Biden has to ‘pretend’ he’s going to run in 2024 until the Democrats find a replacement

Political commentator Jesse Kelly says the Joe Biden “has got to pretend” he’s going to run in 2024 until the Democrats can “scrape someone off the sidewalk” to replace him.

Scrape off the sidewalk?

Word has it that there is a lot of available material on the streets of San Francisco.
Scrape off the sidewalk?

Word has it that there is a lot of available material on the streets of San Francisco.
I don't know how the Democrats get away from running Kamala if Joe drops out...she obviously thinks she's next up in line and isn't going to go away quietly! I can hear the accusations of "racism" and "sexism" ringing out now if the DNC tries to go with someone like Mayor Pete!
I don't know how the Democrats get away from running Kamala if Joe drops out...she obviously thinks she's next up in line and isn't going to go away quietly! I can hear the accusations of "racism" and "sexism" ringing out now if the DNC tries to go with someone like Mayor Pete!

Sure. But Petey will counter with claims of Homophobia and Transphobia. Unless Kamala reveals she was actually born a man, she will have a hard row to hoe.
I don't know how the Democrats get away from running Kamala if Joe drops out...she obviously thinks she's next up in line and isn't going to go away quietly! I can hear the accusations of "racism" and "sexism" ringing out now if the DNC tries to go with someone like Mayor Pete!
If Pete is able to receive sex reassignment surgery, he might be close to qualifying for the Democrats. If, in addition to that, if he can manage to become disabled -- oops, where are my manners -- "differently abled", I think the combination of the two might put him over the top.
Political commentator Jesse Kelly says the Joe Biden “has got to pretend” he’s going to run in 2024 until the Democrats can “scrape someone off the sidewalk” to replace him.

“The president has a very unpopular vice president which is odd, because she has no responsibilities whatsoever and yet she’s still found a way to be hated,” he told Sky News host Rita Panahi

“And the other young Democrat they’ve been grooming for higher office is Pete Buttigieg and he’s not going to make it for a variety of reasons either.

“And so they’re looking around right now and panicking because they’re thinking if they run against a tomato in 2024 they’re not going to have power anymore.”

“Scrape someone off the sidewalk“ I don’t think that could of been put any better. The Democratic Party is going down the toilet FAST. The difference neither side could say that during Trumps term, that could only hate him. Hated him so much they had to steal an election
Who's left?. Kamala, Buttgig and the Clintons are goners, so they run Sanders and Abrams?
Gap-toothed Abrams could be very dangerous though she was not much help to Fast Terry. In fact in her "Souls to the Polls" push in the Tidewater region she only managed to get 325 souls to the polls that weekend.
Even if Brandon doesn't run for reelection, President Trump is still going to run against his record of sky high gasoline and crapping himself at the Vatican.

The D's might as well run him, why ruin someone else's prospects by saddling them with these atrocities?
Can you imagine the ADs Trumps team will have put together? Even if he Makes it to re run he will be embarrassed on a scale we have nor will we probably ever see again
President Biden has already shown himself to be a master deal maker. He has gotten bipartisan support for his agenda in a Congress where Dems have a slim majority.

All Trump managed to do in four years is destroy existing deals while falsely claiming he would negotiate something better. He failed
Oh yeah, he's a master deal maker, just ask France, or the Afghan government.
Oh yeah, he's a master deal maker, just ask France, or the Afghan government.
Biden made a submarine deal with UK and Australia. France got left out

Hate to remind you, but the “deal” with the Taliban was made by Trump without including the Afghan Government
Biden made a submarine deal with UK and Australia. France got left out

Hate to remind you, but the “deal” with the Taliban was made by Trump without including the Afghan Government
How many foreign countries pulled their ambassadors under Trump? How many embassies did Trump lose to foreign occupation? Your boy Biden is a disaster, the only thing to look forward to is knowing folks like you are going down with the ship.
Political commentator Jesse Kelly says the Joe Biden “has got to pretend” he’s going to run in 2024 until the Democrats can “scrape someone off the sidewalk” to replace him.

“The president has a very unpopular vice president which is odd, because she has no responsibilities whatsoever and yet she’s still found a way to be hated,” he told Sky News host Rita Panahi

“And the other young Democrat they’ve been grooming for higher office is Pete Buttigieg and he’s not going to make it for a variety of reasons either.

“And so they’re looking around right now and panicking because they’re thinking if they run against a tomato in 2024 they’re not going to have power anymore.”

Welcome to our latest member of the professional poster group on this board. Here less than a week and starting anti-democratic, fascist threads, lying about the Biden administration, at a furious clip. Joining Sleazy and Azog and a handful of other people posting at a rate that no one would a real job could ever achieve. All starting hate threads against Democrats based on lies and propaganda. And all people who aren't fooling anybody.
How many foreign countries pulled their ambassadors under Trump? How many embassies did Trump lose to foreign occupation? Your boy Biden is a disaster, the only thing to look forward to is knowing folks like you are going down with the ship.

Biden gave Australia a better deal (nuclear subs vs conventional) than France could meet
France got pissed off
Biden gave Australia a better deal (nuclear subs vs conventional) than France could meet
France got pissed off
France was upset because the idiot Biden administration kept it secret instead of treating France like an ally, with respect. Keep pretending Biden isn't a complete wreck, it's amusing. Just how far down the rabbit hole of abject failure are you folks going to follow Brandon?
Biden has already accomplished more than Trump did in four years
Trump used his two years of a Republican Congress to slash Corporate taxes and stack the Courts
He could have used the time to pass an infrastructure bill and reform healthcare

He had little interest in it

You believe that rightwinger?
Circulating on Twiitter
"There is talks that Kamala is going to be replaced. This feels like a planned agenda. Remove Kamala, insert Hillary, invoke the 25th amendment, and BAM!!! Hillary is the leader of the free world without getting one single vote."
Hillary's confirmation would never get through Congress.

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