has failed there thus far.
It took a democrat being elected for a Trump supporter to declare that market gains are bad for people.

That’s not what they said under Trump.
No Billy, drop your balls and study it. If you have an operable brain, the data clearly shows the PROG-narration that Democrack's are best suited for the economy is opposite day.

I'll give you a hint. You can see what the data categories are by reading the first row. Those are called header row titles. Underneath those are the data.
Actually many metrics are better under democrats:

You mean the vaccine that Biden has been bragging about for 9 months?
The vaccine that Trump effectively deregulated under warp speed to get it developed so fast. And now there are tens to hundreds of thousands of VAERS reported deaths and injuries.
Deregulation kills.
It took a democrat being elected for a Trump supporter to declare that market gains are bad for people.

That’s not what they said under Trump.

Speaking for myself, the market showed it's head when it recovered so quickly on Trump's watch despite the pandemic, and despite so many businesses shutting down. That told me how much involves world economy of conglomerates. Additionally, the market has reacted to inflation.

It doesn't strike me as sustainable at all, but there's far more to it than I understand. I see world finance as a fabrication. In the meantime we're 29T in debt and climbing fast as a MFer.
Whatever that means. COVID was in the US and got out of control on his watch. He did jack shit.
Well he did manage to produce covid vaccines in record time.
I guess that's "jack shit" to someone as stupid and biased as you.

By the way, it's not necessary to put your IQ level as part of your avatar ID.

We all realize you aren't smart at all.
As usual democrats have better economies and we are reminded just how useless and pathetic Trump was as a president. He marked the worst presidential job record since the Great Depression

Um Biden has not even come close to employing the number of people Trump employed in 2019. He's still down nearly five million. He could have easily surpassed it already, if he had decent policies. There are like 10M jobs available currently.

Here is civilian sector employment from the BLS:


Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 11/6/2021

It's really pathetic job performance.
It took a democrat being elected for a Trump supporter to declare that market gains are bad for people.

That’s not what they said under Trump.

The same thing happened when it came to confirming supreme court justices in an election year.
Um Biden has not even come close to employing the number of people Trump employed in 2019.
Why are you using 2019, and not the numbers from 2020 where Trump left the economy.

You're like a baseball player talking about what a great first half of the season he had, before ending up in the basement.
Um Biden has not even come close to employing the number of people Trump employed in 2019. He's still down nearly five million. He could have easily surpassed it already, if he had decent policies. There are like 10M jobs available currently.

Here is civilian sector employment from the BLS:


Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 11/6/2021

It's really pathetic job performance.
Lol um okay but 3 million jobs were still gone by the time Trump left.
In the meantime we're 29T in debt and climbing fast as a MFer.
Ain't that the truth! Joe Biden's version of daddy Obama's 2009 Recovery and Reinvestment Act
will push our debt even higher (all the while pretending trillions of dollars of debt
for a partisan pork-fest won't cost us a thing :icon_rolleyes:).

Some people remember what a dud the "shovel ready jobs" scam was. And now King Barry has Joe
pulling the old trick again. Ridiculous!

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